Move the Fuel User Guide

Moved the Fuel User Guide from mos-docs to fuel-docs

Change-Id: I6af03f656e9ed040776e8930f28cb55b8a29c488
This commit is contained in:
Svetlana Karslioglu 2016-04-01 15:56:44 -07:00
parent 42ace6e5d9
commit fcf37efa9d
54 changed files with 3312 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ OpenStack environments and manage them after deployment.
:maxdepth: 1 :maxdepth: 1
userdocs/fuel-install-guide userdocs/fuel-install-guide
Developer documentation Developer documentation
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.. index:: Fuel User Guide
.. _fuel-user-guide:
Fuel User Guide
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
.. _cli:
Use the Fuel CLI
Using the Fuel Command Line Interface (CLI) you can:
* Operate your OpenStack environments using Fuel text commands, as well as
using standard Linux commands.
* Apply advanced configurations through configuration files that you cannot
modify using the Fuel Web UI.
.. warning::
We do not recommend to use Fuel CLi for unexperienced users.
Fuel CLI may break your environment if not used carefully.
Modifications that you make using the Fuel CLI take precedence over the
settings applied from the Fuel Web UI. If a change has been applied using
the Fuel CLI, Fuel displays the corresponding message in the Fuel web UI.
This section includes the following topics:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
.. _cli-acronyms:
Interpretation of acronyms in Fuel commands
CLI commands contain a number
of acronyms.
For better understanding of those,
see the example command output below.
.. note:: Nailgun populates the database
with hardware configuration information
about all the managed nodes it discovers
as well as the configuration and status of each node.
The ``fuel node list`` command is used on the Fuel Master node
to list out the current information about the nodes
for the environment:
[root@fuel ~]# fuel nodes
id | status | name | cluster | ip | mac | ...
---|----------|------------------|---------|-----------|-------------------| ...
4 | ready | Untitled (b0:77) | 1 | | 56:40:fa:cc:cf:45 | ...
1 | ready | Untitled (ca:9a) | 1 | | ca:03:e6:b1:13:46 | ...
3 | ready | Untitled (0e:64) | 2 | | 26:1f:eb:91:d8:49 | ...
2 | ready | Untitled (c1:ef) | 2 | | 22:2a:45:36:5d:42 | ...
5 | discover | Untitled (e1:c4) | None | | 08:00:27:1a:e1:c4 | ...
id | status | name |...| roles | pending_roles | online | group_id
4 | ready | Untitled (b0:77) |...| compute | | True | 1
1 | ready | Untitled (ca:9a) |...| controller | | True | 1
3 | ready | Untitled (0e:64) |...| compute | | True | 2
2 | ready | Untitled (c1:ef) |...| controller | | True | 2
5 | discover | Untitled (e1:c4) |...| | | True | None
The meaning of these fields is:
:id: The node identifier, assigned incrementally
when the node is first discovered
(when the Fuel agent
sends its first request to the Fuel Master node).
This ID is the Primary Key for this record in the database;
it is unique and is never reassigned;
when you delete a node from the environment,
that node's ID is deleted;
the next node added to the environment is assigned
a new ID that is higher than the highest-numbered ID in the database.
:status: Current state of the node:
:ready: Node is deployed and provisioned, ready to use
:discover: Node is not deployed and not provisioned
:provisioning: Node is in the process of being provisioned
(operating system is being installed)
:provisioned: Node is provisioned but not deployed
:deploying: Node is being deployed
(OpenStack is being installed and configured)
:error: Deployment/provisiong of the node has failed
:name: Name of the node as displayed on the screen when you
assign roles.
By default, this is "Untitled" with the final digits
of the MAC address used by the Admin interface for that node.
You can double-click on that title to change the name.
:cluster: ID of the environment to which the node is assigned.
:ip: IP address of the admin interface,
which is the IP address for the default route.
:mac: MAC address of the admin interface,
determined the same way as the IP address.
:roles: A role of a node;
populated only after deployment.
The following two columns appear at the right end of this display;
they are not shown here:
:pending_roles: Before deployment, lists the roles that have been assigned to this node.
When deployment is complete,
the contents of this field are moved to the **roles** column
For Release 6.x and later,
this field can also contain the **primary** value
to indicate that this node is the Primary Controller node.
The **primary** value is persisted in the database
through the use of the **has_primary** field
in the ``openstack.yaml`` file.
:online: Status of the node:
:False: Node is offline.
:True: Node is available via the Fuel admin network.
:group_id: The group node identifier.
When you assign roles to your target nodes,
Fuel tries to automatically determine the node's group based on the DHCP address.

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
.. _cli_change_ip_range:
Add network ranges
To add network ranges, edit the network configuration file:
add the IP network range to ``ip_ranges`` and change
``notation`` from ``cidr`` to ``ip_ranges``.
#. On the Fuel Master node, download the network configuration file::
fuel network --env <ENV-ID> -d
where <ENV_ID> is the ID of the environment (a number) that you can
get by issuing the ``fuel env`` command.
For example::
fuel network --env 1 -d
#. Open the downloaded **/root/network_<ENV-ID>.yaml** file for editing.
#. Add your list of IP network ranges under the ``ip_ranges``
- -
- -
#. In the same network configuration file, change ``notation: cidr``
to ``notation: ip_ranges``.
configurable: true
map_priority: 2
name: management
notation: ip_ranges
render_addr_mask: internal
#. Upload the edited network configuration file::
fuel network --env <ENV-ID> -u

