Remove code that supports older version falcon

In the requierment.txt, falcon version is required to be greater than 1.0 ("falcon>=1.0"),
So remove code that supports older version falcon.

Change-Id: I803397a6b0f0269d1548718aa8826f0a73521405
This commit is contained in:
Cai Hui 2019-05-24 05:02:22 -04:00
parent 5f7843f7bb
commit f94229aead
2 changed files with 1 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -16,20 +16,14 @@ limitations under the License.
import sys
import falcon
from oslo_config import cfg
from paste import deploy
from paste import urlmap
import pkg_resources
from freezer_api.cmd import api
from freezer_api.common import config
# Define the minimum version of falcon at which we can use the "new" invocation
# style for middleware (aka v1), i.e. the "middleware" named argument for
# falcon.API.
FALCON_MINVERSION_MIDDLEWARE = pkg_resources.parse_version('0.2.0b1')
def root_app_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf):
@ -47,16 +41,7 @@ def root_app_factory(loader, global_conf, **local_conf):
def freezer_appv1_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):
current_version = pkg_resources.parse_version(
falcon.__version__ if hasattr(falcon,
'__version__') else falcon.version)
# Check the currently installed version of falcon in order to invoke it
# correctly.
return api.build_app_v0()
return api.build_app_v1()
return api.build_app_v1()
def freezer_appv2_factory(global_conf, **local_conf):

View File

@ -30,38 +30,6 @@ class TestService(common.FreezerBaseTestCase):
self.falcon_versions_middleware = ['0.2.0', '0.3.0', '1.0.0']
super(TestService, self).setUp()
def test_on_old_falcon_builds_v0(self, mock_falcon, mock_driver, mock_v1):
"""Test that falcon versions that should use old middleware syntax do so
:param mock_falcon: The falcon import freezer-api will try to
start up
:param mock_driver: Database driver
:param mock_v1: List of endpoints for v1 for the freezer API.
mock_driver.get_db.return_value = None
mock_v1.endpoints = []
# Iterate through all of the versions of falcon that should be using
# the old before=,after= invocation and ensure that freezer-api isn't
# trying to invoke it in the old style.
for version_string in self.falcon_versions_hooks:
version_attribute = '__version__' if hasattr(
falcon, '__version__') else 'version'
with patch('falcon.' + version_attribute, version_string):
# Attempt to invoke a mocked version of falcon to see what args
# it was called with
# Check kwargs to see if the correct arguments are being passed
_, named_args = mock_falcon.API.call_args
self.assertIn('before', named_args)
self.assertIn('after', named_args)
self.assertNotIn('middleware', named_args)