Containers created by Freezer will have freezer_ as prefix
The containers used by freezer to executed backups needs to have freezer_ prefix in the name. If the user provider container doesn't have the prefix, it is automatically added also to the container segments name. This is done to quickly identify the containers Added --path-to-backup to the existing ones (-F, --file-to-backup) as can be more intuitive for the user Bumped version to: 1.1.0 as 1.0.9-2 is now tagged in upstream Change-Id: I891391ea07f75b5dcdc43d9b1d65a75837065f30 LAUNCHPAD:
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Install instructions
Please check README.rst for further installation instructions.
Install from sources::
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ Also the following ENV var are needed you can put them in ~/.bashrc::
$ source ~/.bashrc
Let's say you have a container called foobar-container, by executing
Let's say you have a container called freezer_foobar-container, by executing
"swift list" you should see something like::
$ swift list
These are just use case example using Swift in the HP Cloud.
@ -92,18 +92,22 @@ data inconsistencies and corruption.*
Usage Example
Freezer will automatically add the prefix "freezer_" to the container name,
where it is provided by the user and doesn't already start with this prefix.
If no container name is provided, the default is freezer_backups.
The most simple backup execution is a direct file system backup::
$ sudo freezerc --file-to-backup /data/dir/to/backup
--container new-data-backup --backup-name my-backup-name
--container freezer_new-data-backup --backup-name my-backup-name
By default --mode fs is set. The command would generate a compressed tar
gzip file of the directory /data/dir/to/backup. The generated file will
be segmented in stream and uploaded in the swift container called
new-data-backup, with backup name my-backup-name
freezer_new-data-backup, with backup name my-backup-name
Now check if your backup is executing correctly looking at
@ -129,19 +133,19 @@ is "mongo"::
$ sudo freezerc --lvm-srcvol /dev/mongo/mongolv --lvm-dirmount /var/lib/snapshot-backup
--lvm-volgroup mongo --file-to-backup /var/lib/snapshot-backup/mongod_ops2
--container mongodb-backup-prod --exclude "*.lock" --mode mongo --backup-name mongod-ops2
--container freezer_mongodb-backup-prod --exclude "*.lock" --mode mongo --backup-name mongod-ops2
Now freezerc create a lvm snapshot of the volume /dev/mongo/mongolv. If
no options are provided, default snapshot name is freezer\_backup\_snap.
The snap vol will be mounted automatically on /var/lib/snapshot-backup
and the backup meta and segments will be upload in the container
mongodb-backup-prod with the namemongod-ops2.
mongodb-backup-prod with the name mongod-ops2.
Execute a file system backup using lvm snapshot::
$ sudo freezerc --lvm-srcvol /dev/jenkins/jenkins-home --lvm-dirmount
/var/snapshot-backup --lvm-volgroup jenkins
--file-to-backup /var/snapshot-backup --container jenkins-backup-prod
--file-to-backup /var/snapshot-backup --container freezer_jenkins-backup-prod
--exclude "\*.lock" --mode fs --backup-name jenkins-ops2
MySQL backup require a basic configuration file. The following is an
@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ Execute a MySQL backup using lvm snapshot::
--lvm-dirmount /var/snapshot-backup
--lvm-volgroup mysqlvg --file-to-backup /var/snapshot-backup
--mysql-conf /root/.freezer/freezer-mysql.conf--container
mysql-backup-prod --mode mysql --backup-name mysql-ops002
freezer_mysql-backup-prod --mode mysql --backup-name mysql-ops002
All the freezerc activities are logged into /var/log/freezer.log.
@ -178,7 +182,7 @@ File System Restore:
Execute a file system restore of the backup name
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --container foobar-container-2
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --container freezer_foobar-container-2
--backup-name adminui.git
--restore-from-host git-HP-DL380-host-001 --restore-abs-path
@ -193,7 +197,7 @@ Let's stop mysql service first::
Execute Restore::
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --container foobar-container-2
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --container freezer_foobar-container-2
--backup-name mysq-prod --restore-from-host db-HP-DL380-host-001
--restore-abs-path /var/lib/mysql --restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23"
@ -203,9 +207,9 @@ And finally restart mysql::
Execute a MongoDB restore of the backup name mongobigdata::
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --container foobar-container-2 --backup-name mongobigdata
--restore-from-host db-HP-DL380-host-001 --restore-abs-path
/var/lib/mongo --restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23"
$ sudo freezerc --action restore --container freezer_foobar-container-2
--backup-name mongobigdata --restore-from-host db-HP-DL380-host-001
--restore-abs-path /var/lib/mongo --restore-from-date "2014-05-23T23:23:23"
List remote containers::
@ -214,12 +218,12 @@ List remote containers::
List remote objects in container::
$ sudo freezerc --action info --container testcontainer -l
$ sudo freezerc --action info --container freezer_testcontainer -l
Remove backups older then 1 day::
$ freezerc --action admin --container freezer-dev-test --remove-older-then 1 --backup-name dev-test-01
$ freezerc --action admin --container freezer_dev-test --remove-older-then 1 --backup-name dev-test-01
@ -241,7 +245,7 @@ Freezer is designed to reduce at the minimum I/O, CPU and Memory Usage.
