# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require 'json' require 'timeout' module Astute class DeploymentEngine def initialize(context) if self.class.superclass.name == 'Object' raise "Instantiation of this superclass is not allowed. Please subclass from #{self.class.name}." end @ctx = context end def deploy(nodes, attrs) # See implementation in subclasses, this may be everriden attrs['deployment_mode'] ||= 'multinode' # simple multinode deployment is the default attrs['use_cinder'] ||= nodes.any?{|n| n['role'] == 'cinder'} @ctx.deploy_log_parser.deploy_type = attrs['deployment_mode'] Astute.logger.info "Deployment mode #{attrs['deployment_mode']}" self.send("deploy_#{attrs['deployment_mode']}", nodes, attrs) end def method_missing(method, *args) Astute.logger.error "Method #{method} is not implemented for #{self.class}, raising exception." raise "Method #{method} is not implemented for #{self.class}" end # we mix all attrs and prepare them for Puppet # Works for multinode deployment mode def attrs_multinode(nodes, attrs) attrs['nodes'] = nodes.map do |n| { 'fqdn' => n['fqdn'], 'name' => n['fqdn'].split(/\./)[0], 'role' => n['role'], 'internal_address' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'management')}[0]['ip'].split(/\//)[0], 'internal_br' => n['internal_br'], 'internal_netmask' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'management')}[0]['netmask'], 'storage_address' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'storage')}[0]['ip'].split(/\//)[0], 'storage_netmask' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'storage')}[0]['netmask'], 'public_address' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'public')}[0]['ip'].split(/\//)[0], 'public_br' => n['public_br'], 'public_netmask' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'public')}[0]['netmask'], 'default_gateway' => n['default_gateway'] } end # TODO(mihgen): we should report error back if there are not enough metadata passed attrs end # This method is called by Ruby metaprogramming magic from deploy method # It should not contain any magic with attributes, and should not directly run any type of MC plugins # It does only support of deployment sequence. See deploy_piece implementation in subclasses. def deploy_multinode(nodes, attrs) ctrl_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'controller'} other_nodes = nodes - ctrl_nodes Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of primary controller" deploy_piece(ctrl_nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of other nodes" deploy_piece(other_nodes, attrs) return end def attrs_ha(nodes, attrs) # we use the same set of mount points for all storage nodes attrs['mp'] = [{'point' => '1', 'weight' => '1'},{'point'=>'2','weight'=>'2'}] mountpoints = "" attrs['mp'].each do |mountpoint| mountpoints << "#{mountpoint['point']} #{mountpoint['weight']}\n" end Astute.logger.debug("#{nodes}") attrs['nodes'] = nodes.map do |n| { 'fqdn' => n['fqdn'], 'name' => n['fqdn'].split(/\./)[0], 'role' => n['role'], 'mountpoints' => mountpoints, 'internal_address' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'management')}[0]['ip'].split(/\//)[0], 'internal_br' => n['internal_br'], 'internal_netmask' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'management')}[0]['netmask'], 'public_address' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'public')}[0]['ip'].split(/\//)[0], 'public_br' => n['public_br'], 'public_netmask' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'public')}[0]['netmask'], 'swift_zone' => n['id'], 'storage_address' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'storage')}[0]['ip'].split(/\//)[0], 'storage_netmask' => n['network_data'].select {|nd| select_ifaces(nd['name'], 'storage')}[0]['netmask'], 'default_gateway' => n['default_gateway'] } end if attrs['nodes'].select { |node| node['role'] == 'primary-controller' }.empty? ctrl_nodes = attrs['nodes'].select {|n| n['role'] == 'controller'} ctrl_nodes[0]['role'] = 'primary-controller' end attrs end alias :attrs_ha_full :attrs_ha alias :attrs_ha_compact :attrs_ha def deploy_ha_full(nodes, attrs) primary_ctrl_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'primary-controller'} ctrl_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'controller'} compute_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'compute'} quantum_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'quantum'} storage_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'storage'} proxy_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'swift-proxy'} primary_proxy_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'primary-swift-proxy'} other_nodes = nodes - ctrl_nodes - primary_ctrl_nodes - \ primary_proxy_nodes - quantum_nodes - storage_nodes - proxy_nodes Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of primary swift proxy" deploy_piece(primary_proxy_nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of non-primary swift proxies" deploy_piece(proxy_nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of swift storages" deploy_piece(storage_nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of primary controller" deploy_piece(primary_ctrl_nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of all controllers one by one" ctrl_nodes.each {|n| deploy_piece([n], attrs)} Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of other nodes" deploy_piece(other_nodes, attrs) return end def deploy_ha_compact(nodes, attrs) primary_ctrl_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'primary-controller'} ctrl_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'controller'} compute_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'compute'} quantum_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'quantum'} storage_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'storage'} proxy_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'swift-proxy'} primary_proxy_nodes = nodes.select {|n| n['role'] == 'primary-swift-proxy'} other_nodes = nodes - ctrl_nodes - primary_ctrl_nodes - \ primary_proxy_nodes - quantum_nodes #FIXME: add last_controller attribute to attributes hash in order to determine #if we are the last controller in deployment sequence and it is safe to #upload test virtual machine image last_controller = ctrl_nodes.last if last_controller['name'] attrs['last_controller'] = last_controller['name'] elsif last_controller['fqdn'] attrs['last_controller'] = last_controller['fqdn'].split(/\./)[0] end Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of primary controller" deploy_piece(primary_ctrl_nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of all controllers one by one" ctrl_nodes.each {|n| deploy_piece([n], attrs)} Astute.logger.info "Starting deployment of other nodes" deploy_piece(other_nodes, attrs) return end alias :deploy_ha :deploy_ha_compact def attrs_rpmcache(nodes, attrs) attrs end def deploy_rpmcache(nodes, attrs) Astute.logger.info "Starting release downloading" deploy_piece(nodes, attrs, 0) end private def select_ifaces(var,name) result = false if var.is_a?(Array) result = true if var.include?(name) elsif var.is_a?(String) result = true if var == name end end def nodes_status(nodes, status, data_to_merge) {'nodes' => nodes.map { |n| {'uid' => n['uid'], 'status' => status}.merge(data_to_merge) }} end def validate_nodes(nodes) if nodes.empty? Astute.logger.info "#{@ctx.task_id}: Nodes to deploy are not provided. Do nothing." return false end return true end def calculate_networks(data, hwinterfaces) interfaces = {} data ||= [] Astute.logger.info "calculate_networks function was provided with #{data.size} interfaces" data.each do |net| Astute.logger.debug "Calculating network for #{net.inspect}" if net['vlan'] && net['vlan'] != 0 name = [net['dev'], net['vlan']].join('.') else name = net['dev'] end unless interfaces.has_key?(name) interfaces[name] = {'interface' => name, 'ipaddr' => []} end iface = interfaces[name] if net['name'] == 'admin' if iface['ipaddr'].size > 0 Astute.logger.error "Admin network interferes with openstack nets" end iface['ipaddr'] += ['dhcp'] else if iface['ipaddr'].any?{|x| x == 'dhcp'} Astute.logger.error "Admin network interferes with openstack nets" end if net['ip'] iface['ipaddr'] += [net['ip']] end if net['gateway'] && net['name'] =~ /^public$/i iface['gateway'] = net['gateway'] end end Astute.logger.debug "Calculated network for interface: #{name}, data: #{iface.inspect}" end interfaces['lo'] = {'interface'=>'lo', 'ipaddr'=>['']} unless interfaces.has_key?('lo') hwinterfaces.each do |i| unless interfaces.has_key?(i['name']) interfaces[i['name']] = {'interface' => i['name'], 'ipaddr' => []} end end interfaces.keys.each do |i| interfaces[i]['ipaddr'] = 'none' if interfaces[i]['ipaddr'].size == 0 interfaces[i]['ipaddr'] = 'dhcp' if interfaces[i]['ipaddr'] == ['dhcp'] end interfaces end end end