""" (c) Copyright 2014,2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Freezer restore modes related functions """ from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from freezer.utils import utils CONF = cfg.CONF logging = log.getLogger(__name__) class RestoreOs: def __init__(self, client_manager, container): self.client_manager = client_manager self.container = container def _get_backups(self, path, restore_from_timestamp): """ :param path: :type path: str :param restore_from_timestamp: :type restore_from_timestamp: int :return: """ swift = self.client_manager.get_swift() info, backups = swift.get_container(self.container, path=path) backups = sorted(map(lambda x: int(x["name"].rsplit("/", 1)[-1]), backups)) backups = list(filter(lambda x: x >= restore_from_timestamp, backups)) if not backups: msg = "Cannot find backups for path: %s" % path logging.error(msg) raise BaseException(msg) return backups[-1] def _create_image(self, path, restore_from_timestamp): """ :param path: :param restore_from_timestamp: :type restore_from_timestamp: int :return: """ swift = self.client_manager.get_swift() glance = self.client_manager.get_glance() backup = self._get_backups(path, restore_from_timestamp) stream = swift.get_object( self.container, "%s/%s" % (path, backup), resp_chunk_size=10000000) length = int(stream[0]["x-object-meta-length"]) logging.info("[*] Creation glance image") image = glance.images.create( data=utils.ReSizeStream(stream[1], length, 1), container_format="bare", disk_format="raw") return stream[0], image def restore_cinder(self, restore_from_date, volume_id): """ Restoring cinder backup using :param volume_id: :return: """ cinder = self.client_manager.get_cinder() backups = cinder.backups.findall(volume_id=volume_id, status='available') backups = [x for x in backups if x.created_at >= restore_from_date] if not backups: logging.error("no available backups for cinder volume") else: backup = min(backups, key=lambda x: x.created_at) cinder.restores.restore(backup_id=backup.id) def restore_cinder_by_glance(self, volume_id, restore_from_timestamp): """ 1) Define swift directory 2) Download and upload to glance 3) Create volume from glance 4) Delete :param restore_from_timestamp: :type restore_from_timestamp: int :param volume_id - id of attached cinder volume """ (info, image) = self._create_image(volume_id, restore_from_timestamp) length = int(info["x-object-meta-length"]) gb = 1073741824 size = length / gb if length % gb > 0: size += 1 logging.info("[*] Creation volume from image") self.client_manager.get_cinder().volumes.create(size, imageRef=image.id) logging.info("[*] Deleting temporary image") self.client_manager.get_glance().images.delete(image) def restore_nova(self, instance_id, restore_from_timestamp): """ :param restore_from_timestamp: :type restore_from_timestamp: int :param instance_id: id of attached nova instance :return: """ (info, image) = self._create_image(instance_id, restore_from_timestamp) nova = self.client_manager.get_nova() flavor = nova.flavors.get(info['x-object-meta-flavor-id']) logging.info("[*] Creation an instance") nova.servers.create(info['x-object-meta-name'], image, flavor)