
474 lines
19 KiB

# (c) Copyright 2014,2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Development Company, L.P.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import swiftclient
import time
from cinderclient.client import Client as cinder_client
from glanceclient.client import Client as glance_client
from keystoneauth1 import loading
from keystoneauth1 import session
from novaclient.client import Client as nova_client
from oslo_log import log
from freezer.utils import utils
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class OSClientManager(object):
def __init__(self, auth_url, auth_method='password', **kwargs):
self.swift = None
self.glance = None
self.nova = None
self.cinder = None
self.dry_run = kwargs.pop('dry_run', None)
loader = loading.get_plugin_loader(auth_method)
# copy the args for swift authentication !
self.swift_args = kwargs.copy()
self.swift_args['auth_url'] = auth_url
# client specific arguments !
self.client_kwargs = {}
# session specific arguments
session_kwargs = {}
if 'verify' in kwargs.keys():
session_kwargs['verify'] = kwargs.pop('verify')
if 'cacert' in kwargs.keys():
session_kwargs['cert'] = kwargs.pop('cacert')
# client specific args
if 'insecure' in kwargs.keys():
self.client_kwargs['insecure'] = kwargs.pop('insecure')
session_kwargs['verify'] = False
if 'region_name' in kwargs.keys():
self.client_kwargs['region_name'] = kwargs.pop('region_name')
if 'endpoint_type' in kwargs.keys():
self.client_kwargs['endpoint_type'] = kwargs.pop('endpoint_type')
if 'identity_api_version' in kwargs.keys():
if 'auth_version' in kwargs.keys():
if 'interface' in kwargs.keys():
self.client_kwargs['interface'] = kwargs.pop('interface')
self.compute_version = kwargs.pop('compute_api_version', 2)
self.image_version = kwargs.pop('image_api_version', 2)
self.volume_version = kwargs.pop('volume_api_version', 2)
self.auth = loader.load_from_options(auth_url=auth_url, **kwargs)
self.sess = session.Session(auth=self.auth, **session_kwargs)
def create_nova(self):
Use pre-initialized session to create an instance of nova client.
:return: novaclient instance
self.nova = nova_client(self.compute_version, session=self.sess,
return self.nova
def create_glance(self):
Use pre-initialized session to create an instance of glance client.
:return: glanceclient instance
if 'endpoint_type' in self.client_kwargs.keys():
if 'insecure' in self.client_kwargs.keys():
self.glance = glance_client(self.image_version, session=self.sess,
return self.glance
def create_cinder(self):
Use pre-initialized session to create an instance of cinder client.
:return: cinderclient instance
self.cinder = cinder_client(self.volume_version, session=self.sess,
return self.cinder
def create_swift(self):
Swift client needs to be treated differently so we need to copy the
arguments and provide it to swiftclient the correct way !
:return: swiftclient instance
os_options = {}
auth_version = None
if 'region_name' in self.swift_args.keys():
os_options['region_name'] = self.swift_args.get('region_name')
if 'endpoint_type' in self.swift_args.keys():
os_options['endpoint_type'] = self.swift_args.pop('endpoint_type')
if 'tenant_id' in self.swift_args.keys():
os_options['tenant_id'] = self.swift_args.pop('tenant_id')
if 'identity_api_version' in self.swift_args.keys():
os_options['identity_api_version'] = \
auth_version = os_options['identity_api_version']
if 'token' in self.swift_args.keys():
os_options['auth_token'] = self.swift_args.pop('token')
if 'auth_version' in self.swift_args.keys():
auth_version = self.swift_args.get('auth_version')
tenant_name = self.swift_args.get('project_name') or self.swift_args.\
self.swift = swiftclient.client.Connection(
insecure=self.swift_args.get('insecure', False),
cacert=self.swift_args.get('cacert', None),
if self.dry_run:
self.swift = DryRunSwiftclientConnectionWrapper(self.swift)
return self.swift
def get_nova(self):
Get novaclient instance
:return: novaclient instance
if not self.nova:
self.nova = self.create_nova()
return self.nova
def get_glance(self):
Get glanceclient instance
:return: glanceclient instance
if not self.glance:
self.glance = self.create_glance()
return self.glance
def get_cinder(self):
Get cinderclient instance
:return: cinderclient instance
if not self.cinder:
self.cinder = self.create_cinder()
return self.cinder
def get_swift(self):
Get swiftclient instance
:return: swiftclient instance
if not self.swift:
self.swift = self.create_swift()
return self.swift
