Add Sphinx doc build
Change-Id: I9742e5261cd666f09a0bd93e2372da6a10f5f69b Closes-Bug: #1542061
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ coverage.xml
# Django files that get created during the test runs
# Django files that get created during the test runs
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
Daniel Mellado <>
Davide Guerri <>
Deklan Dieterly <>
Einst Crazy <>
Erno Kuvaja <>
Fabrizio Fresco <>
Fabrizio Vanni <>
Fausto Marzi <>
Fausto Marzi <>
Fausto Marzi <>
Fausto Marzi <>
Federico Ceratto <>
Jeremy Stanley <>
Jonas Pfannschmidt <>
Kenji Yasui <>
Memo Garcia <>
Memo García <>
Ondřej Nový <>
Pierre-Arthur MATHIEU <>
Saad Zaher <>
Vic Howard <>
Zahari Zahariev <>
daiki kato <>
eldar nugaev <>
memo <>
sbartel <>
vishal mahajan <>
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
* Add check for name=='__main__'
* Adding devstack plugin for freezer gate job
* Command for changing logging level. And pep8 fixing (suddenly this pull request was rejected by jenkins and pep8. so this commit also contains some small style changes for pep8.)
* Fix the parameter order of assertEqual
* Parallel backup
* Fix grammatical and spelling errors in the README.rst file
* Add default namespace to apiclient
* Updated Windows installer and binaries documentation
* use openstack command to create user and project
* Pass proxy enviroment varibles in tox
* Blueprint specs for python-freezerclient repo
* Replace assertEqual(*, None) with assertIsNone in tests
* Drop - Because it's already use PBR
* Design specs and considerations for tenant based backups
* Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
* Switch freezer-scheduler to oslo.config and oslo.log switch freezer-scheduler to use oslo.config and switch from native python logging module to oslo.log This commit includes: - using oslo.config for parsing cli and config files options - using oslo.log instead of native python logging module - this applied only on freezer-scheduler Implements: blueprint using-oslo-libs
* Removing old integration tests
* Removing obsolete parameters from freezer args (swift related)
* Delete python bytecode before every test run
* Fix typo: my scheduled backup 6 => schedule_backups 6
* Fixed astroid version to fix pylint
* Initialize freezer-scheduler with insecure mode for keystone v3
* Freezer Scheduler for Windows
* Import pep3134daemon as local module
* Freezer instructions for Windows
* Fix metadata storage
* Updated python-keystoneclient requirement
* Updated requirements to match Liberty's one
* Fix tests
* Improvements for windows snapshots
* Fix versions for Liberty
* Add backup metadata fields
* Updated LICENSE file and headers
* PBR version needs to be explicitly set on
* Fix bug on setup.cfg after bin removal
* Fixes for cinder backup
* Removed freezer/bin directory from the repo
* Add cygwin source of cygwin .dll
* Fixed tar command for windows
* Improved freezerc and freezer-agent script management
* Fixed bug on requierments and deps
* Fix nova backup
* Add some FAQ items
* Test coverage improvement
* swift backup should respect chunk size
* Fixed bug on setup.cfg and added author and changelog
* Fixed and improved tox.ini, added subunit as dep
* Update .gitreview for new namespace
* fix integration tests
* Switching to PBR in freezer
* Swift from pytest to testr for unittests
* Forgotten return in ssh
* Test Coverage: Improving test coverage by creation fs_like storage
* Unable to create backup or restore on Mac OS X Resolves bug: 1505629
* Report error if the choosen algorithm executable is not found
* Test coverage improvments: Validator and Utils
* Freezer should show correct error in case of tar process errors
* Test coverage improvment
* Align requirements.txt to
* Fix error message if no credentials are provided
* Fix freezer fail when using bandwidth limit
* LVM snapshot mountpoint fix and improved usability
* Fix typo in freezer-agent help
* Fix for race condition for parallel multi-level backup restore
* Throttling bandwidth on Linux for HTTPS
* Fix bug when freezer_main() raise exception
* Fixed deps in and a bug in tests
* Configurable SSH-PORT
* fix end result of jobs with multiple actions
* First iteration of multiple storages. Unification storages and extraction backup engine
* freezer-scheduler in no-daemon mode
* Default namespace for args options
* Select endpoint type of freezer api service
* UI repo split
* job event requests use specific api endpoint
* Documentation about ssh storage
* Fix for parsing database credentials
* Jobs now start immediately if only interval is provided
* freezer-agent support for keystone v2.0 and v3
* Updating HP Copyright label
* README info about scheduler and job creation
* Fix for duplicate ID's on backup metadata
* Fix bug with empty client_manager
* remove older then typo
* apiclient support for keystone v2.0 and v3
* fix loop while getting list of resources from api
* Fix bug on auto lvm snap
* ~/.freezer work_dir created automatically
* basic integration tests for freezer-agent
* fix scheduler job removal when api not available
* Auto snap uses also mount to guess lvm info
* add option to choose compression algorithm with choose between gzip, bzip2 and xz
* Allow freezer-scheduler to find freezerc binary in a non-activated virtualenv
* Possible fix of test_local invocation on jenkins
* Fix for duplicate dependencies
* Fix for issues in the parsing of mysql credentials
* Improve test coverage of
* Remove freezer_api from freezer repo
* Align pymongo version with global requirements
* Align requirements with global-requirements
* Remove old snapshots for local and ssh
* Auto ssh storage host adding
* add api endpoint /v1/health to support HAProxy
* freezer-scheduler without api service
* Environment inheritance for freezer agent executed by the scheduler
* Improve installation docs for freezer dashboard
* Add freezer dashboard documentation to html files
* fix i18n related to the api
* documentation on integration test procedures
* Change nova and cinder client constructor invocation
* Pluggable storages integration for freezer dashboard
* Backup history
* Flexible way to create, update, delete actions in a job
* Refactoring api interface on freezer_ui
* Backup ID now is not splited by dashes
* Improve README file by removing unexpected git info
