jacky06 6aa9de447e Use unittest.mock instead of third party mock
Now that we no longer support py27, we can use the standard library
unittest.mock module instead of the third party mock lib.

Change-Id: Ibb42643faf23bba4a91019b87e7d23e8b36ce1a7
2020-04-08 22:54:37 +08:00

155 lines
5.9 KiB

# (C) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import io
import sys
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from unittest.mock import patch
from freezer.utils.checksum import CheckSum
class TestChecksum(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.file = mock.Mock()
self.dir = mock.Mock()
self.hello_world_md5sum = 'f36b2652200f5e88edd57963a1109146'
self.hello_world_sha256sum = ('17b949eb67acf16bbf2605d57a01f7af4ff4b5'
self.fake_file = io.StringIO(u"hello world\n")
self.increment_hash_one = self.hello_world_sha256sum
self.increment_hash_multi = ('1b4bc4ff41172a5f29eaeffb7e9fc24c683c693'
self.increment_hash_emptydir = ("6b6c6a3d7548cc4396b3dacc6c2750c3"
self.fake_dir = [('root', ['d1, .git'], ['a', 'b']), ]
self.dir_files = ['root/a', 'root/b']
self.exclude = "ro*b"
self.dir_files_without_excludeds = ['root/a']
self.dir_hashes = [
self.dir_compute = self.increment_hash_multi
self.file_compute = self.hello_world_sha256sum + 'onefile'
def test_hello_world_checksum_md5(self):
Test calculating the md5 of a string
chksum = CheckSum('nofile', 'md5')
mdsum = chksum.hashfile(self.fake_file)
self.assertEqual(self.hello_world_md5sum, mdsum)
def test_hello_world_checksum_sha256(self):
Test calculating the sha256 of a string
chksum = CheckSum('nofile', 'sha256')
shasum = chksum.hashfile(self.fake_file)
self.assertEqual(self.hello_world_sha256sum, shasum)
def test_unknown_hasher_type(self):
Test un-known hash algorithm
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
CheckSum('nope', 'bulshit')
@unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info.major == 2,
'Not supported on python v 2.7')
def test_get_hash_files(self, mock_isfile, mock_open):
Test calculating the hash of a file
mock_isfile.return_value = True
mock_open.return_value = self.fake_file
chksum = CheckSum('onefile')
self.assertEqual(self.increment_hash_one, chksum._increment_hash)
self.assertEqual(self.increment_hash_multi, chksum._increment_hash)
def test_get_hash_multi(self, mock_isfile):
Calculate the hash of files in a directory
mock_isfile.return_value = False
chksum = CheckSum('onedir')
self.assertEqual(self.increment_hash_emptydir, chksum._increment_hash)
def test_compute_dir(self, mock_hashes):
Test hashing a directory
mock_hashes.return_value = self.increment_hash_multi
chksum = CheckSum('onedir')
chksum.count = 2
result = chksum.compute()
self.assertEqual(self.dir_compute, result)
def test_compute_file(self, mock_get_checksum):
Test compute the checksum of a file
mock_get_checksum.return_value = self.hello_world_sha256sum
chksum = CheckSum('onefile')
chksum.count = 1
result = chksum.compute()
self.assertEqual(self.file_compute, result)
def test_compare_dir_match(self, mock_get_hashes):
compute checksum for a directory and it should match
mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.increment_hash_multi
chksum = CheckSum('onedir')
def test_compare_dir_not_match(self, mock_get_hashes):
compute checksum for a directory and it should not match
mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.increment_hash_multi
chksum = CheckSum('onedir')
def test_compare_file_match(self, mock_get_hashes):
compute checksum for a file and it should match
mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.hello_world_sha256sum
chksum = CheckSum('onefile')
def test_compare_file_not_match(self, mock_get_hashes):
compute checksum for a file and it should not match
mock_get_hashes.return_value = self.hello_world_sha256sum
chksum = CheckSum('onefile')