"""Freezer swift.py related tests (c) Copyright 2014,2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import copy import fixtures import io import os import shutil import sys import testtools from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import fixture as cfg_fixture from freezer_api.common import config from freezer_api.common import exceptions from freezer_api import policy CONF = cfg.CONF fake_data_0_backup_id = 'b740ed9ad2b646aba304ef54c21c6774' fake_data_0_user_id = 'qwerty1234' fake_data_0_user_name = 'asdffdsa' fake_data_0_wrapped_backup_metadata = { 'backup_id': 'b740ed9ad2b646aba304ef54c21c6774', 'user_id': 'qwerty1234', 'user_name': 'asdffdsa', 'backup_metadata': { "container": "freezer_container", "hostname": "alpha", "backup_name": "important_data_backup", "time_stamp": 8475903425, "curr_backup_level": 0, "backup_session": 8475903425, "max_level": 5, "mode" : "fs", "fs_real_path": "/blabla", "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap", "total_broken_links" : 0, "total_fs_files" : 11, "total_directories" : 2, "backup_size_uncompressed" : 4567, "backup_size_compressed" : 1212, "total_backup_session_size" : 6789, "compression_alg": "None", "encrypted": "false", "client_os": "linux", "broken_links": ["link_01", "link_02"], "excluded_files": ["excluded_file_01", "excluded_file_02"], "cli": "" } } fake_data_0_backup_metadata = { "container": "freezer_container", "hostname": "alpha", "backup_name": "important_data_backup", "time_stamp": 8475903425, "curr_backup_level": 0, "backup_session": 8475903425, "max_level": 5, "mode": "fs", "fs_real_path": "/blabla", "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap", "total_broken_links" : 0, "total_fs_files" : 11, "total_directories" : 2, "backup_size_uncompressed" : 4567, "backup_size_compressed" : 1212, "total_backup_session_size" : 6789, "compression_alg": "None", "encrypted": "false", "client_os": "linux", "broken_links": ["link_01", "link_02"], "excluded_files": ["excluded_file_01", "excluded_file_02"], "cli": "" } fake_malformed_data_0_backup_metadata = { "hostname": "alpha", "backup_name": "important_data_backup", "time_stamp": 8475903425, "curr_backup_level": 0, "backup_session": 8475903425, "max_level": 5, "mode": "fs", "fs_real_path": "/blabla", "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap", "total_broken_links" : 0, "total_fs_files" : 11, "total_directories" : 2, "backup_size_uncompressed" : 4567, "backup_size_compressed" : 1212, "total_backup_session_size" : 6789, "compression_alg": "None", "encrypted": "false", "client_os": "linux", "broken_links": ["link_01", "link_02"], "excluded_files": ["excluded_file_01", "excluded_file_02"], "cli": "" } fake_data_0_elasticsearch_hit = { "_shards": { "failed": 0, "successful": 5, "total": 5 }, "hits": { "hits": [ { "_id": "AUx_iu-ewlhuOVELWtH0", "_index": "freezer", "_score": 1.0, "_type": "backups", "_source": { "container": "freezer_container", "hostname": "alpha", "backup_name": "important_data_backup", "time_stamp": 8475903425, "curr_backup_level": 0, "backup_session": 8475903425, "max_level": 5, "mode" : "fs", "fs_real_path": "/blabla", "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap", "total_broken_links" : 0, "total_fs_files" : 11, "total_directories" : 2, "backup_size_uncompressed" : 4567, "backup_size_compressed" : 1212, "total_backup_session_size" : 6789, "compression_alg": "None", "encrypted": "false", "client_os": "linux", "broken_links": ["link_01", "link_02"], "excluded_files": ["excluded_file_01", "excluded_file_02"], "cli": "" } } ], "max_score": 1.0, "total": 1 }, "timed_out": False, "took": 3 } fake_data_0_elasticsearch_miss = { "_shards": { "failed": 0, "successful": 5, "total": 5 }, "hits": { "hits": [], "max_score": None, "total": 0 }, "timed_out": False, "took": 1 } fake_job_0_user_id = "f4db4da085f043059441565720b217c7" fake_job_0_job_id = "e7181e5e-2c75-43f8-92c0-c037ae5f11e4" fake_job_0_elasticsearch_not_found = { "_id": "e7181e5e-2c75-43f8-92c0-c037ae5f11e43", "_index": "freezer", "_type": "job", "found": False } fake_job_0 = { "job_actions": [ { "freezer_action": { "action": "backup", "mode": "fs", "src_file": "/home/tylerdurden/project_mayhem", "backup_name": "project_mayhem_backup", "container": "my_backup_container" }, "max_retries": 3, "max_retries_interval": 60, "mandatory": False }, { "freezer_action": { "action": "restore", "mode": "fs", "restore_abs_path": "/home/tylerdurden/project_mayhem", "restore_from_host": "node_on_which_backup_was_made", "backup_name": "project_mayhem_backup", "container": "my_backup_container" }, "max_retries": 3, "max_retries_interval": 60, "mandatory": True } ], "job_schedule": { "time_created": 1234, "time_started": 1234, "time_ended": 1234, "status": "stop", "result": "success", "schedule_date": "2015-06-02T16:20:00", "schedule_interval": "2 days" }, "job_id": "e7181e5e-2c75-43f8-92c0-c037ae5f11e4", "client_id": "mytenantid_myhostname", "user_id": "f4db4da085f043059441565720b217c7", "description": "test action 4" } def get_fake_job_0(): return copy.deepcopy(fake_job_0) def get_fake_job_1(): job = copy.deepcopy(fake_job_0) job["job_id"] = 'pqoqurioew' return job fake_job_0_elasticsearch_found = { "_id": "e7181e5e-2c75-43f8-92c0-c037ae5f11e4", "_index": "freezer", "_source": fake_job_0, "_type": "actions", "_version": 1, "found": True } fake_data_1_wrapped_backup_metadata = { 'backup_id': 'b740ed9ad2b646aba304ef54c21c6774', 'user_id': 'qwerty1234', 'user_name': 'asdffdsa', 'backup_metadata': { "container": "freezer_container", "hostname": "alpha", "backup_name": "important_data_backup", "time_stamp": 125235431, "curr_backup_level": 1, "backup_session": 8475903425, "max_level": 5, "mode" : "fs", "fs_real_path": "/blabla", "vol_snap_path": "/blablasnap", "total_broken_links" : 0, "total_fs_files" : 11, "total_directories" : 2, "backup_size_uncompressed" : 4567, "backup_size_compressed" : 1212, "total_backup_session_size" : 6789, "compression_alg": "None", "encrypted": "false", "client_os": "linux", "broken_links": ["link_01", "link_02"], "excluded_files": ["excluded_file_01", "excluded_file_02"], "cli": "" } } fake_client_info_0 = { "client_id": "test-tenant_5253_test-hostname_09544", "description": "some usefule text here", "config_id": "config_id_contains_uuid_of_config" } fake_client_info_1 = { "client_id": "test-tenant_5253_test-hostname_6543", "description": "also some useful text here", "config_id": "config_id_blablawhatever" } fake_client_entry_0 = { "client" : fake_client_info_0, "user_id": "user_id-is-provided-keystone" } fake_client_entry_1 = { "client" : fake_client_info_0, "user_id": "user_id-is-provided-keystone" } fake_action_0 = { "freezer_action": { "action": "backup", "mode": "fs", "src_file": "/home/tylerdurden/project_mayhem", "backup_name": "project_mayhem_backup", "container": "my_backup_container", }, "exit_status": "success", "max_retries": 3, "max_retries_interval": 60, "mandatory": True, "action_id": "qwerqwerqwerrewq", "user_id": "user_id-is-provided-by-keystone" } fake_action_1 = { "freezer_action": { "action": "backup", "mode": "fs", "src_file": "/home/tylerdurden/project_mayhem", "backup_name": "project_mayhem_backup", "container": "my_backup_container", }, "exit_status": "success", "max_retries": 3, "max_retries_interval": 60, "mandatory": True, "action_id": "jk4lkjbn4r3k", "user_id": "user_id-is-provided-by-keystone" } def get_fake_action_0(): return copy.deepcopy(fake_action_0) def get_fake_action_1(): return copy.deepcopy(fake_action_1) fake_session_0 = { "session_id": 'turistidellademocrazia', "session_tag": 5, "description": 'some text here', "hold_off": 60, "schedule": { "time_created": 1234, "time_started": 1234, "time_ended": 0, "status": "invalid", "schedule_time": "2015-06-02T16:20:00" }, "jobs": { 'venerescollataincorpodalolita': { "client_id": 'bruco', "status": 'running', "start_time": 12344321, }, 'job_id_2': { "client_id": "cocktail", "status": 'completed', "result": 'success', "start_time": 123321, "end_time": 123325, } }, "time_start": 123412344, "time_end": 432234432, "status": "running", "user_id": "califfo" } fake_session_1 = { "session_id": 'turistidellademocrazia', "session_tag": 5, "description": 'some text here', "hold_off": 60, "schedule": { "time_created": 1234, "time_started": 1234, "time_ended": 0, "status": "invalid", "schedule_time": "2015-06-02T16:20:00" }, "jobs": { 'venerescollataincorpodalolita': { "client_id": 'bruco', "status": 'running', "start_time": 12344321, } }, "time_start": 123412344, "time_end": 432234432, "status": "running", "user_id": "califfo" } def get_fake_session_0(): return copy.deepcopy(fake_session_0) def get_fake_session_1(): return copy.deepcopy(fake_session_1) class FakeReqResp: def __init__(self, method='GET', body=''): self.method = method self.body = body self.stream = io.BytesIO(body) self.content_length = len(body) self.context = {} self.header = {} def get_header(self, key): return self.header.get(key, None) class FreezerBaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): try: super(FreezerBaseTestCase, self).setUp() except: super().setUp() self._config_fixture = self.useFixture(cfg_fixture.Config()) config.parse_args(args=[]) self.addCleanup(CONF.reset) self.test_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path self.conf_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'etc') os.makedirs(self.conf_dir) self.configure_policy() policy.ENFORCER = FakePolicyEnforcer() def configure_policy(self): src_policy_file = 'etc/freezer/policy.json' # copy policy file to test config dir shutil.copy(src_policy_file, self.conf_dir) policy_file = os.path.join(self.conf_dir, 'policy.json') self._config_fixture.config(policy_file=policy_file, group='oslo_policy') class FakePolicyEnforcer(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.rules = {} def enforce(self, rule, action, ctxt, do_raise=True, exc=exceptions.AccessForbidden): if self.rules.get(rule) == False: raise exceptions.AccessForbidden() class FakeContext(): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.context = {} def to_dict(self): return self.context def get_req_items(name): req_info = {'freezer.context': FakeContext()} return req_info[name] policy.ENFORCER = FakePolicyEnforcer()