--- # Base config task_uuid: deployment_task engine: url: http://localhost/cobbler_api username: cobbler password: cobbler # These parameters can be overridden in the specification of a particular node common_node_settings: name_servers: "" # These parameters can be overridden in the specification of a particular node common_power_info: power_type: ssh power_user: root power_pass: /root/.ssh/bootstrap.rsa netboot_enabled: 1 # These parameters can be overridden in the specification of a particular node common_ks_meta: mco_enable: 1 mco_vhost: mcollective mco_pskey: unset mco_user: mcollective puppet_enable: 0 install_log_2_syslog: 1 mco_password: marionette puppet_auto_setup: 1 puppet_master: fuel.domain.tld mco_auto_setup: 1 auth_key: '""' puppet_version: 2.7.19 mco_connector: rabbitmq mco_host: # Nodes nodes: - name: controller-8 hostname: controller-8.domain.tld # Data for provision profile: centos-x86_64 ks_meta: # ks_spaces: '"[{"type": "disk", "id": "disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-scsi-0:0:0:0", # "volumes": [{"type": "boot", "size": 300}, {"mount": "/boot", "type": "raid", # "size": 200}, {"type": "lvm_meta", "name": "os", "size": 64}, {"size": 11264, # "type": "pv", "vg": "os"}, {"type": "lvm_meta", "name": "image", "size": 64}, # {"size": 4492, "type": "pv", "vg": "image"}], "size": 16384}]"' ks_disks: # All size should be set in megabytes - type: "disk" id: "disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-scsi-0:0:0:0" size: 16384 volumes: - type: "boot" size: 300 - type: "raid" mount: "/boot" size: 200 - type: "lvm_meta" name: "os" size: 64 - type: "pv" size: 11264 vg: os - type: "pv" vg: "image" size: 4492 - type: "vg" id: "os" min_size: 11264 label: "Base System" volumes: - type: "lv" mount: "/" name: root size: 10048 - type: "lv" mount: "/swap" name: swap size: 1024 - type: "vg" id: "image" min_size: 4492 label: "Image Storage" volumes: - type: "lv" mount: "/var/lib/glance" name: glance size: 4200 interfaces: - name: eth2 ip_address: netmask: static: 0 mac_address: '08:00:27:31:09:34' onboot: 'no' peerdns: 'no' - name: eth1 ip_address: netmask: static: 0 mac_address: 08:00:27:93:54:B0 onboot: 'no' peerdns: 'no' - name: eth0 #ip_address: # ip, power_address #netmask: dns_name: controller-8.domain.tld # fqdn static: 1 mac_address: 08:00:27:83:80:92 # mac onboot: 'yes' peerdns: 'no' use_for_provision: true #End data for provision