This is achieved by generating a data stream from tar (for archiving)
and gzip (for compressing). Freezer segment the stream in a configurable
chunk size (with the option --max-seg-size). The default segment size is
128MB, so it can be safely stored in memory, encrypted if the key is
64MB, so it can be safely stored in memory, encrypted if the key is
provided, and uploaded to Swift as segment.
Multiple segments are sequentially uploaded using the Swift Manifest.
@ -370,3 +374,153 @@ tar\_metadata\_backupname\_hostname\_timestamp\_backuplevel
The hostname of the node where the Freezer perform the backup. This meta
data is important to identify a backup with a specific node, thus avoid
possible confusion and associate backup to the wrong node.
Available options::
$ freezerc
usage: freezerc [-h] [--action {backup,restore,info,admin}] [-F SRC_FILE]
[-o OBJECT] [-d DST_FILE] [--lvm-auto-snap LVM_AUTO_SNAP]
[--lvm-srcvol LVM_SRCVOL] [--lvm-snapname LVM_SNAPNAME]
[--lvm-snapsize LVM_SNAPSIZE] [--lvm-dirmount LVM_DIRMOUNT]
[--lvm-volgroup LVM_VOLGROUP] [--max-level MAX_BACKUP_LEVEL]
[--always-level ALWAYS_BACKUP_LEVEL]
[--restart-always-level RESTART_ALWAYS_BACKUP]
[-R REMOVE_OLDER_THAN] [--no-incremental]
[--hostname HOSTNAME] [--mysql-conf MYSQL_CONF_FILE]
[--log-file LOG_FILE] [--exclude EXCLUDE]
[--dereference-symlink {none,soft,hard,all}] [-U]
[--encrypt-pass-file ENCRYPT_PASS_FILE] [-M MAX_SEG_SIZE]
[--restore-abs-path RESTORE_ABS_PATH]
[--restore-from-host RESTORE_FROM_HOST]
[--restore-from-date RESTORE_FROM_DATE] [--max-priority] [-V]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--action {backup,restore,info,admin}
Set the action to be taken. backup and restore are
self explanatory, info is used to retrieve info from
the storage media, while maintenance is used to delete
old backups and other admin actions. Default backup.
-F SRC_FILE, --path-to-backup SRC_FILE, --file-to-backup SRC_FILE
The file or directory you want to back up to Swift
The backup name you want to use to identify your
backup on Swift
-m MODE, --mode MODE Set the technology to back from. Options are, fs
(filesystem), mongo (MongoDB), mysql (MySQL). Default
set to fs
The Swift container used to upload files to
-L, --list-containers
List the Swift containers on remote Object Storage
-l, --list-objects List the Swift objects stored in a container on remote
Object Storage Server.
-o OBJECT, --get-object OBJECT
The Object name you want to download on the local file
-d DST_FILE, --dst-file DST_FILE
The file name used to save the object on your local
disk and upload file in swift
--lvm-auto-snap LVM_AUTO_SNAP
Automatically guess the volume group and volume name
for given PATH.
--lvm-srcvol LVM_SRCVOL
Set the lvm volume you want to take a snaphost from.
Default no volume
--lvm-snapname LVM_SNAPNAME
Set the lvm snapshot name to use. If the snapshot name
already exists, the old one will be used a no new one
will be created. Default freezer_backup_snap.
--lvm-snapsize LVM_SNAPSIZE
Set the lvm snapshot size when creating a new
snapshot. Please add G for Gigabytes or M for
Megabytes, i.e. 500M or 8G. Default 5G.
--lvm-dirmount LVM_DIRMOUNT
Set the directory you want to mount the lvm snapshot
to. Default not set
--lvm-volgroup LVM_VOLGROUP
Specify the volume group of your logical volume. This
is important to mount your snapshot volume. Default
not set
--max-level MAX_BACKUP_LEVEL
Set the backup level used with tar to implement
incremental backup. If a level 1 is specified but no
level 0 is already available, a level 0 will be done
and subesequently backs to level 1. Default 0 (No
--always-level ALWAYS_BACKUP_LEVEL
Set backup maximum level used with tar to implement
incremental backup. If a level 3 is specified, the
backup will be executed from level 0 to level 3 and to
that point always a backup level 3 will be executed.