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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
.. _fuel-cli-config-openstack-services:
Changing the configuration of Nova, Neutron, and Keystone
Using CLI, you can override the hardcoded, or provided by Nailgun,
configuration values, as well as introduce new configuration options
for OpenStack services.
You can change the Nova, Neutron, and Keystone configuration for:
- A single node
- All nodes with a certain role
- An environment
You can change the configuration before or after the environment deployment.
The services the configuration of which you change restart automatically
after applying the changes.
The ``override_resources`` Puppet resource applies changes to the existing
configuration resources and creates the new ones that were not previously
To change the configuration of OpenStack Services
#. Log in to the Fuel Master node.
#. Edit the YAML file with the configuration options of the services that
you are going to change. Example:
.. code-block:: yaml
value: True
value: False
ensure: absent
value: 6000
#. Upload the YAML file:
* To upload the changes for the environment:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --upload file.yaml
* To upload the changes for all nodes with a role:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --role compute --upload file.yaml
* To upload the changes for certain nodes:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --node 1,2,3 --upload file.yaml
#. Execute the changes:
* To execute the changes for the environment:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --execute
* To execute the changes for all nodes with a role:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --role compute --execute
* To execute the changes for certain nodes:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --node 1,2,3 --execute
The services will restart automatically.
**Additional commands**
* List the configuration changes history:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --env 1 --list
This command returns a list of configuration changes, each of them with
a respective ID record.
* Download a previously uploaded YAML file with the configuration changes:
.. code-block:: console
fuel openstack-config --id 1 --download
The ``id`` parameter is the record number from the changes history that
you can get with the :command:`fuel openstack-config --env 1 --list` command.
**Workflow of the configuration change override**
The ``override_resources`` Puppet resource overrides the already existing
resources and creates the previously not defined resources.
.. note:: ``override_resources`` must always be used as the first resource
in manifests.
.. code-block:: puppet
keystone_config {
'DEFAULT/debug': {value => True}
override_resource {'keystone_config':
data => {
'DEFAULT/debug': {'value' => False},
'DEFAULT/max_param_size': {'value' => 128}
The Nova, Keystone, and Neutron top-level granular tasks use
``override_resources``. The new parameter hash used in the Puppet resources
is passed to ``override_resources`` from hiera.
The three following hiera files cover the hierarchical configuration
- ``/etc/hiera/override/config/%{::fqdn}``
- ``/etc/hiera/override/config/role``
- ``/etc/hiera/override/config/cluster``
Hiera delivers the hierarchical structure of data.
The top-level granular tasks used to override the configuration have
the ``refresh_on`` parameter.
.. code-block:: yaml
- id: keystone
type: puppet
groups: [primary-controller, controller]
required_for: [openstack-controller]
requires: [openstack-haproxy, database, rabbitmq]
refresh_on: [keystone_config]
puppet_modules: /etc/puppet/modules
timeout: 3600
cmd: ruby
cmd: ruby
Nailgun uses the ``refresh_on`` parameter to run the respective task when user changes the
OpenStack configuration.

