# All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from freezer_api.common import db_mappings from freezer_api.db import base as db_base from freezer_api.db.elasticsearch import es_manager from freezer_api.storage import elasticv2 as db_session CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) DEFAULT_INDEX = 'freezer' DEFAULT_REPLICAS = 0 _BACKEND_MAPPING = {'sqlalchemy': 'freezer_api.db.sqlalchemy.api'} class ElasticSearchDB(db_base.DBDriver): _ES_OPTS = [ cfg.ListOpt('hosts', default=[''], help='specify the storage hosts'), cfg.StrOpt('index', default='freezer', help='specify the name of the elasticsearch index'), cfg.IntOpt('timeout', default=60, help='specify the connection timeout'), cfg.IntOpt('retries', default=20, help='number of retries to allow before raising and error'), cfg.BoolOpt('use_ssl', default=False, help='explicitly turn on SSL'), cfg.BoolOpt('verify_certs', default=False, help='turn on SSL certs verification'), cfg.StrOpt('ca_certs', help='path to CA certs on disk'), cfg.IntOpt('number_of_replicas', default=0, help='Number of replicas for elk cluster. Default is 0. ' 'Use 0 for no replicas. This should be set to (number ' 'of node in the ES cluter -1).'), cfg.StrOpt('mapping', dest='select_mapping', default='', help='Specific mapping to upload. Valid choices: {0}' .format(','.join(db_mappings.get_mappings()))), cfg.BoolOpt('erase', dest='erase', default=False, help='Enable index deletion in case mapping update fails ' 'due to incompatible changes' ), cfg.StrOpt('test-only', dest='test_only', default=False, help='Test the validity of the mappings, but take no action' ) ] def __init__(self, backend): super(ElasticSearchDB, self).__init__(backend) grp = cfg.OptGroup(backend) CONF.register_group(grp) CONF.register_opts(self._ES_OPTS, group=backend) # CONF.register_cli_opts(self._ES_CLI_OPTS) self.conf = CONF.get(backend) self.index = self.conf.index or DEFAULT_INDEX self._engine = None self._manage_engine = None def get_engine(self): if not self._engine: self._engine = db_session.ElasticSearchEngineV2(self.backend) return self._engine def get_api(self): return self.get_engine() def get_manage_engine(self): opts = dict(self.conf.items()) self._manage_engine = es_manager.ElasticSearchManager(**opts) return self._manage_engine def db_sync(self): if not self._manage_engine: self._manage_engine = self.get_manage_engine() self._manage_engine.update_mappings() def db_remove(self): if not self._manage_engine: self._manage_engine = self.get_manage_engine() self._manage_engine.remove_mappings() def db_show(self): if not self._manage_engine: self._manage_engine = self.get_manage_engine() return self._manage_engine.show_mappings() def name(self): return "ElasticSearch"