It will not restart from level 0. This option has
precedence over --max-backup-level. Default False
--restart-always-level RESTART_ALWAYS_BACKUP
Restart the backup from level 0 after n days. Valid
only if --always-level option if set. If --always-
level is used together with --remove-older-then, there
might be the chance where the initial level 0 will be
removed Default False (Disabled)
Checks in the specified container for object older
then the specified days. If i.e. 30 is specified, it
will remove the remote object older than 30 days.
Default False (Disabled)
--no-incremental Disable incremantal feature. By default freezer build
the meta data even for level 0 backup. By setting this
option incremental meta data is not created at all.
Default disabled
--hostname HOSTNAME Set hostname to execute actions. If you are executing
freezer from one host but you want to delete objects
belonging to another host then you can set this option
that hostname and execute appropriate actions. Default
current node hostname.
--mysql-conf MYSQL_CONF_FILE
Set the MySQL configuration file where freezer
retrieve important information as db_name, user,
password, host. Following is an example of config
file: # cat ~/.freezer/backup_mysql_conf host = <db-
host> user = <mysqluser> password = <mysqlpass>
--log-file LOG_FILE Set log file. By default logs to /var/log/freezer.log
--exclude EXCLUDE Exclude files, given as a PATTERN.Ex: --exclude
'*.log' will exclude any file with name ending with
.log. Default no exclude
--dereference-symlink {none,soft,hard,all}
Follow hard and soft links and archive and dump the
files they refer to. Default False.
-U, --upload Upload to Swift the destination file passed to the -d
option. Default upload the data
--encrypt-pass-file ENCRYPT_PASS_FILE
Passing a private key to this option, allow you to
encrypt the files before to be uploaded in Swift.
Default do not encrypt.
-M MAX_SEG_SIZE, --max-segment-size MAX_SEG_SIZE
Set the maximum file chunk size in bytes to upload to
swift Default 67108864 bytes (64MB)
--restore-abs-path RESTORE_ABS_PATH
Set the absolute path where you want your data
restored. Default False.
--restore-from-host RESTORE_FROM_HOST
Set the hostname used to identify the data you want to
restore from. If you want to restore data in the same
host where the backup was executed just type from your
shell: "$ hostname" and the output is the value that
needs to be passed to this option. Mandatory with
Restore Default False.
--restore-from-date RESTORE_FROM_DATE
Set the absolute path where you want your data
restored. Please provide datime in forma "YYYY-MM-
DDThh:mm:ss" i.e. "1979-10-03T23:23:23". Make sure the
"T" is between date and time Default False.
--max-priority Set the cpu process to the highest priority (i.e. -20
on Linux) and real-time for I/O. The process priority
will be set only if nice and ionice are installed
Default disabled. Use with caution.
-V, --version Print the release version and exit
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def backup_arguments():
" and other admin actions. Default backup."),
dest='action', default='backup')
'-F', '--file-to-backup', action='store',
'-F', '--path-to-backup', '--file-to-backup', action='store',
help="The file or directory you want to back up to Swift",
dest='src_file', default=False)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def backup_arguments():
'-C', '--container', action='store',
help="The Swift container used to upload files to",
dest='container', default=False)
dest='container', default='freezer_backups')
'-L', '--list-containers', action='store_true',
help='''List the Swift containers on remote Object Storage Server''',
@ -224,6 +224,18 @@ def backup_arguments():
# Create a new namespace attribute for container_segments
backup_args.__dict__['container_segments'] = u'{0}_segments'.format(
# The containers used by freezer to executed backups needs to have
# freezer_ prefix in the name. If the user provider container doesn't
# have the prefix, it is automatically added also to the container
# segments name. This is done to quickly identify the containers
# that contain freezer generated backups
if not backup_args.container.startswith('freezer_'):
backup_args.container = 'freezer_{0}'.format(
backup_args.container_segments = 'freezer_{0}'.format(
# If hostname is not set, hostname of the current node will be used
if not backup_args.hostname:
backup_args.__dict__['hostname'] = os.uname()[1]
@ -258,6 +270,6 @@ def backup_arguments():
backup_args.__dict__['mysql_db_inst'] = ''
# Freezer version
backup_args.__dict__['__version__'] = '1.0.9-2'
backup_args.__dict__['__version__'] = '1.1.0'
return backup_args, arg_parser
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def create_containers(backup_opt):
:param backup_opt:
:return: True if both containers are succesfully created
:return: True if both containers are successfully created
# Create backup container
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def read(*filenames, **kwargs):
license='Apache Software License',
author='Fausto Marzi, Ryszard Chojnacki, Emil Dimitrov',
Reference in New Issue
Block a user