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.. _cli_usage:
Basic usage
Fuel CLI has the following usage pattern:
fuel [global optional args] <namespace> [action] <optional args>
fuel --env-id=1 node set --node-id=1,4,5 --role=controller
where ``--env-id=1`` is a global optional argument pointing to the specific
environment, ``node`` - is a namespace for all node control functions, ``set``
is an action that assigns specific nodes to some environments in certain roles.
To get the list of all global optional arguments and namespaces, run:
fuel --help
To get the list of actions and optional arguments for a namespace, run:
fuel <namespace> --help
Get list of all available releases:
fuel release
or short version
fuel rel
for specific release
fuel rel --rel <release_number>
To get all the details on the Fuel environment installed, run the
following command::
fuel fuel-version
.. warning::
The argument ``--fuel-version`` will be deprecated since the Fuel
7.0 release. Please use :command:`fuel-version` command instead.
Networks configuration
Download a network configuration for a specific environment:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --download --dir <PATH>
* ``<ENV_ID>`` - an environment ID
* ``<PATH>`` - a path to directory
For example, download the network configuration for
the environment with ID ``1`` to the current directory:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 network --download
Upload a network configuration for a specific environment:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --upload --dir <PATH>
For example, upload the network configuration for
the environment with ID ``1`` from the current directory:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 network --upload
.. note::
The :command:`fuel network` command can update a configuration
for all networks in an environment and Neutron parameters,
but it does not update VIPs and network templates. You have to
update VIPs and network templates additionally using
corresponding Fuel CLI commands.
Verify a network configuration for a specific environment:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --verify --dir <PATH>
For example, verify the network configuration for
the environment with ID ``1`` from the current directory:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 network --verify
.. note::
Verification does not work for multiple cluster networks, when
an environment has more than one node group.
To see interaction with Nailgun API, run the commands with
the :option:`--debug` option:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --download --dir <PATH> --debug
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --upload --dir <PATH> --debug
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network --verify --dir <PATH> --debug
To list environments:
fuel env
To create an environment, run the following command using
``--name`` and ``--rel`` (release) options:
fuel env create --name <env_name> --rel <release_number>
By default it creates environment in ``multinode`` mode, and ``nova`` network mode.
To specify other modes, you can add optional arguments; for example:
fuel env create --name <env_name> --rel <release_number> \
--mode ha --network-mode neutron --net-segment-type vlan
Use the ``set`` action to change the name, mode, or network mode for the environment; for example:
fuel --env <env_id> env set --name <NewEmvName> --mode ha_compact
To delete the environment:
fuel --env <env_id> env delete
To update the Mirantis OpenStack environment to a newer version
(available since Fuel 5.1):
fuel env --update --env <env_id> --rel <release_number>
To roll back a failed update,
use this same command but modify the release ID.
To list all available nodes run:
fuel node list
and filter them by environment:
fuel --env-id <env_id> node list
Assign some nodes to environment with with specific roles
fuel node set --node <node_id> --role controller --env <env_id>
fuel node set --node <node1_id>,<node2_id>,<node3_id> \
--role compute,cinder --env <env_id>
Remove some nodes from environment
fuel node remove --node <node1_id>,<node2_id> --env <env_id>
Also you can do it without ``--env`` or ``--node`` to remove some nodes without knowing their environment and remove all nodes of some environment respectively.
fuel node remove --node <node1_id>,<node2_id>
fuel node remove --env <env_id>
.. _remove-inv:
Delete nodes from Fuel DB.
* Remove offline nodes:
fuel node --node-id <id> --delete-from-db
fuel node --node-id <id1> <id2> --delete-from-db
* Remove nodes with any status (``--force`` option forces deletion
of nodes regardless of their state):
fuel node --node-id <id> --delete-from-db --force
.. _fuel-cli-node-group:
Node group
To list all available node groups:
fuel nodegroup
and filter them by environment:
fuel --env <env_id> nodegroup
Create a new node group
fuel --env <env_id> nodegroup --create --name "group 1"
Delete the specified node groups
fuel --env <env_id> nodegroup --delete --group <group_id>
fuel --env <env_id> nodegroup --delete --group <group1_id>,<group2_id>,<group3_id>
Assign nodes to the specified node group:
fuel --env <env_id> nodegroup --assign --node <node_id> --group <group_id>
fuel --env <env_id> nodegroup --assign --node <node1_id>,<node2_id>,<node3_id> --group <group_id>
.. _network_template_operations:
Network Template
To upload a network template, run the following
command on the Fuel Master node:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network-template --upload --dir <PATH>
* ``<ENV_ID>`` - an ID of your OpenStack environment that you
can get by running the :command:`fuel environment` command
* ``<PATH>`` - a path to a directory where your template is located
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 network-template --upload --dir /home/stack/
Download a network template to the current directory:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network-template --download
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 network-template --download
Delete an existing network template:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> network-template --delete
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 network-template --delete
.. _network_group_operations:
Network Group
List all available network groups:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group
List network groups in a particular node group:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --node-group <GROUP_ID>
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --node-group 1
Create a new network group:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --create --node-group <NODE_GROUP_ID> --name <NAME> \
--release <RELEASE_ID> --vlan <VLAN_ID> --cidr <CIDR> --gateway <GATEWAY_IP> \
--meta <META_INFO>
* ``<NODE_GROUP_ID>`` - an ID of a node group
* ``<NAME>`` - a name of a new network group
* ``<RELEASE_ID>`` - a release ID this network group belongs to
* ``<VLAN_ID>`` - a VLAN of a network
* ``<CIDR>`` - a CIDR of a network
* ``<GATEWAY_IP>`` - a gateway of a network
* ``<META_INFO>`` - meta information in JSON format
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --create --node-group 1 --name "new network" \
--release 2 --vlan 100 --cidr
fuel network-group --create --node-group 2 --name "new network" \
--release 2 --vlan 100 --cidr --gateway \
--meta 'meta information in JSON format'
Set parameters for the specified network group:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --set --network <ID> --<PARAMETER> <NEW_VALUE>
* ``<ID>`` - an ID of a network group
* ``<PARAMETER>`` - a parameter you want to set or update.
See the ``fuel network-group --create`` command for the
list of parameters.
* ``<NEW_VALUE>`` - a new value for the specified parameter
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --set --network 1 --name new_name
Delete network groups:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --delete --network <GROUP_ID>
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --delete --network 1
You can also delete multiple groups:
.. code-block:: console
fuel network-group --delete --network 2,3,4
.. _vip-operations:
Virtual IP
Download a virtual IP (VIP) configuration for a specific environment to a specified file:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> vip --download --file <FILE_NAME>
* ``<ENV_ID>`` - an environment ID
* ``<FILE_NAME>`` - a name of the ``yaml`` file where to save a VIP configuration (optional)
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 vip --download --file vip.yaml
Upload a VIP configuration for a specific environment from a specified file:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env <ENV_ID> vip --upload --file <FILE>
For example:
.. code-block:: console
fuel --env 1 vip --upload --file vip.yaml
.. _roles-operations:
Roles operations
CLI basically implements standard CRUD for operating on a role.
* List a role:
fuel role --rel 2
name | id
controller | 9
compute | 10
cinder | 11
cinder-vmware | 12
ceph-osd | 13
mongo | 14
zabbix-server | 15
base-os | 16
* Create a new role.
- In this example,
we first create a swift role in ``swift.yaml``:
description: Installs swift server.
has_primary: true # we need primary-swift and swift during orchestration
name: Swift
name: swift
- allocate_size: min
id: os
- Then use ``--create`` flag to proceed. When created,
you can start using a new role for your own tasks:
fuel role --rel <2> --create --file <swift.yaml>
fuel role --rel <2>
name | id
swift | 17
* Update role data:
fuel role --rel <2> --update --file <swift.yaml>
* Delete the role:
fuel role --rel <2> --delete --role <swift>
.. _fuel-cli-config:
Configuration of the environment or some node
is universal and done in three stages:
1. Download current or default configuration. Works for
(``network``, ``settings``, ``node --disk``, ``node --network``).
Operations with ``deployment`` and ``provisioning`` can be node
specific. (e.g. ``fuel --env 1 deployment --node-id=1,2``)
fuel --env 1 network download
fuel --env 1 settings download
fuel --env 1 deployment default
fuel --env 1 provisioning download
fuel node --node-id 2 --disk --download
2. Modify the downloaded ``.yaml`` files
with your favorite text editor.
3. Upload files to Nailgun server
After redeploying your environment with the new configuration,
you should create a new backup
of the Fuel Master node.
You may also want to delete the ``.yaml`` files
since you can easily regenerate them at any time.
Some of the generated ``yaml`` files
contain unencrypted passwords
whose presence on disk may constitute a security threat.
fuel --env 1 provisioning upload
fuel node --node-id 2 --disk --upload
.. note::
To protect yourself when using the Fuel CLI to modify configurations,
note the following:
* Back up
all your configurations before you begin any modifications.
* If you remove something from a configuration file,
be sure you do not need it;
Fuel CLI overwrites the old data with the new
rather than merging new data with existing data.
* If you upload any changes for provisioning or deployment operations,
you freeze the configuration for the entire environment;
any changes you later make to the networks, cluster settings,
or disk configurations using the Fuel Web UI are not implemented.
To modify such parameters,
you must edit the appropriate section of each node's configuration
and apply the changes with Fuel CLI.
For acronyms meaning,
see :ref:`cli-acronyms`.
You can deploy environment changes with:
fuel --env <env_id> deploy-changes
Also, you can deploy and provision only some nodes like this
fuel node --provision --node <node1_id>,<node2_id>
fuel node --deploy --node <node1_id>,<node2_id>
.. _cli-fuel-password:
Change and Set Fuel password
You can change the Fuel Master Node password
with either of the following:
fuel user --change-password --new-pass=<new_password>
Note that **change-password** option
can also be used without preceding hyphens.
You can use flags to provide username and password
to other fuel CLI commands:
--user=admin --password=test
.. note: In Release 5.1 and earlier, the **--os-username**
and ``os-password`` options are used
rather than ``user`` and ``--change-password``.
These options are not supported in Releases 5.1.1 and later.
.. _fuel-plugins-cli:
Fuel Plugins CLI
* To install a Fuel plugin:
1. Select from the following options:
* If you install a Fuel plugin from an `.fp` package, type:
.. code-block:: bash
fuel plugins --install <fuel-plugin-file>
* If you install a Fuel plugin from an `.rpm` package, select from the
following options:
* Using ``yum install``:
1. Install the Fuel plugin:
.. code-block:: bash
yum install <fuel-plugin-file>
2. Register the plugin in Nailgun:
.. code-block:: bash
fuel plugins --register <fuel-plugin-name>==<fuel-plugin-version>
* Using the same command you used to install a Fuel plugin from the
`.fp` package:
.. code-block:: bash
fuel plugins --install <fuel-plugin-file>
2. View the list of installed plugins:
.. code-block:: bash
fuel plugins --list
id | name | version | package_version
1 | <fuel-plugin-name> | 1.0.0 | 2.0.0
* To remove a plugin, type:
.. code-block:: bash
fuel plugins --remove <fuel-plugin-name>==<fuel-plugin-version>
* To upgrade a Fuel RPM plugin, type:
.. code-block:: bash
fuel plugins --update <fuel-plugin-file>
.. note:: Upgradess are *not* supported for:
* fp plugins
* major versions of RPM plugins
For example, you can only upgrade from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
To see the list of all available options, use ``fuel plugins --help`` command.

