Vladimir Sharshov (warpc) 7766818f07 Give more than 1 chance to answer Astute live check via mcollective
Change-Id: I7cff40486cd2b2bc588b12ea520b601ff64e95b5
Closes-Bug: #1461532
2015-06-05 00:54:22 +03:00

178 lines
6.4 KiB

# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
module Astute
module PreDelete
def self.check_ceph_osds(ctx, nodes)
answer = {"status" => "ready"}
ceph_nodes = nodes.select { |n| n["roles"].include? "ceph-osd" }
ceph_osds = ceph_nodes.collect{ |n| n["slave_name"] }
return answer if ceph_osds.empty?
cmd = "ceph -f json osd tree"
result = {}
shell = nil
ceph_nodes.each do |ceph_node|
shell = MClient.new(ctx, "execute_shell_command", [ceph_node["id"]], timeout=60, retries=1)
result = shell.execute(:cmd => cmd).first.results
break if result[:data][:exit_code] == 0
if result[:data][:exit_code] != 0
Astute.logger.debug "Ceph has not been found or has not been configured properly" \
" Safely removing nodes..."
return answer
osds = {}
tree = JSON.parse(result[:data][:stdout])
tree["nodes"].each do |osd|
osds[osd["name"]] = osd["children"] if ceph_osds.include? osd["name"]
# pg dump lists all pgs in the cluster and where they are located.
# $14 is the 'up set' (the list of OSDs responsible for a particular
# pg for an epoch) and $16 is the 'acting set' (list of OSDs who
# are [or were at some point] responsible for a pg). These sets
# will generally be the same.
osd_list = osds.values.flatten.join("|")
cmd = "ceph pg dump 2>/dev/null | " \
"awk '//{print $14, $16}' | " \
"egrep -o '\\<(#{osd_list})\\>' | " \
"sort -un"
result = shell.execute(:cmd => cmd).first.results
rs = result[:data][:stdout].split("\n")
# JSON.parse returns the children as integers, so the result from the
# shell command needs to be converted for the set operations to work.
rs.map! { |x| x.to_i }
error_nodes = []
osds.each do |name, children|
error_nodes << name if rs & children != []
if not error_nodes.empty?
msg = "Ceph data still exists on: #{error_nodes.join(', ')}. " \
"You must manually remove the OSDs from the cluster " \
"and allow Ceph to rebalance before deleting these nodes."
answer = {"status" => "error", "error" => msg}
def self.remove_ceph_mons(ctx, nodes)
answer = {"status" => "ready"}
ceph_mon_nodes = nodes.select { |n| n["roles"].include? "controller" }
ceph_mons = ceph_mon_nodes.collect{ |n| n["slave_name"] }
return answer if ceph_mon_nodes.empty?
#Get the list of mon nodes
result = {}
shell = nil
ceph_mon_nodes.each do |ceph_mon_node|
shell = MClient.new(ctx, "execute_shell_command", [ceph_mon_node["id"]], timeout=120, retries=1)
result = shell.execute(:cmd => "ceph -f json mon dump").first.results
break if result[:data][:exit_code] == 0
if result[:data][:exit_code] != 0
Astute.logger.debug "Ceph mon has not been found or has not been configured properly" \
" Safely removing nodes..."
return answer
mon_dump = JSON.parse(result[:data][:stdout])
left_mons = mon_dump['mons'].select { | n | n if ! ceph_mons.include? n['name'] }
left_mon_names = left_mons.collect { |n| n['name'] }
left_mon_ips = left_mons.collect { |n| n['addr'].split(":")[0] }
#Remove nodes from ceph cluster
Astute.logger.info("Removing ceph mons #{ceph_mons} from cluster")
ceph_mon_nodes.each do |node|
shell = MClient.new(ctx, "execute_shell_command", [node["id"]], timeout=120, retries=1)
#remove node from ceph mon list
shell.execute(:cmd => "ceph mon remove #{node["slave_name"]}").first.results
#Fix the ceph.conf on the left mon nodes
left_mon_names.each do |node|
mon_initial_members_cmd = "sed -i \"s/mon_initial_members.*/mon_initial_members\ = #{left_mon_names.join(" ")}/g\" /etc/ceph/ceph.conf"
mon_host_cmd = "sed -i \"s/mon_host.*/mon_host\ = #{left_mon_ips.join(" ")}/g\" /etc/ceph/ceph.conf"
shell = MClient.new(ctx, "execute_shell_command", [node.split('-')[1]], timeout=120, retries=1)
shell.execute(:cmd => mon_initial_members_cmd).first.results
shell.execute(:cmd => mon_host_cmd).first.results
Astute.logger.info("Ceph mons are left in cluster: #{left_mon_names}")
def self.check_for_offline_nodes(ctx, nodes)
answer = {"status" => "ready"}
# FIXME(vsharshov): We send for node/cluster deletion operation
# as integer instead of String
mco_nodes = nodes.map { |n| n['uid'].to_s }
online_nodes = detect_available_nodes(ctx, mco_nodes)
offline_nodes = mco_nodes - online_nodes
if offline_nodes.present?
offline_nodes.map! { |e| {'uid' => e} }
msg = "MCollective is not running on nodes: " \
"#{offline_nodes.collect {|n| n['uid'] }.join(',')}. " \
"MCollective must be running to properly delete a node."
Astute.logger.warn msg
answer = {'status' => 'error',
'error' => msg,
'error_nodes' => offline_nodes}
def self.detect_available_nodes(ctx, uids)
all_uids = uids.clone
available_uids = []
# In case of big amount of nodes we should do several calls to be sure
# about node status
Astute.config[:mc_retries].times.each do
systemtype = Astute::MClient.new(ctx, "systemtype", all_uids, check_result=false, 10)
available_nodes = systemtype.get_type
available_uids += available_nodes.map { |node| node.results[:sender] }
all_uids -= available_uids
break if all_uids.empty?
sleep Astute.config[:mc_retry_interval]