
184 lines
3.6 KiB

# Copyright 2013 - 2014 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Based on http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/linux/kbd/scancodes-1.html
# Scancodes < 0x80 - key presses, > 0x80 - key releases
'1': 0x02,
'2': 0x03,
'3': 0x04,
'4': 0x05,
'5': 0x06,
'6': 0x07,
'7': 0x08,
'8': 0x09,
'9': 0x0a,
'0': 0x0b,
'-': 0x0c,
'=': 0x0d,
'q': 0x10,
'w': 0x11,
'e': 0x12,
'r': 0x13,
't': 0x14,
'y': 0x15,
'u': 0x16,
'i': 0x17,
'o': 0x18,
'p': 0x19,
'Q': (0x2a, 0x10),
'W': (0x2a, 0x11),
'E': (0x2a, 0x12),
'R': (0x2a, 0x13),
'T': (0x2a, 0x14),
'Y': (0x2a, 0x15),
'U': (0x2a, 0x16),
'I': (0x2a, 0x17),
'O': (0x2a, 0x18),
'P': (0x2a, 0x19),
'a': 0x1e,
's': 0x1f,
'd': 0x20,
'f': 0x21,
'g': 0x22,
'h': 0x23,
'j': 0x24,
'k': 0x25,
'l': 0x26,
'A': (0x2a, 0x1e),
'S': (0x2a, 0x1f),
'D': (0x2a, 0x20),
'F': (0x2a, 0x21),
'G': (0x2a, 0x22),
'H': (0x2a, 0x23),
'J': (0x2a, 0x24),
'K': (0x2a, 0x25),
'L': (0x2a, 0x26),
';': 0x27,
'"': (0x2a, 0x28),
'\'': 0x28,
'\\': 0x2b,
'|': (0x2a, 0x2b),
'[': 0x1a,
']': 0x1b,
'<': (0x2a, 0x33),
'>': (0x2a, 0x34),
'?': (0x2a, 0x35),
'$': (0x2a, 0x05),
'+': (0x2a, 0x0d),
'z': 0x2c,
'x': 0x2d,
'c': 0x2e,
'v': 0x2f,
'b': 0x30,
'n': 0x31,
'm': 0x32,
'Z': (0x2a, 0x2c),
'X': (0x2a, 0x2d),
'C': (0x2a, 0x2e),
'V': (0x2a, 0x2f),
'B': (0x2a, 0x30),
'N': (0x2a, 0x31),
'M': (0x2a, 0x32),
',': 0x33,
'.': 0x34,
'/': 0x35,
':': (0x2a, 0x27),
'%': (0x2a, 0x06),
'_': (0x2a, 0x0c),
'&': (0x2a, 0x08),
'(': (0x2a, 0x0a),
')': (0x2a, 0x0b),
' ': 0x39
'<Enter>': 0x1c,
'<Return>': 0x1c,
'<Backspace>': 0x0e,
'<Spacebar>': 0x39,
'<Esc>': 0x01,
'<Tab>': 0x0f,
'<KillX>': (0x1d, 0x38, 0x0e),
'<Wait>': ('wait', ),
'<PageUp>': 0x49,
'<PageDown>': 0x51,
'<Home>': 0x47,
'<End>': 0x4f,
'<Insert>': 0x52,
'<Delete>': 0x53,
'<Left>': 0x4b,
'<Right>': 0x4d,
'<Up>': 0x48,
'<Down>': 0x50,
'<F1>': 0x3b,
'<F2>': 0x3c,
'<F3>': 0x3d,
'<F4>': 0x3e,
'<F5>': 0x3f,
'<F6>': 0x40,
'<F7>': 0x41,
'<F8>': 0x42,
'<F9>': 0x43,
'<F10>': 0x44,
'<F11>': 0x57,
'<F12>': 0x58
__all__ = ['from_string']
def iterable(a):
if a is None:
return tuple()
return a if isinstance(a, (tuple, list)) else (a,)
def from_string(s):
"""from_string(s) - Convert string of chars into string of scancodes."""
scancodes = []
while len(s) > 0:
if s[0] == '<' and s.find('>') > 0:
special_end = s.find('>') + 1
special = s[0:special_end]
s = s[special_end:]
codes = SPECIALS.get(special)
key = s[0]
s = s[1:]
codes = SCANCODES.get(key)
codes = iterable(codes)
if len(codes) > 0:
return scancodes