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.. raw:: pdf
.. _configure-additional-components:
Configure additional components
If you have installed additional components, such as the OpenStack application
catalog (Murano), the Telemetry service (Ceilometer), the Bare Metal service
(Ironic), or the Hadoop cluster (Sahara), you may need to complete post-
deployment steps that will ensure your OpenStack environment functions
If you installed any of these components, complete the steps described in the
corresponding sections.
If you installed Ironic, complete the tasks described in the following
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
If you installed Sahara, complete the tasks described in the following
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
.. _ironic-configure:
Configure the Bare Metal service
After you deploy an OpenStack environment as described in
:ref:`ironic-install`, you must configure the components required for the
Ironic program. Execute all actions described in this
section as an OpenStack user with administrative privileges.
**To configure the Bare Metal service:**
#. Define the memory, CPU, and disk size of physical instances that you will
deploy by creating a nova flavor that matches the server hardware
on which you plan to run instances. Use the following command:
nova flavor-create <flavor_name> <flavor_id> <RAM> <disk_size> <CPU>
#. Optionally, specify additional parameters using the ``nova flavor-key``
nova flavor-key baremetal-flavor set cpu_arch=x86_64
#. View and remember the list of UUIDs for bootstrap images:
glance image-list | grep <bootstrap kernel, ramdisk and squashfs image
#. Enroll the nodes on which you plan to boot instances into the
OpenStack Bare Metal service.
ironic node-create [-c <chassis>] -d <driver> [-i <key=value>] [-p
<key=value>] [-e <key=value>] [-u <uuid>] [-n <name>]
.. list-table:: **Fuel drivers**
:widths: 10 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Driver
- Description
* - ``fuel_ssh``
- Enables communication between the Fuel Master node and other nodes.
* - ``fuel_ipmitool``
- Enables communication through IPMI. Use with the nodes that require
IPMI, such as nodes that you use for bare-metal deployments.
* - ``fuel-libvirt``
- Ensures operation of virtual ironic instances hosted on ``libvirt``.
* - ``fake``
- Used for testing Fuel APIs.
Use the values from step 1 and step 2. The following text is an example for the
``fuel_ipmitool`` driver.
ironic node-create [-n <node name>] [-u <node uuid>] -d fuel_ipmitool
-p memory_mb=<node RAM> -p cpu_arch=<node cpu_arch>
-p local_gb=<node disk size> -p cpus=<node N of cpus>
-i deploy_kernel=<uuid of bootstrap kernel image>
-i deploy_ramdisk=<uuid of bootstrap initramfs image>
-i deploy_squashfs=<uuid of bootstrap squashfs image>
-i ipmi_address=<node IPMI address or hostname>
-i ipmi_username=<node IPMI user name>
-i ipmi_password=<node IPMI pasword>
#. Communicate the node's network interface cards to the Bare Metal service by
creating a port with MAC addresses of each network interface:
ironic port-create -a <MAC address of the node NIC> -n <node UUID>
#. Prepare images that you plan to use to deploy physical machines as
described in :ref:`ironic_prepare_image`.

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.. _ironic_prepare_image:
Prepare a physical machine image
If you use default Fuel drivers for Ironic, you must build and upload a
physical machine image into Glance, as well as configure the image with
specific parameters.
**To prepare a physical machine image:**
#. Build a physical machine image.
You can build images for a physical machine using a method of your personal
preference. For example, using Disk Image builder (DIB):
disk-image-create -a amd64 -p <packages> -o <image_name> <base_image>
disk-image-create -a amd64 -p grub2-common,grub-pc, \
grub-gfxpayload-lists,emacs24-nox,parted baremetal ubuntu-minimal
#. Upload the image to Glance using the ``glance image-create`` command.
glance image-create --name test --disk-format raw --container-format bare
--file test [--visibility public]
#. Tag the image with the corresponding metadata.
glance image-update <image-id> --property cpu_arch=x86_64
--property hypervisor_type="baremetal"
--property fuel_disk_info=DISK_INFO
The ``DISK_INFO`` value is a structure that describes the partition layout
required by the image.
[{"name": "sda", "extra": [], "free_space": 11000, "type": "disk",
"id": "vda", "size": 11000, "volumes": [{"mount": "/", "type":
"partition", "file_system": "ext4", "size": 10000}]}]
.. warning::
Only extended file systems are supported!
.. seealso::
- ``glance help image-create``
- *Disk Image Builder Documentation*

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
.. _sahara_configure:
Configure the Hadoop cluster service
After you deploy your OpenStack environment with
the Hadoop cluster service, upload the
Sahara image to Glance. You must use a
pre-built image for a corresponding Linux distribution. You can build
your own image as described
in the OpenStack Sahara documentation or use one of the pre-built images
available at
If you use a pre-built image, use the corresponding user name provided on
the same page.
Sahara supports the following Hadoop platforms:
- Vanilla Apache Hadoop
- Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
- Cloudera Hadoop Distribution (CDH)
- Apache Spark
- MapR
Typically, the Sahara images are provided in the ``qcow2`` format that is
compatible with the default OpenStack hypervisor KVM.
If you install your environment with VMware vSphere, you must convert
the image to an appropriate format before you upload the image to Glance.
**To configure the Hadoop cluster service:**
#. Download or build an appropriate image for the Hadoop cluster.
#. Upload the image to Glance.
#. Log in to Horizon.
#. Register the image in the Sahara Image Registry:
#. Click :menuselection:`Project --> Data processing --> Image Registry`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Register Image`.
#. Specify the username appropriate to the image you use.
#. Specify a correpsonding plugin and version.
#. Click :guilabel:`Add plugin tags`.
#. Add appropriate tags.
#. Verify that you have an adequate pool of floating IP addresses available:
- If you run Neutron networking with
**auto_assign_floating_ip** parameter set to ``False``, provide a
floating IP pool in each Node Group Template.

