Hello, I would like to announce my candidacy for the role of Manila PTL during the 2025.1 cycle. I have been serving as PTL to this amazing community for 5 cycles, and I would like to continue serving as PTL. Within these 5 cycles, a lot was accomplished and we have constantly been evolving our processes. There are several wins, such as consistently creating mentoring opportunities, landing several features every cycle and always aiming at having high quality deliverables, new drivers were introduced, documentation for new contributors was enhanced, the feature gap between the manila APIs and Manila UI started closing, new people joined the core team to help with the review pace. All of these things were once goals that now we see a lot of progress thanks to the tremendous team work of the Zorillas. However, there is always room for improvement, so for the next cycle, I would like to focus on: * Continue assisting to close the gap between the Manila APIs and Manila UI, as well as help getting traction to goals like OpenAPI and rootwrap->privsep migration. * Enhance our documentation and provide a great knowledge base to new contributors for a better learning curve. * Engaging contributors to assist in the completion of the integration of Manila with OpenStack SDK and Barbican. * Continue increasing the number of active reviewers through mentoring and creating more community engagement opportunities, such as: promoting hackatons, bug squashes and collaborative review sessions. Thank you for your consideration! Carlos da Silva IRC: carloss