""" Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Freezer main execution function """ import json import os import prettytable import subprocess import sys from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log from freezer.common import client_manager from freezer.common import config as freezer_config from freezer.engine import manager as engine_manager from freezer import job from freezer.storage import local from freezer.storage import multiple from freezer.storage import ssh from freezer.storage import swift from freezer.utils import utils CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) def freezer_main(backup_args): """Freezer main loop for job execution. """ if not backup_args.quiet: LOG.info("Begin freezer agent process with args: {0}".format(sys.argv)) LOG.info('log file at {0}'.format(CONF.get('log_file'))) if backup_args.max_priority: utils.set_max_process_priority() backup_args.__dict__['hostname_backup_name'] = "{0}_{1}".format( backup_args.hostname, backup_args.backup_name) max_segment_size = backup_args.max_segment_size if (backup_args.storage == 'swift' or backup_args.backup_media in ['nova', 'cinder', 'cindernative', 'cinderbrick']): backup_args.client_manager = client_manager.get_client_manager( backup_args.__dict__) if backup_args.storages: # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated storage = multiple.MultipleStorage( [storage_from_dict(x, max_segment_size) for x in backup_args.storages]) else: storage = storage_from_dict(backup_args.__dict__, max_segment_size) engine_loader = engine_manager.EngineManager() backup_args.engine = engine_loader.load_engine( compression=backup_args.compression, symlinks=backup_args.dereference_symlink, exclude=backup_args.exclude, storage=storage, max_segment_size=backup_args.max_segment_size, encrypt_key=backup_args.encrypt_pass_file, dry_run=backup_args.dry_run ) if hasattr(backup_args, 'trickle_command'): if "tricklecount" in os.environ: if int(os.environ.get("tricklecount")) > 1: LOG.critical("Trickle seems to be not working, Switching " "to normal mode ") return run_job(backup_args, storage) freezer_command = '{0} {1}'.format(backup_args.trickle_command, ' '.join(sys.argv)) LOG.debug('Trickle command: {0}'.format(freezer_command)) process = subprocess.Popen(freezer_command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ.copy()) while process.poll() is None: line = process.stdout.readline().strip() if line != '': print(line) output, error = process.communicate() if hasattr(backup_args, 'tmp_file'): utils.delete_file(backup_args.tmp_file) if process.returncode: LOG.warning("Trickle Error: {0}".format(error)) LOG.info("Switching to work without trickle ...") return run_job(backup_args, storage) else: return run_job(backup_args, storage) def run_job(conf, storage): freezer_job = { 'backup': job.BackupJob, 'restore': job.RestoreJob, 'info': job.InfoJob, 'admin': job.AdminJob, 'exec': job.ExecJob}[conf.action](conf, storage) start_time = utils.DateTime.now() LOG.info('Job execution Started at: {0}'.format(start_time)) response = freezer_job.execute() end_time = utils.DateTime.now() LOG.info('Job execution Finished, at: {0}'.format(end_time)) LOG.info('Job time Elapsed: {0}'.format(end_time - start_time)) LOG.info('Backup metadata received: {0}'.format(json.dumps(response))) if not conf.quiet: LOG.info("End freezer agent process successfully") if conf.metadata_out and response: if conf.metadata_out == '-': sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(response)) sys.stdout.flush() else: with open(conf.metadata_out, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(json.dumps(response)) elif response and isinstance(response, dict): pp = prettytable.PrettyTable(["Property", "Value"]) for k, v in response.items(): k = k.replace("_", " ") pp.add_row([k, v]) sys.stdout.writelines(pp.get_string()) sys.stdout.write('\n') sys.stdout.flush() elif response and isinstance(response, list): pp = prettytable.PrettyTable() pp.field_names = response[0] for i in response[1]: pp.add_row(i) print (pp) else: return def fail(exit_code, e, quiet, do_log=True): """ Catch the exceptions and write it to log """ msg = 'Critical Error: {0}\n'.format(e) if not quiet: sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() if do_log: LOG.critical(msg) return exit_code def storage_from_dict(backup_args, max_segment_size): storage_name = backup_args['storage'] container = backup_args['container'] if storage_name == "swift": client_manager = backup_args['client_manager'] storage = swift.SwiftStorage( client_manager, container, max_segment_size) elif storage_name == "local": storage = local.LocalStorage( storage_path=container, max_segment_size=max_segment_size) elif storage_name == "ssh": storage = ssh.SshStorage( container, backup_args['ssh_key'], backup_args['ssh_username'], backup_args['ssh_host'], int(backup_args.get('ssh_port', freezer_config.DEFAULT_SSH_PORT)), max_segment_size=max_segment_size) else: raise Exception("No storage found for name {0}".format( backup_args['storage'])) return storage def main(): """freezer-agent binary main execution""" backup_args = None try: freezer_config.config(args=sys.argv[1:]) freezer_config.setup_logging() backup_args = freezer_config.get_backup_args() if backup_args.config: # reload logging configuration to force oslo use the new log path if backup_args.log_config_append: CONF.set_override('log_config_append', backup_args.log_config_append) freezer_config.setup_logging() if len(sys.argv) < 2: CONF.print_help() sys.exit(1) freezer_main(backup_args) except Exception as err: quiet = backup_args.quiet if backup_args else False LOG.exception(err) LOG.critical("End freezer agent process unsuccessfully") return fail(1, err, quiet) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())