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _configure-env-ug:
Configure your Environment
After you create an OpenStack environment as described in
:ref:`create-env-ug`, you must add nodes, assign roles, and verify your
network configuration. Additionally, you can modify some of the settings
you have already configured, as well as configure other important settings,
such as disk partitioning, network interface bonding, and so on.
This section includes the following topics:
.. raw:: pdf
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
.. _add-label-ug:
Label an OpenStack node
In large deployments, sorting nodes by roles may not be efficient. Therefore,
Fuel provides the capability to add custom labels to OpenStack nodes and later
sort and display the nodes with that label. For example, you can label nodes
located in one rack as *rack #1* and so on. Labels can be added and removed
before or after you deploy an OpenStack environment.
**Label an OpenStack node:**
#. Log in to the Fuel web UI.
#. Click :guilabel:`Nodes`.
#. Select a node or nodes that you want to label.
#. Click the label icon.
#. Click :guilabel:`Add label`.
#. Type a :guilabel:`Name` and :guilabel:`Value`.
* **Name:** Row
* **Value:** 1
.. note::
You can have multiple labels with identical names and different
values. However, you cannot assign labels with identical names
and different values to one node. For example, you cannot assign
label *Row 1* and *Row 2* to one node, but you can assign them to
different nodes.
#. Click :guilabel:`Apply`.

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.. _add-nodes-ug:
Add a node to an OpenStack environment
To deploy an OpenStack environment using the Fuel web UI, you must add at
least one controller node. However, for a fully functional cloud you must
allocate a sufficient number of compute and storage nodes.
An OpenStack node, or a node, is a physical or virtual server that you
provision to run a specific set of OpenStack services.
A role is a functional set of services that Fuel installs as a whole on a
node, usually in its own disk partition. Some roles can be combined in one
The number of discovered unallocated and total nodes is displayed in the upper
right corner in the Fuel web UI.
For more information, see
*System Requirements* in *Fuel Installation Guide*.
**To add a node to an OpenStack environment:**
#. Log in to the Fuel web UI.
#. In the :guilabel:`Dashboard` tab, click :guilabel:`Add nodes`.
#. Assign a role or roles to the node by selecting the corresponding option.
#. In the list of discovered nodes, select a physical or virtual node to
#. Optionally, display the node hardware configuration by clicking the
:guilabel:`Settings` icon next to the discovered node.
#. Click :guilabel:`Apply Changes`.
#. Repeat step 2 - step 6 for all nodes that you want to include into this
OpenStack environment.
After you add nodes, Fuel enables you to deploy your OpenStack environment.
However, you may need to apply additional changes to fully address your
infrastructure requirements.
.. seealso::
- *System requirements* in *Fuel Installation Guide*
- :ref:`add-label-ug`
- :ref:`change-hostname-slave-nodes`

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
.. _change-hostname-slave-nodes:
Modify the Fuel Slave node host name
You can modify host names of the Fuel Slave nodes before you deploy an
OpenStack environment. This functionality enables you to assign host names
that match your corporate standards or a naming convention of your choice.
You cannot change a host name of a Fuel Slave node after you deploy an
OpenStack environment.
**To modify the Fuel Slave node host name using Fuel web UI:**
#. Log in to the Fuel web UI.
#. Click the :guilabel:`Nodes` tab.
#. Click the settings icon next to the corresponding node.
#. Click the edit icon:
.. image:: /_images/deliverables/scr_change_hostname.png
:width: 60%
#. Type the new host name.
#. Click :guilabel:`Close`.
**To modify the Fuel Slave node host name using Fuel CLI:**
#. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI.
#. Type:
.. code-block:: console
fuel node --node <NODE_ID> --hostname <NODE_HOSTNAME>
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Value
- Description
* - <NODE_ID>
- A specific node indentificator. You can get the information about the
node ID by typing:
.. code-block:: console
fuel nodes
- A new host name for the selected node.

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
.. _change-roles:
Change the role of a node
If you have assigned a wrong role or want to add additional roles to a node,
you can modify this setting before you deploy an OpenStack environment, as
well as after the deployment.
**To change the role of a node:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click :guilabel:`Nodes`.
#. Select a node.
* If the OpenStack environment is not yet deployed:
#. Click :guilabel:`Edit Roles`.
#. Modify the role as required.
* If the OpenStack environment has been already deployed:
#. Click :guilabel:`Delete`.
Fuel changes the node's status to *Unallocated*.
#. Click :guilabel:`Add Node`.
#. Select the node and assign a new role or roles to the node as
described in :ref:`add-nodes-ug`.

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
.. _customize-partitions-ug:
Configure disk partitioning
By default, Fuel allocates a balanced amount of disk space for
all components that will be installed on the corresponding node.
After you assign a role or roles to a node, you can modify the
disk partition as needed.
If you modify node roles, Fuel resets the disk partition to default settings.
The following table describes the partition types that you can configure
for each node.
.. list-table:: **Disk partition types**
:widths: 10 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Type of partition
- Description
* - Base system
- Comprehensive of swap space, includes operating system and basic
software option.
* - Virtual storage
- Storage for virtual instances.
* - Image storage
- Glance stores virtual instance images in this partition.
* - Cinder
- Storage allocated for Cinder.
* - Ceph and Ceph Journal
- Storage allocated for Ceph.
* - MongoDB
- Storage used for Ceilometer information stored in MongoDB.
* - MySQL
- Storage for Zabbix statistics.
**To configure disk partitioning:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click :guilabel:`Nodes`.
#. Select a node or nodes.
.. note::
You can select multiple nodes of the same role. The nodes with
the same role must have identical hardware configuration. You cannot
change configuration of multiple nodes with different roles or hardware
in one transaction.
#. Click :guilabel:`Disk Configuration`.
#. Click on a partition that you want to modify.
#. In the :guilabel:`Volume Groups`, adjust the partition size using the
#. Alternatively, type the partition size in the corresponding field.
Fuel adjusts the number you type to satisfy block size boundary
requirements. The display adjusts to show the new allocation.
#. Click :guilabel:`Apply`.

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
.. _dns-ntp-support-ug:
Change the DNS and NTP server settings
If the Fuel Master node does not have access to the Internet
or if you plan to disable Internet access after deployment, you
may want to change the NTP and DNS servers for the nodes and omit
routing through the Fuel Master node.
**To change the DNS and NTP server settings:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the guilabel:`Networks` tab.
#. Click :guilabel:`Other`.
#. Type the DNS server IP address or NTP server IP address or FQDN.
#. Click :guilabel:`Save Settings`.
.. note::
Fuel does not verify if the specified DNS and NTP services are
available. Verify that you specify correct values.

