Friends and Colleagues, I would like to submit my candidacy to serve as Ironic PTL for the 2023.2 cycle. The Antelope cycle was a learning experience for me, but we have achieved and are still achieving many of our goals. Some specific items I'm proud to have championed or accomplished include: - Unmaintained bugfix branches from the last several years have been cleaned up, making Ironic less of a burden on the commons. - Worked cross-project with members of the Nova team, working to make Ironic scale with Nova computes in a way more inline with how Nova expects their services to scale. - Performing soft influencer work to try and get Ironic more in the spotlight. These efforts included running semi-weekly streams where I did live OSS work, including at times working through issues with other Ironic contributors. I also have been active on socials doing what I can to share the word about the good stuff we're doing. Ironic continues to be a large part of the open source ecosystem, and I'm excited at the chance to lead for another cycle. Thanks, Jay Faulkner IRC: JayF