#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Command-line utility to help developers work with Fuel master. """ import logging import os from oslo.utils import encodeutils import six import sys import traceback from cliff import app from cliff import commandmanager from fuel_dev_tools.docker import astute from fuel_dev_tools.docker import mcollective from fuel_dev_tools.docker import nailgun from fuel_dev_tools.docker import nginx from fuel_dev_tools.docker import postgres from fuel_dev_tools.docker import rabbitmq from fuel_dev_tools.slaves import mcagent from fuel_dev_tools import exc from fuel_dev_tools import info from fuel_dev_tools import ssh COMMANDS = { 'info': info.Info, 'send-identity': ssh.SendIdentity, 'ssh': ssh.SSH, 'astute-id': astute.Id, 'astute-config': astute.Config, 'astute-dir': astute.Dir, 'astute-log': astute.Log, 'astute-restart': astute.Restart, 'astute-rsync': astute.Rsync, 'astute-shell': astute.Shell, 'astute-start': astute.Start, 'astute-stop': astute.Stop, 'astute-tail': astute.Tail, 'astute-volumes': astute.Volumes, 'mcagent-rsync': mcagent.Rsync, 'mcollective-rsync-shotgun': mcollective.RsyncShotgun, 'mcollective-shell': mcollective.Shell, 'nailgun-id': nailgun.Id, 'nailgun-config': nailgun.Config, 'nailgun-db-reset': nailgun.DBReset, 'nailgun-dir': nailgun.Dir, 'nailgun-log': nailgun.Log, 'nailgun-restart': nailgun.Restart, 'nailgun-rsync': nailgun.Rsync, 'nailgun-rsync-static': nginx.Rsync, 'nailgun-shell': nailgun.Shell, 'nailgun-start': nailgun.Start, 'nailgun-stop': nailgun.Stop, 'nailgun-tail': nailgun.Tail, 'nailgun-volumes': nailgun.Volumes, 'postgres-id': postgres.Id, 'postgres-config': postgres.Config, 'postgres-dir': postgres.Dir, 'postgres-log': postgres.Log, 'postgres-restart': postgres.Restart, 'postgres-shell': postgres.Shell, 'postgres-start': postgres.Start, 'postgres-stop': postgres.Stop, 'postgres-tail': postgres.Tail, 'postgres-volumes': postgres.Volumes, 'rabbitmq-id': rabbitmq.Id, 'rabbitmq-config': rabbitmq.Config, 'rabbitmq-dir': rabbitmq.Dir, 'rabbitmq-log': rabbitmq.Log, 'rabbitmq-restart': rabbitmq.Restart, 'rabbitmq-shell': rabbitmq.Shell, 'rabbitmq-start': rabbitmq.Start, 'rabbitmq-stop': rabbitmq.Stop, 'rabbitmq-tail': rabbitmq.Tail, 'rabbitmq-volumes': rabbitmq.Volumes, } class ToolsApp(app.App): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __init__(self): super(ToolsApp, self).__init__( description=__doc__.strip(), version='1.0', command_manager=commandmanager.CommandManager('fuel.cli') ) self.commands = COMMANDS for k, v in self.commands.items(): self.command_manager.add_command(k, v) def build_option_parser(self, description, version): """Return an argparse option parser for this application. Subclasses may override this method to extend the parser with more global options. :param description: full description of the application :paramtype description: str :param version: version number for the application :paramtype version: str """ parser = super(ToolsApp, self).build_option_parser( description, version) parser.add_argument( '--ip', default='', help='Fuel master node IP address' ) parser.add_argument( '-p', '--port', default='22', help='Fuel master node SSH port' ) parser.add_argument( '-U', '--user', default='root', help='Fuel master node SSH user' ) parser.add_argument( '-I', '--identity-file', default=os.path.join( os.environ['HOME'], '.ssh', 'id_rsa.openstack'), help='SSH identity file' ) return parser def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]): try: return ToolsApp().run( list(map(encodeutils.safe_decode, argv)) ) except KeyboardInterrupt: six.print_("... terminating client", file=sys.stderr) return 130 except exc.ClientException: six.print_('ClientException') return 1 except exc.SSHError: six.print_('SSHError') return 1 except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': main()