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
.. _map-logical-to-physical:
Map a logical network to a physical interface
You may want to allocate specific network interfaces
to handle different types of network traffic to achieve better
performance in your OpenStack environment.
Fuel enables you to modify mappings for your entire network, except for the
*Admin* network for which you can make changes only during the Fuel
Master node installation.
Network interface mapping can be modified after you deploy an OpenStack
environment. The ``net-config`` task updates the networking configuration.
**To map a logical network to a physical interface:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click :guilabel:`Nodes`.
#. Select a node.
#. Click :guilabel:`Configure Interfaces`.
#. Drag and drop a logical network to the corresponding physical interface
or bond.

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _network-settings-ug:
Configure network settings
After you select a network topology in the deployment
wizard, you can further configure Neutron L2 and L3 settings,
as well as modify the node network group configuration.
Fuel creates the *default* node network group that includes the Public,
Storage, Management, Private, and Baremetal networks if you installed
the OpenStack Bare Metal service. The ``default`` node group also uses
the shared Admin network. You can modify parameters of the
Admin network for all other node network groups, if any, except the ``default``
node network group.
If you configure multiple node network groups, Fuel configures a gateway
for all networks.
.. note::
When you deploy an environment using Fuel, you can exclude
specific IP addresses so that Fuel does not assign them.
This helps to avoid network conflicts in
case these IP addresses were previously reserved by other
network entities.
To prevent IP address collisions, set the IP address
range to be used by Fuel. For example,
for nodes and VIPs, excluding the reserved IPs.
In addition, you can specify multiple
IP address ranges. If you have an IP address in use in the middle
of the network IP address range, you can split the range to exclude
the IP addresses in use.
**To configure network settings:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the :guilabel:`Network` tab.
#. Select a setting and modify as needed.
.. seealso::
- :ref:`nic-bonding-ui`
- :ref:`selectable-offload`
- :ref:`map-logical-to-physical`

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
.. _nic-bonding-ui:
Configure network bonding
Network bonding, or network aggregation, or NIC bonding is
a network technology that enables you to maximize throughput by
aggregating multiple physical links into a single high-speed aggregated
network interface. In addition to increasing bandwidth, network bonding
provides fault tolerance.
You must configure NIC bonding before or in the scope of
mapping logical networks to physical network interfaces.
The following tables describe the types of one-side and two-side bonding
that Fuel supports.
.. list-table:: **Types of one-side bonding**
:widths: 10 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
* - ``balance-rr``
- Implements the round-robin policy. This mode provides load balancing
and fault tolerance.
* - ``Active-backup``
- Implements the active-backup policy. In this mode, one network interface
is active and other network interface is passive. When an active network
interface fails, a failover occurs and the previously passive NIC
becomes active.
* - ``balance-xor``
- Implements the XOR policy. Transmit network packets are based on the
selected transmit hash policy. This mode provides load balancing and
fault tolerance.
* - ``Broadcast``
- Implements the broadcast policy. Transmits network traffic on all slave
interfaces. This mode provides fault tolerance.
* - ``balance-tlb``
- Adaptive transmit load balancing based on the link
utilization. This mode provides load balancing and fault tolerance.
* - ``balance-alb``
- Adaptive transmit and receive load balancing based on the
link utilization. This mode provides load balancing and fault
* - ``balance-slb``
- Modification of the ``balance-alb`` mode. SLB bonding enables a limited
form of load balancing. The mode does not require
information about the remote switch.
SLB assigns each source MAC and VLAN pair to a link and transmits all
packets from the MAC and VLAN pair through that link.
* - ``balance-tcp``
- Adaptive transmit load balancing among network interfaces.
.. list-table:: **Types of one-side bonding**
:widths: 10 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
* - ``layer2``
- Uses XOR of hardware MAC addresses to generate the hash.
* - ``layer2+3``
- Uses a combination of layer2 and layer3 protocol information to
generate the hash.
* - ``layer3+4``
- Uses the upper layer protocol information, when available, to generate
the hash.
* - ``encap2+3``
- Uses the same formula as ``layer2+3``, but relies on
``skb_flow_dissect`` to obtain the header fields which may result in
the use of inner headers if an encapsulation protocol is used.
* - ``encap3+4``
- Similar to ``encap2+3``, but uses``layer3+4``.
**To configure network interfaces:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the :guilabel:`Nodes` tab.
#. Select nodes.
#. Click :guilabel:`Configure Interfaces`
#. Select network interfaces that you want to aggregate.
#. Click :guilabel:`Bond Network Interfaces`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Mode` drop-down list, select an appropriate bonding
.. note:: When bonding an Admin interface, you can select the
``balance-rr`` and ``Active Backup`` modes. Fuel
supports Admin interface bonding in LACP
mode as an experimental feature. For the ``802.3ad (LACP)`` bond,
you can also select an LACP rate. The values of the LACP
rate include: ``fast`` and ``slow``.
#. Create and configure additional network interfaces, if needed.
#. Click :guilabel:`Apply`.

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _selectable-offload:
Edit the offloading mode
Fuel assigns the default offloading mode to all network interfaces
automatically. You may want to modify this setting to meet your
network requirements. The number of available offloading types
depends on network hardware and the kernel version that you use.
Fuel automatically detects offloading modes for any physical network
**To edit the offloading mode using Fuel web UI:**
#. Log in to the Fuel web UI.
#. Click :guilabel:`Nodes`.
#. Select a node.
#. Click :guilabel:`Interface configuration`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Offloading Modes: Default` to disable offloading.
**To edit the offloading mode using CLI:**
#. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI.
#. Verify the node ID:
.. code-block:: console
fuel nodes
#. Download the information about network interfaces:
.. code-block:: console
fuel node --node <NODE_ID> --network --download
#. Open the ``/root/node_<NODE_ID>/interfaces.yaml`` file for editing.
#. Disable or leave the default value next to the ``state`` field:
* true - enable offloading modes
* false - disable offloading modes
* null - default offloading modes
#. Upload the modified file:
.. code-block:: console
fuel node --node <NODE_ID> --network --upload

