
341 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import abc
from six import add_metaclass
from devops.error import DevopsError
from devops.helpers.helpers import get_admin_remote
from devops.helpers.helpers import get_node_remote
from devops.helpers.helpers import wait
from devops.helpers.retry import retry
from devops import logger
@retry(count=3, delay=60)
def sync_time(env, node_names, skip_sync=False):
"""Synchronize time on nodes
param: env - environment object
param: node_names - list of devops node names
param: skip_sync - only get the current time without sync
return: dict{node_name: node_time, ...}
with GroupNtpSync(env, node_names) as g_ntp:
if not skip_sync:
if g_ntp.admin_ntps:
if g_ntp.pacemaker_ntps:
if g_ntp.other_ntps:
all_ntps = g_ntp.admin_ntps + g_ntp.pacemaker_ntps + g_ntp.other_ntps
results = {ntp.node_name: ntp.date for ntp in all_ntps}
return results
class AbstractNtp(object):
def __init__(self, remote, node_name):
self._remote = remote
self._node_name = node_name
def __repr__(self):
return "{0}(remote={1}, node_name={2!r})".format(
self.__class__.__name__, self.remote, self.node_name)
def remote(self):
"""remote object"""
return self._remote
def node_name(self):
"""node name"""
return self._node_name
def date(self):
return self.remote.execute("date")['stdout'][0].rstrip()
def start(self):
"""Start ntp daemon"""
def stop(self):
"""Stop ntp daemon"""
def set_actual_time(self, timeout=600):
"""enforce time sync"""
def wait_peer(self, interval=8, timeout=600):
"""Wait for connection"""
# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# noinspection PyAbstractClass
class BaseNtp(AbstractNtp):
"""Base class for ntpd based services
Provides common methods:
- set_actual_time
- wait_peer
def set_actual_time(self, timeout=600):
# Get IP of a server from which the time will be synchronized.
srv_cmd = "awk '/^server/ && $2 !~ /^127\./ {print $2}' /etc/ntp.conf"
server = self.remote.execute(srv_cmd)['stdout'][0]
# Waiting for parent server until it starts providing the time
set_date_cmd = "ntpdate -p 4 -t 0.2 -bu {0}".format(server)
wait(lambda: not self.remote.execute(set_date_cmd)['exit_code'],
timeout_msg='Failed to set actual time on node {!r}'.format(
self.remote.check_call('hwclock -w')
def _get_ntpq(self):
return self.remote.execute('ntpq -pn')['stdout'][2:]
def _get_sync_complete(self):
peers = self._get_ntpq()
logger.debug("Node: {0}, ntpd peers: {1}".format(
self.node_name, peers))
for peer in peers:
p = peer.split()
remote = str(p[0])
reach = int(p[6], 8) # From octal to int
offset = float(p[8])
jitter = float(p[9])
# 1. offset and jitter should not be higher than 500
# Otherwise, time should be re-set.
if (abs(offset) > 500) or (abs(jitter) > 500):
# 2. remote should be marked with tally '*'
if remote[0] != '*':
# 3. reachability bit array should have '1' at least in
# two lower bits as the last two successful checks
if reach & 3 != 3:
return True
return False
def wait_peer(self, interval=8, timeout=600):
timeout_msg='Failed to wait peer on node {!r}'.format(
# pylint: enable=abstract-method
class NtpInitscript(BaseNtp):
"""NtpInitscript.""" # TODO(ddmitriev) documentation
def __init__(self, remote, node_name):
super(NtpInitscript, self).__init__(remote, node_name)
get_ntp_cmd = \
"find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/ntp.?' -executable"
result = remote.execute(get_ntp_cmd)
self._service = result['stdout'][0].strip()
def start(self):
self.remote.check_call("{0} start".format(self._service))
def stop(self):
self.remote.check_call("{0} stop".format(self._service))
class NtpPacemaker(BaseNtp):
"""NtpPacemaker.""" # TODO(ddmitriev) documentation
def start(self):
# Temporary workaround of the LP bug #1441121
self.remote.execute('ip netns exec vrouter ip l set dev lo up')