def provide_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot_name):
Creates snapshot for cinder volume with --force parameter
:param volume: volume object for snapshoting
:param snapshot_name: name of snapshot
:return: snapshot object
snapshot = self.get_cinder().volume_snapshots.create(,
LOG.debug("Snapshot for volume with id {0}".format(
while snapshot.status != "available":
LOG.debug("Snapshot status: " + snapshot.status)
snapshot = self.get_cinder().volume_snapshots.get(
if snapshot.status == "error":
raise Exception("snapshot has error state")
except Exception as e:
if str(e) == "snapshot has error state":
raise e
return snapshot
def do_copy_volume(self, snapshot):
Creates new volume from a snapshot
:param snapshot: provided snapshot
:return: created volume
volume = self.get_cinder().volumes.create(
while volume.status != "available":
try:"Volume copy status: " + volume.status)
volume = self.get_cinder().volumes.get(
except Exception as e:
LOG.warn("Exception getting volume status")
return volume
def make_glance_image(self, image_volume_name, copy_volume):
Creates an glance image from volume
:param image_volume_name: Name of image
:param copy_volume: volume to make an image
:return: Glance image object
image_id = self.get_cinder().volumes.upload_to_image(
image = self.get_glance().images.get(image_id)
while image.status != "active":
time.sleep(5)"Image status: " + image.status)
image = self.get_glance().images.get(
if image.status in ("killed", "deleted"):
raise Exception("Image have killed state")
except Exception as e:
if image.status in ("killed", "deleted"):
raise e
LOG.warn("Exception getting image status")
return image
def clean_snapshot(self, snapshot):
Deletes snapshot
:param snapshot: snapshot name
""""Deleting existed snapshot: " +
def download_image(self, image):
Creates a stream for image data
:param image: Image object for downloading
:return: stream of image data
LOG.debug("Download image enter")
stream = self.get_glance()
LOG.debug("Stream with size {0}".format(image.size))
return utils.ReSizeStream(stream, image.size, 1000000)
class OpenstackOpts(object):
Gathering and maintaining the right Openstack credentials that will be used
to authenticate against keystone. Now we support keystone v2 and v3.
We need to provide a correct url that ends with either v2.0 or v3
or provide auth_version or identity_api_version
def __init__(self, auth_url, auth_method='password', auth_version=None,
username=None, password=None, region_name=None, cacert=None,
identity_api_version=None, project_id=None, project_name=None,
tenant_id=None, tenant_name=None, token=None, insecure=False,
endpoint_type='internalURL', interface=None,
compute_api_version=2, image_api_version=2,
volume_api_version=2, user_domain_name=None, domain_id=None,
user_domain_id=None, project_domain_id=None, domain_name=None,
Authentication Options to build a valid opts dict to be used to
authenticate against keystone. You must provide auth_url with a vaild
Openstack version at the end v2.0 or v3 or provide auth_version.
:param auth_url: string Keystone API URL
:param auth_method: string defaults to password or token (not tested)
:param auth_version: string Keystone API version. 2.0 or 3
:param username: string A valid Username
:param password: string A valid Password
:param region_name: string Region name or None
:param cacert: string Path to CA certificate
:param identity_api_version: string Keystone API version to use
:param project_id: UUID string Project ID
:param project_name: string Project Name
:param tenant_id: string Project/ Tenant ID.
Use with keystone v2.0 only
:param tenant_name: string Project/ Tenant Name. keystone v2.0 only
:param token: string Valid token. Only if auth_method is token
:param insecure: boolean Use insecure connections
:param endpoint_type: string publicURL, adminURL, internalURL
:param interface: string internal, ...
:param compute_api_version: int NOVA API version to use default 2
:param image_api_version: int Glance API version, default 2
:param volume_api_version: int Cinder API version, default 2
:param user_domain_name: string User Domain Name. only with keystone v3
:param domain_id: string Domain ID. Only with keystone v3
:param user_domain_id: string User Domain ID. only with keystone v3
:param project_domain_id: string Project Domain ID. keystone v3 only
:param domain_name: string Domain Name. only with keystone v3
:param project_domain_name: string Project Domain Name.