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _settings-ug:
Configure the OpenStack environment settings
You can configure security, compute, storage, logging, and other
settings in the :guilabel:`Settings` tab. Most of these settings you have
already configured in the deployment wizard.
Additionally, you can configure some of the advanced OpenStack settings
by editing the corresponding configuration files.
**To configure the OpenStack environment settings:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click :guilabel:`Settings`.
#. Select a coresponding tab and edit as required:
.. list-table:: **OpenStack environment settings**
:widths: 10 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
* - **General settings**
- * Access
Enables you to modify access permissions for Horizon.
By default, Fuel assigns user name, password, and tenant *admin*.
* Repositories
Fuel includes default repositories from which it downloads the
packages required to install and update Fuel and OpenStack
components. If you do not have an Internet connection, you can
up a local repository and provide the URL to the repository on
this page.
* Kernel parameters
Enables you to modify kernel parameters. This field does not set
parameters for the Fuel Master node or for nodes that have
already been deployed.
* -
- The kernel parameters for OpenStack and Fuel include:
* ``ttys0=<speed>``
Enables serial console for videoless servers.
* ``console=ttyS0,9600``
Enables serial console.
* ``nofb``
Disables Linux framebuffer.
* ``nomodeset``
Disables the video card kernel handling. This parameter may be
required for old integrated server video chips.
* ``intel_iommu and amd_iommu``
Enables/disables physical-to-virtual address translation for
peripheral devices. Some devices, such as Mellanox cards,
this parameter to be enabled. Other peripheral devices may be
incompatible with device virtual address space and may only
with real address space. If you are unable to boot a node or
node has a kernel panic soon after being booted, setting this
parameter to "off" may resolve the issue.
* ``unsupported_hardware``
Instructs the operating system to boot even if it does not
recognize some of the configured hardware. Failure to set
this parameter may result in inability for Linux to boot. This
typically happens with the latest CPU models. Because most
provides backward compatibility with older versions, setting
kernel parameter may enable the system to boot. However, if no
backward compatibility is provided, the system may panic or
fail in other ways even with this parameter set.
* - **Security settings**
- Modify security access settings, such as TLS for OpenStack public
checkpoints, HTTPS for Horizon, SSH Public to access Fuel Slave
You can use a self-signed certificate or upload a pre-generated key
and certificate.
* - **Compute settings**
- * Hypervisor
Enables you to modify the previously selected option.
* Nova quotas
Sets tenant quotas on CPU and memory usage.
* Resume guests state on host boot
Controls whether to preserve the state of virtual instances
across reboots.
* - **Storage settings**
- * Use qcow format for images
If you select this option, ephemeral volumes will be created as a
copy-on-write layer of the base image. If you do not select this
option, ephemeral volumes will be full copies of the base image.
The default setting is to use copy-on-write for ephemeral
If you select to use Ceph RBD as a storage back end for ephemeral
volumes, this setting is ignored.
* Storage Backends
Modify storage options you have previously selected in the
deployment wizard. The storage options that you select must match
the roles you assign to a node. For example, if you select
Ceph as a storage back end, you must configure the appropriate
number of nodes with the *Storage - Ceph OSD* role.
* Ceph object replication factor
Determines the minimum number of Ceph OSD nodes that Fuel must
deploy. For a production environment, deploy at least three Ceph
OSD nodes.
* - **Logging settings**
- Configure the Puppet and OpenStack debug logging and syslog
* Common
Typically, you do not need to enable debug logging. Enable debug
logging to analyze the problems in your system.
* Syslog
Fuel deploys an OpenStack environment with the standard Linux
syslog message logging tool. Syslog logs activity of all
OpenStack services. By default, ``rsyslog`` is
configured to use the Fuel Master node as a remote syslog server
that contains all logs generated on all nodes in the OpenStack
environment. If you want to use an external server for
``rsyslog``, specify an IP address and port number of the server
in the :guilabel:`Syslog` field.
* - **OpenStack services**
- Select additional OpenStack services to deploy. Some OpenStack
services may have additional network and storage requirements.
For more information, see:
#. Click :guilabel:`Save Settings`.

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _verify-networks-ug:
Verify network configuration
After you configure network settings, verify your network configuration.
Network verification tests connectivity between nodes through configured
VLANs on the configured host interfaces.
Additionally, Fuel verifies that no external DHCP servers interfere with
the OpenStack environment deployment.
If network verification fails, the possible reasons may include incorrect
network configuration, hardware misconfiguration, such as VLAN tagging
is disabled on the switch port, and so on.
You must resolve all errors before you deploy an OpenStack environment.
.. note::
Network verification does not test bond network interfaces.
**To verify network configuration:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click :guilabel:`Networks`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Connectivity Check`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Verify Networks`.
#. Resolve any network conflicts.
#. Run the network verification again.

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _create-env-ug:
Create a new OpenStack environment
After you install the Fuel Master node,
your Fuel Slave nodes appear as **Unallocated nodes** in the Fuel web UI.
You can now create, configure, and deploy your first OpenStack environment.
You can deploy and manage multiple OpenStack environments using one Fuel
Master node. However, you must create each environment separately.
This section includes the following topics:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
.. _change-fuel-passwd-ug:
Change the Fuel Master node administrative password
We highly recommend that you change the default password for the *admin*
user to the one that meets your company's security requirements.
**To change the Fuel Administrator password:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the user icon:
.. image:: /_images/deliverables/scr_change_pass_ui.png
#. Click :guilabel:`Change Password`.
#. Type the current password, the new password, and then confirm the new
To display what you type, click the eye icon.
#. Click :guilabel:`Apply`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
.. _start-create-env-ug:
Create an OpenStack environment in the deployment wizard
Before you deploy an OpenStack environment, you must decide and
prepare hardware for the network topology, types of storage, hypervisor,
OpenStack release version, additional OpenStack services, and other
components that you want to deploy. Additional OpenStack programs and
Fuel plugins may have additional hardware requirements and architectural
limitations. For more information, see: *System requirements* in the
*Fuel Installation Guide*.
.. If you are deploying a Mirantis OpenStack environment
that is integrated with VMware vSphere, your environment must meet
the prerequisites listed in *Install VMware* in *Fuel Installation Guide*.
**To create an OpenStack environment:**
#. Access the Fuel web UI by pointing your web browser to
The Fuel login screen appears:
.. image:: /_images/deliverables/scr_fuel_log_in.png
:width: 35%
#. Log in to the Fuel web UI as *admin*:
#. If you did not change the default password for *admin*, use the
default password *admin*.
#. If you changed the default password for *admin*, use that password.
.. warning::
For your security, change the default password. See:
#. If you are logging in to the Fuel Web UI for the first time, select whether
you want to send usage statistics or not by clicking :guilabel:`Connect
now` or :guilabel:`Connect later`.
#. Click :guilabel:`New OpenStack Environment`.
The deployment wizard starts.
#. In the :guilabel:`Name and Release` screen, type a name of the OpenStack
environment and select an OpenStack release and an operating system on which
you want to deploy your OpenStack environment.
#. In the :guilabel:`Compute` screen, select a hypervisor.
By default, Fuel uses QEMU with KVM acceleration.
#. In the :guilabel:`Networking Setup` screen, select a network topology.
By default, Fuel deploys Neutron with VLAN segmentation.
#. In the :guilabel:`Storage Backends`, select options for the storage back
By default, Fuel deploys Logical Volume Management (LVM) for Cinder, local
disk for Swift, and Swift for Glance.
#. In the :guilabel:`Additional Services`, select additional OpenStack
programs that you want to deploy.
#. In the :guilabel:`Finish` screen, click :guilabel:`Create`.
Fuel creates an OpenStack environment. Before you can use the environment
you must add nodes, verify network settings, and complete other
configuration tasks.
#. Proceed to :ref:`configure-env-ug`.

