
155 lines
6.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
require 'json'
require 'yaml'
public_iface = "eth0"
internal_iface = "eth1"
private_iface = "eth2"
default_gateway = ""
master_ip = ""
dns1 = default_gateway
internal_net = ''
internal_net_prefix = internal_net.split('.')[0..2].join(".")
nodes = {"compute-01" => '64:c3:54:54:d2:66',
"controller-01" => "64:48:7a:14:83:e8",
"controller-02" => "64:b7:37:b1:1d:c9",
"controller-03" => "64:f4:64:e7:50:d3",
"swift-01" => "64:57:26:83:1d:ca",
"swift-02" => "64:dc:fd:ad:eb:4e",
"swift-03" => "64:ea:df:59:79:39",
"swiftproxy-01" => "64:bc:c3:9c:07:26",
"swiftproxy-02" => "64:97:93:5f:b2:dc"
template = YAML.load(File.open('example_new.yaml'))
template_node = template['node_01']
newyaml = template
newyaml['nodes'] = []
cluster = JSON.load(File.open('full.json'))
nodes.each do |node,macaddr|
result = template_node.clone
json_node = cluster.select {|n| n['mac'].to_s == macaddr.to_s.upcase}[0]
mac = json_node['mac'].to_s
ip = json_node['ip'].to_s
l_octet = ip.split('.')[3]
id = json_node['id'].to_s
uid = id
if node == nodes.select{ |n,m| n.to_s =~ /controller/ }.map{|n,m| n}.first
role = 'primary-controller'
elsif node =~ /controller/
role = 'controller'
elsif node == nodes.select { |n,m| n.to_s =~ /swiftproxy/ }.map{|n,m| n}.first
role = 'primary-swift-proxy'
elsif node =~ /swiftproxy/
role = 'swift-proxy'
elsif node =~ /swift-\d+/
role = 'storage'
role = 'compute'
cobbler_dnsname = "#{node}.domain.tld"
cobbler_interfaces = {
public_iface => {"ip_address"=>ip, "netmask"=> "", "dns_name"=>cobbler_dnsname, "static"=> "1", "mac_address" => mac}
cobbler_interfaces_extra = {
public_iface => {'onboot'=>'yes','peerdns'=>'no'},
internal_iface => {'onboot'=>'no','peerdns'=>'no'},
private_iface => {'onboot'=>'no','peerdns'=>'no'}
result['interfaces'] = cobbler_interfaces
result['interfaces_extra'] = cobbler_interfaces_extra
result['power_address'] = ip
result['mac'] = mac
result['default_gateway'] = default_gateway
result['name'] = node
result['ip'] = ip
result['id'] = id
result['uid'] = uid
result['name_servers'] = master_ip
result['role'] = role
result['fqdn'] = cobbler_dnsname
system_disk=json_node['meta']['disks'].select {|disk| disk['name'] == 'vda'}.first
cinder_disk=json_node['meta']['disks'].select {|disk| disk['name'] == 'vdb'}.first
system_disk_path = system_disk['disk']
system_disk_size = (system_disk['size']/1048756.0).floor
cinder_disk_path = cinder_disk['disk']
cinder_disk_size = (cinder_disk['size']/1048756.0).floor
system_pv_size = system_disk_size - 201
swap_size = 1024
free_vg_size = system_pv_size - swap_size
free_extents = (free_vg_size/32.0).floor
system_disk_size = 32 * free_extents
# ks_spaces: '"[{\"type\": \"disk\", \"id\": \"disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:06.0-virtio-pci-virtio3\",
# \"volumes\": [{\"mount\": \"/boot\", \"type\": \"partition\", \"size\": 200},
# {\"type\": \"mbr\"}, {\"size\": 20000, \"type\": \"pv\", \"vg\": \"os\"}],
# \"size\": 20480}, {\"type\": \"vg\", \"id\": \"os\", \"volumes\": [{\"mount\":
# \"/\", \"type\": \"lv\", \"name\": \"root\", \"size\": 10240 }, {\"mount\":
# \"swap\", \"type\": \"lv\", \"name\": \"swap\", \"size\": 2048}]}]"'
ks_spaces = '"[{\"type\": \"disk\", \"id\": \"' +
system_disk_path.to_s +
'\",\"volumes\": [{\"mount\": \"/boot\", \"type\": \"partition\", \"size\": 200}, {\"type\": \"mbr\"}, {\"size\": ' +
system_pv_size.to_s +
', \"type\": \"pv\", \"vg\": \"os\"}],\"size\": ' +
system_disk_size.to_s +
'},{\"type\": \"vg\", \"id\": \"os\", \"volumes\": [{\"mount\": \"/\", \"type\": \"lv\", \"name\": \"root\", \"size\": ' +
system_disk_size.to_s +
'}, {\"mount\": \"swap\", \"type\": \"lv\", \"name\": \"swap\", \"size\": '+
swap_size.to_s +
'}]}, {\"type\": \"disk\", \"id\": \"' + cinder_disk_path + '\", \"volumes\": [{\"type\": \"mbr\"}, {\"size\": ' +
cinder_disk_size.to_s +
', \"type\": \"pv\", \"vg\": \"cinder-volumes\"}], \"size\": ' +
cinder_disk_size.to_s + '}]"'
result['ks_meta'] = result['ks_meta'].update(cobbler_ks_meta)
puppet_network_data = [
{"name" => 'public', 'ip'=>ip, "dev" => public_iface, 'netmask' => "", "gateway" => default_gateway },
{"name" => ['management','storage'], 'ip'=>"#{internal_net_prefix.to_s}.#{l_octet}", "dev" => internal_iface, 'netmask' => ""},
{"name" => 'fixed', "dev" => private_iface},
result['network_data'] = puppet_network_data
# puts result.to_yaml
newyaml['attributes']['master_ip'] = master_ip
newyaml['attributes']['dns_nameservers'] = master_ip
newyaml['attributes']['libvirt_type'] = 'kvm'
newyaml['attributes']['public_vip'] = ''
newyaml['attributes']['management_vip'] = ''
newyaml['attributes']['floating_network_range'] = ''
newyaml['attributes']['fixed_network_range'] = ''
newyaml['attributes']['base_syslog']['syslog_server'] = master_ip
puts newyaml.to_yaml