Documentation about ssh storage

Resolves bug: 1489034

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eldar nugaev 2015-08-26 15:54:24 +01:00
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commit 0f2bcaf6e8
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@ -249,11 +249,68 @@ Execute a mysql backup with nova::
All the freezerc activities are logged into /var/log/freezer.log.
Local storage backup execution:
Swift, Local and SSH Storages
Freezer can use:
local storage - folder that is available in the same os (may be mounted)
To use local storage specify "--storage local"
And use "--container %path-to-folder-with-backups%"
Backup example::
$ sudo freezerc --file-to-backup /data/dir/to/backup
--container /my_backup_path/ --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage local
--container /tmp/my_backup_path/ --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage local
Restore example::
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --restore-abs-path /data/dir/to/backup
--container /tmp/my_backup_path/ --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage local
swift storage - OS object storage
To use local storage specify "--storage swift" or skip "--storage" parameter at all.
And use "--container %swift-container-name%"
Backup example::
$ sudo freezerc --file-to-backup /data/dir/to/backup
--container freezer-container --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage swift
Restore example::
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --restore-abs-path /data/dir/to/backup
--container freezer-container --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage swift
ssh storage - folder on remote machine
To use ssh storage specify "--storage ssh"
And use "--container %path-to-folder-with-backups-on-remote-machine%"
Also you should specify ssh-user, ssh-key and ssh-host parameters.
ssh-user for user ubuntu should be "--ssh-user ubuntu"
ssh-key should be path to your secret ssh key "--ssh-key %path-to-secret-key%"
ssh-host can be ip of remote machine or resolvable dns name "--ssh-host"
Backup example::
$ sudo freezerc --file-to-backup /data/dir/to/backup
--container /remote-machine-path/ --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage ssh --ssh-user ubuntu --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Restore example::
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --restore-abs-pat /data/dir/to/backup
--container /remote-machine-path/ --backup-name my-backup-name
--storage ssh --ssh-user ubuntu --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa
@ -478,85 +535,6 @@ following basic logic happens when Freezer execute:
important as the Manifest file contains the information of the
previous Freezer execution.
The following is what the Swift Manifest looks like::
'X-Object-Meta-Encrypt-Data': 'Yes',
'X-Object-Meta-Segments-Size-Bytes': '134217728',
'X-Object-Meta-Backup-Created-Timestamp': '1395734461',
'X-Object-Meta-Remove-Backup-Older-Than-Days': '',
'X-Object-Meta-Src-File-To-Backup': '/var/lib/snapshot-backup/mongod_dev-mongo-s1',
'X-Object-Meta-Maximum-Backup-level': '0',
'X-Object-Meta-Always-Backup-Level': '',
'X-Object-Manifest': u'socorro-backup-dev_segments/dev-mongo-s1-r1_mongod_dev-mongo-s1_1395734461_0',
'X-Object-Meta-Backup-Current-Level': '0',
'X-Object-Meta-Abs-File-Path': '',
'X-Object-Meta-Backup-Name': 'mongod_dev-mongo-s1',
'X-Object-Meta-Tar-Meta-Obj-Name': 'tar_metadata_dev-mongo-s1-r1_mongod_dev-mongo-s1_1395734461_0',
'X-Object-Meta-Hostname': 'dev-mongo-s1-r1',
'X-Object-Meta-Container-Segments': 'socorro-backup-dev_segments'
3) The most relevant data taken in consideration for incremental are:
- 'X-Object-Meta-Maximum-Backup-level': '7'
Value set by the option: --max-level int
Assuming we are executing the backup daily, let's say managed from the
crontab, the first backup will start from Level 0, that is, a full
backup. At every daily execution, the current backup level will be
incremented by 1. Then current backup level is equal to the maximum
backup level, then the backup restart to level 0. That is, every week a
full backup will be executed.
- 'X-Object-Meta-Always-Backup-Level': ''
Value set by the option: --always-level int
When current level is equal to 'Always-Backup-Level', every next backup
will be executed to the specified level. Let's say --always-level is set
to 1, the first backup will be a level 0 (complete backup) and every
next execution will backup the data exactly from the where the level 0
ended. The main difference between Always-Backup-Level and
Maximum-Backup-level is that the counter level doesn't restart from
level 0
- 'X-Object-Manifest':
Through this meta data, we can identify the exact Manifest name of the
provided backup name. The syntax is:
- 'X-Object-Meta-Backup-Current-Level': '0'
Record the current backup level. This is important as the value is
incremented by 1 in the next freezer execution.
Value set by the option: -N BACKUP\_NAME, --backup-name BACKUP\_NAME The
option is used to identify the backup. It is a mandatory option and
fundamental to execute incremental backup. 'Meta-Backup-Name' and
'Meta-Hostname' are used to uniquely identify the current and next
incremental backups
- 'X-Object-Meta-Tar-Meta-Obj-Name':
Freezer use tar to execute incremental backup. What tar do is to store
in a meta data file the inode information of every file archived. Thus,
on the next Freezer execution, the tar meta data file is retrieved and
download from swift and it is used to generate the next backup level.
After the next level backup execution is terminated, the file update tar
meta data file will be uploaded and recorded in the Manifest file. The
naming convention used for this file is:
- 'X-Object-Meta-Hostname': 'dev-mongo-s1-r1'
The hostname of the node where the Freezer perform the backup. This meta
data is important to identify a backup with a specific node, thus avoid
possible confusion and associate backup to the wrong node.
Nova and Cinder Backups