keystone v3 only
:return: None
self.auth_url = auth_url
self.auth_method = auth_method
self.auth_version = auth_version
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.region_name = region_name
self.cacert = cacert
self.identity_api_version = identity_api_version
self.tenant_id = tenant_id or project_id
self.project_id = project_id or tenant_id
self.project_name = project_name or tenant_name
self.tenant_name = tenant_name or project_name
self.token = token
self.insecure = insecure
self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type
self.interface = interface
self.compute_api_version = compute_api_version
self.image_api_version = image_api_version
self.volume_api_version = volume_api_version
self.user_domain_id = user_domain_id
self.user_domain_name = user_domain_name
self.project_domain_id = project_domain_id
self.project_domain_name = project_domain_name
self.domain_id = domain_id
self.domain_name = domain_name
if auth_url is None:
raise Exception('auth_url required to authenticate. Make sure to '
'export OS_AUTH_URL=http://keystone_url:5000/v3')
if auth_version is None and identity_api_version is None:
version = auth_url.rstrip('/').rsplit('/')[-1]
if version == 'v3':
self.auth_version = self.identity_api_version = str('3')
elif version == 'v2.0':
self.auth_version = self.identity_api_version = str('2.0')
raise Exception('Keystone Auth version {0} is not supported!. '
'Generated from auth_url: {1}'
.format(version, auth_url))'Authenticating with Keystone version: '
'{0}, auth_url: {1}, username: {2}, project: {3}'.
format(self.auth_version, self.auth_url,
self.username, self.project_name))
def get_opts_dicts(self):
Return opentack auth arguments as dict
detects the auth version from url if not provided
handles certificate issues
opts = self.__dict__
if self.auth_method == 'password':
opts.pop('token', None)
elif self.auth_method == 'token':
opts.pop('username', None)
opts.pop('password', None)
if not self.cacert:
opts['verify'] = False
opts['insecure'] = True
self.auth_version = str(self.auth_version)
self.identity_api_version = str(self.identity_api_version)
if self.auth_version == '3' or self.identity_api_version == '3':
opts['auth_version'] = opts['identity_api_version'] = '3'
opts.pop('tenant_id', None)
opts.pop('tenant_name', None)
elif (self.auth_version in ['2.0', '2'] or
self.identity_api_version in ['2.0', '2']):
opts['auth_version'] = opts['identity_api_version'] = '2.0'
# these parameters won't work with keystone v2.0
opts.pop('project_id', None)
opts.pop('project_name', None)
opts.pop('project_domain_id', None)
opts.pop('project_domain_name', None)
opts.pop('user_domain_id', None)
opts.pop('user_domain_name', None)
opts.pop('domain_id', None)
opts.pop('domain_name', None)
raise Exception('Keystone Auth version {0} is not supported!. '
'Generated from auth_url: {1}'.
format(self.auth_version, self.auth_url))
for i in opts.copy().keys():
if opts.get(i) is None:
return opts
def create_from_env():
Parse environment variables and load Openstack related options.
return OpenstackOpts.create_from_dict(os.environ)
def create_from_dict(src_dict):
Load Openstack arguments from dict and return OpenstackOpts object with
the correct parameters to authenticate.
:param src_dict: dict
:return: OpenstackOpts object with the passed arguments in place
return OpenstackOpts(
auth_method=src_dict.get('OS_AUTH_METHOD', 'password'),
auth_version=src_dict.get('OS_AUTH_VERSION', None),
username=src_dict.get('OS_USERNAME', None),
password=src_dict.get('OS_PASSWORD', None),
tenant_id=src_dict.get('OS_TENANT_ID', None),
tenant_name=src_dict.get('OS_TENANT_NAME', None),
project_id=src_dict.get('OS_PROJECT_ID', None),
project_name=src_dict.get('OS_PROJECT_NAME', None),
region_name=src_dict.get('OS_REGION_NAME', None),
endpoint_type=src_dict.get('OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE', 'publicURL'),
cacert=src_dict.get('OS_CACERT', None),
identity_api_version=src_dict.get('OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION', None),
insecure=src_dict.get('OS_INSECURE', False),
token=src_dict.get('OS_TOKEN', None),
interface=src_dict.get('OS_INTERFACE', None),
user_domain_name=src_dict.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME', None),
user_domain_id=src_dict.get('OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID', None),
project_domain_id=src_dict.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID', None),
project_domain_name=src_dict.get('OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME', None),
compute_api_version=src_dict.get('OS_COMPUTE_API_VERSION', 2),
volume_api_version=src_dict.get('OS_VOLUME_API_VERSION', 2),
image_api_version=src_dict.get('OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION', 2)
class DryRunSwiftclientConnectionWrapper(object):
def __init__(self, sw_connector):
self.sw_connector = sw_connector
self.get_object = sw_connector.get_object
self.get_account = sw_connector.get_account
self.get_container = sw_connector.get_container
self.head_object = sw_connector.head_object
self.put_object = self.dummy
self.put_container = self.dummy
self.delete_object = self.dummy
def dummy(self, *args, **kwargs):