self.remote.execute('crm resource start p_ntp')
def stop(self):
self.remote.execute('crm resource stop p_ntp; killall ntpd')
def _get_ntpq(self):
return self.remote.execute(
'ip netns exec vrouter ntpq -pn')['stdout'][2:]
class NtpSystemd(BaseNtp):
"""NtpSystemd.""" # TODO(ddmitriev) documentation
def start(self):
self.remote.check_call('systemctl start ntpd')
def stop(self):
self.remote.check_call('systemctl stop ntpd')
class NtpChronyd(AbstractNtp):
"""Implements communication with chrony service
Reference: http://chrony.tuxfamily.org/
def start(self):
# No need to stop/start chronyd
# client can't work without daemon
def stop(self):
# No need to stop/start chronyd
# client can't work without daemon
def _get_burst_complete(self):
result = self._remote.check_call('chronyc -a activity')
stdout = result['stdout']
burst_line = stdout[4]
return burst_line == '0 sources doing burst (return to online)\n'
def set_actual_time(self, timeout=600):
# sync time
# 3 - good measurements
# 5 - max measurements
self._remote.check_call('chronyc -a burst 3/5')
# wait burst complete
wait(self._get_burst_complete, timeout=timeout,
timeout_msg='Failed to set actual time on node {!r}'.format(
# set system clock
self._remote.check_call('chronyc -a makestep')
def wait_peer(self, interval=8, timeout=600):
# wait for synchronization
# 10 - number of tries
# 0.01 - maximum allowed remaining correction
self._remote.check_call('chronyc -a waitsync 10 0.01')
class GroupNtpSync(object):
"""Synchronize a group of nodes."""
def get_ntp(remote, node_name):
# Detect how NTPD is managed - by init script or by pacemaker.
pcs_cmd = "ps -C pacemakerd && crm_resource --resource p_ntp --locate"
systemd_cmd = "systemctl list-unit-files| grep ntpd"
chronyd_cmd = "systemctl is-active chronyd"
initd_cmd = "find /etc/init.d/ -regex '/etc/init.d/ntp.?' -executable"
if remote.execute(pcs_cmd)['exit_code'] == 0:
# Pacemaker service found
return NtpPacemaker(remote, node_name)
elif remote.execute(systemd_cmd)['exit_code'] == 0:
return NtpSystemd(remote, node_name)
elif remote.execute(chronyd_cmd)['exit_code'] == 0:
return NtpChronyd(remote, node_name)
elif len(remote.execute(initd_cmd)['stdout']):
return NtpInitscript(remote, node_name)
raise DevopsError('No suitable NTP service found on node {!r}'
def __init__(self, env, node_names):
"""Context manager for synchronize time on nodes
param: env - environment object
param: node_names - list of devops node names
self.admin_ntps = []
self.pacemaker_ntps = []
self.other_ntps = []
for node_name in node_names:
if node_name == 'admin':
# 1. Add a 'Ntp' instance with connection to Fuel admin node
admin_remote = get_admin_remote(env)
admin_ntp = self.get_ntp(admin_remote, 'admin')
logger.debug("Added node '{0}' to self.admin_ntps"
remote = get_node_remote(env, node_name)
ntp = self.get_ntp(remote, node_name)
if isinstance(ntp, NtpPacemaker):
# 2. Create a list of 'Ntp' connections to the controller nodes
logger.debug("Added node '{0}' to self.pacemaker_ntps"
# 2. Create a list of 'Ntp' connections to the other nodes
logger.debug("Added node '{0}' to self.other_ntps"
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exp_type, exp_value, traceback):
def report_node_names(ntps):
return [ntp.node_name for ntp in ntps]
def do_sync_time(self, ntps):
# 1. Stop NTPD service on nodes
logger.debug("Stop NTPD service on nodes {0}"
for ntp in ntps:
# 2. Set actual time on all nodes via 'ntpdate'
logger.debug("Set actual time on all nodes via 'ntpdate' on nodes {0}"
for ntp in ntps:
# 3. Start NTPD service on nodes
logger.debug("Start NTPD service on nodes {0}"
for ntp in ntps:
# 4. Wait for established peers
logger.debug("Wait for established peers on nodes {0}"
for ntp in ntps: