I would like to submit my candidacy as PTL of OpenStack-Helm for the Train cycle. I've been lucky enough to be involved with OpenStack-Helm project since its' inception. From the project's early days as a PoC, through to seeing production deployments flourish, it has been an honor to work alongside the amazing contributors we have had. Collectively we have seen and enabled OpenStack-Helm to work in a multitude of configurations and scale from medium deployments running traditional workloads to 5G packet cores, with users ranging from academia, telco and enterprise, right through to home labs. Moving forward there is a huge amount we need to do within OpenStack-Helm, to capitalize on the work we have done and both increase and diversify our community presence. As PTL in support of the four opens, my primary goal for the "Train" cycle would be to grow the core review team, to accelerate our development cadence towards stable releases and improve the feedback we give to new contributors to the project. Regardless of the outcome, I'm excited to continue contributing to OpenStack-Helm. Regards, Pete Birley