Greetings carbon based lifeforms! I am hereby announcing my candidacy and self nomination for the queens cycle ironic PTL position. For those of you that know me, I'm sure I've left an impression. For those that don't know me! Hi! I'm TheJulia. *waves hello* I've been working in the OpenStack community since the Juno cycle, and within the ironic project since the Kilo cycle. Prior to my time in the OpenStack community, I worked on many system large scale infrastructure systems and have spent far too many hours in cold data centers installing and re-configuring hardware than I would ever like to recollect. Perhaps that is why I feel passionate about Ironic, its community, and users. I know what the pain of deploying baremetal is like, and I wish to make it better. I have no specific agenda aside from wanting to try and peel back some of the bureaucracy and process that slows and hampers our work. My vision, my hope, is for the ironic community to continue to grow and to become more vibrant than ever. This doesn't mean we don't have neat/awesome/cool things to do, but neat technology comes secondary to community and its culture. Thanks! -Julia Kreger