* Refactoring logging and translations on freezer_api
* add session properties to json_schemas of job
* SSH Storage In order to give flexibility Freezer needs to be able to store data to a remote file system host using ssh/scp instead instead of Swift
* Refactor api imports to OpenStack Hacking compliant
* Added architecture information to README, updated FAQ
* fix scheduler session_id argument consistency
* update oslo namespace to oslo_config
* Plugable storages architecture and Local storage implementation
* Add Elasticsearch index creation
* Quick fix for freezer dashboard
* Horizon bulk remove for Jobs and Actions
* Job creation for multiple clients
* Horizon implementation for sessions endpoint
* Horizon implementation for jobs api endpoint
* elasticsearch init script
* add execute sync command before execution of backup action
* freezer scheduler
* Honor the env var OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT so to be able to use adminURL or publicURL Blueprint: endpoint-type
* Fix unwanted output to stdout
* Fix improper segment name when uploading segments to swift
* Add file/dir check upon backup using tar
* Keystone API endpoint discovery
* Add freezer exec action to execute script
* Pluggable storages
* Adding Support for LVM snapshot permission by --lvm-snap-perm Implements: blueprint immutable-snapshot
* Make lvm snap immutable
* correct error message when backup path or file that does not exist
* freezer service API v1 specification reformatted
* Add api support for jobs
* First version of
* Fix for random test failure on
* Copied tox.ini and .pylintrc from root directory
* Implementation of Cinder backup compatible mode
* Fix default auth credentials in freezer-api.conf
* Added pylint checks. Fixed import error during python-novaclient import
* Fixed import error on bin/freezerc
* Reduce SQL Server downtime and Snapshot option on windows
* Implementation of nova instance backups
* Ensure in tests that time is check with appropriate timezone offset
* Added config file support in freezerc
* This version contains the following pages: - Overview displays charts/reports (Currently only placeholders) - Configurations allows to define new backup configurations and link them to instances - Backups shows a list of all succesful backups and allows to restore them - Restores shows a history of all restored backups
* Consistent opt args and variable to dentify that same opt arg
* Data consistent way of making cinder backups
* Changed client data description to include "hostname""
* Added parameters to the "list-backups" python api
* Bandwith limitation functional test
* Incremental LVM functional test
* Fix stale import in freezer_api/storage/
* Cinder Volumes Backup Implements blueprint: cinder-backup
* freezer api support for action
* Add tests for client registration
* 100% test coverage in freezer/apiclient/
* Fix initial no_lvm and lvm_level0 tests
* freezer api support for client registration
* Fix broken functional tests freezer_main()
* client retrieval of freezer api endpoint
* Fix bug on --remove-older-then opt
* Fix when freezer runs without arguments
* Refactor environment variable aquisition class
* Fixed references to freezerclient which is now apiclient
* Windows backup and restore incrementals
* Windows support for freezer
* Freezer API
* Implementation of bandwidth-limitation blueprint
* Functional tests and Vagrant environment
* Fix backup sort and related problems
* Fix handling of timestamp in old backup removal
* Remove pyrsync dependency
* Add dry-run execution
* pass optional os_options on to switfclient library
* Fix removal of backup segments
* Main loop refactor
* Proxy implementation
* Fixed bug 1415865 for old backup removal
* Add auth version parameter
* Change in default location of log file
* Add insecure parameter
* Update requirements for environment variables
* Fix for Exception order in freezerc
* Added specs template for freezer
* Updated to add proper pyrsync installation
* Use Python module MyMySQL instead of MySQLdb
* Add port argument to MySQL connection
* Added unittest for freezer.main
* Exceptions handling revisited and improved
* Added unittest for
* Add unittest for and bug fix
* Added unittest for
* Fixed bug in and remove test auth file in mysql test
* Added unittest for
* Added unittest for
* Web UI for freezer
* Added unittest for
* Unittest for with coverage >= 90%
* Containers created by Freezer will have freezer_ as prefix
* Fixed a bug in multi level restore and added new --action arg
* Basic structure of the freezer web ui integrated in horizon
* Restore process fails managing big data stream from swift
* Fixed bug launchpad #1382809 to manage token expired
* Added symlink/dereference and modified lvm auto guess options
* Use strings of 8 chars for indexing Swift chunks
* Added --lvm-auto-snap guessing option
* Changed .gitreview .gitignore and added tox.ini
* Freezer initial commit
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Freezer documentation build configuration file, created by
# sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 4 22:27:35 2016.
# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
# containing dir.
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# General information about the project.
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copyright = u'2016, OpenStack'
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# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
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# (source start file, target name, title, author,
# dir menu entry, description, category)
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Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.. Freezer documentation master file, created by
sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 4 22:27:35 2016.
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to Freezer's documentation!
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ keywords =
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@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ norecursedirs = .tox .venv freezer_api freezer/binaries
commands = {posargs}
commands = {posargs}
commands =
python build_sphinx
commands = python testr --coverage
commands = python testr --coverage
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