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
.. raw:: pdf
.. _deploy-env:
Deploy an Openstack Environment
After finishing configuration, you can deploy your OpenStack environment.
This section includes the following topics:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
.. _deploy-changes:
Deploy changes
When you have completed configuring your OpenStack environment as
described in :ref:`create-env-ug` and :ref:`configure-env-ug`, you
can start the deployment.
.. warning::
After you deploy an OpenStack environment, you will not be able to
modify many of the OpenStack parameters, such as network topology,
disk partitioning, and so on. Verify that you have applied correct
**To deploy an OpenStack environment:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, select the :guilabel:`Dashboard` tab.
#. Click :guilabel:`Deploy changes`.
Fuel deploys your OpenStack environment. Depending on the configuration
of the environment, the deployment may take from fifteen minutes
to an hour.

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
.. index:: Reset an environment after deployment
.. contents :local:
.. _reset_environment:
Reset an OpenStack environment after deployment
You may want to reset an OpenStack environment after it was
successfully deployed, failed to deploy with an error, or
you have interrupted the deployment to modify the settings.
After you reset an OpenStack environment, Fuel reboots all
Fuel Slave nodes and returns them to the *Unallocated* state.
**To reset an OpenStack environment:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the :guilabel:`Dashboard` tab.
#. Click :guilabel:`Reset`.
#. Wait while Fuel reboots the nodes. The nodes must have the
status :guilabel:`Online`.
#. Configure and deploy a new environment.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
.. _stop_deployment:
Interrupt the OpenStack environment deployment
You may need to interrupt the deployment of your OpenStack
environment if you have applied incorrect settings.
Depending on the status of deployment, deployment interruption
may result in various outcomes.
**To interrupt the OpenStack environment deployment:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the :guilabel:`Dashboard` tab.
#. In the deployment progress bar area, click :guilabel:`Stop`.
#. Click the :guilabel:`Nodes` tab.
* If no nodes have finished deployment, all nodes are rebooted
to the bootstrap state and appear as *Offline*.
Fuel resets the environment to the state before you have
started the deployment.
#. Wait until Fuel reboots the nodes.
The nodes must appear as *Online*. All settings in all tabs
must be unlocked.
#. Apply any required changes to the OpenStack environment
#. Deploy your OpenStack environment.
* If some nodes have already been deployed and have the *Ready* status,
Fuel reboots only the nodes that have not finished deployment.
Settings remain locked.
#. Reset the OpenStack environment as described in
#. Configure your OpenStack environment.
#. Deploy your OpenStack environment.

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.. raw:: pdf
.. _install-additional-components:
Install additional components
If you want to install additional components, such as the OpenStack
Application Catalog service (Murano), the Telemetry service (Ceilometer), the
Bare Metal service (Ironic), or the Hadoop cluster (Sahara), you must
select a corresponding checkbox in the deployment wizard. However,
some components require additional configuration before
installation. This section describes the installation process for
the OpenStack programs that require additional attention.
Follow the steps described in the corresponding sub-sections of this section.
This section includes the following topics:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
.. _ironic-install:
Install the OpenStack Bare Metal service
Before you install the OpenStack Bare Metal service (Ironic) verify that your
environment meets *Prerequisites for physical machines* and *Bare Metal
service limitations* in the
*Fuel Installation Guide*.
You install the OpenStack Bare Metal service when you deploy an OpenStack
environment. Follow the steps described in :ref:`create-env-ug` and
:ref:`configure-env-ug` to configure other components and settings of your
OpenStack environment. Then, follow the steps described in this section to
configure Ironic in the deployment wizard.
**To install the OpenStack Bare Metal service:**
#. Configure the new environment as described in :ref:`create-env-ug`.
For Ironic you must select:
* In :guilabel:`Networking Setup` - :guilabel:`Neutron with VLAN
* In :guilabel:`Additional Services` - :guilabel:`Install Ironic`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Dashboard`, click :guilabel:`Add nodes`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Nodes` tab, add nodes with the *Ironic* role.
We recommend that you assign separate nodes for the Ironic program and do
not combine the *Ironic* role with any other roles. However, if you do not
have sufficient hardware, you can combine the *Ironic* and *Controller* roles
in one node.
#. Add all other nodes required for your environment as described in
#. Select nodes with the *Ironic* and *Controller* roles.
#. Click :guilabel:`Configure Interfaces`.
#. Assign network interfaces that will be used for *baremetal* network by
dragging the *baremetal* network to the required NIC.
.. image:: /_images/deliverables/scr_ironic_baremetal_nic_example.png
:width: 100%
#. In the :guilabel:`Network` tab, configure the :guilabel:`Baremetal
* For the OpenStack nodes:
#. Click :guilabel:`Neutron L2`.
#. Specify CIDR of the *baremetal* network.
#. Type the IP range that will be assigned to OpenStack service nodes
in the *baremetal* network.
#. Specify whether to use VLAN tagging or not.
* For the bare-metal nodes:
#. Click :guilabel:`Neutron L3`.
#. Specify an IP range for the nodes on which you will deploy physical
Assign the IP range from the CIDR you configured for of the
*baremetal* network in the previous step.
#. Assign a gateway IP address.
#. Configure other settings for your OpenStack environment as described in
#. Proceed to :ref:`Configure the Bare Metal service <ironic-configure>`.

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
.. _sahara-install:
Install the Hadoop cluster service
You install the OpenStack Hadoop cluster service, or Sahara, when you
deploy an OpenStack
environment. Follow the steps described in :ref:`create-env-ug` and
:ref:`configure-env-ug` to configure other components and settings of your
OpenStack environment. Then, follow the steps described in this section to
configure Ironic in the deployment wizard.
**To install the Hadoop cluster service:**
#. Create and configure your environment as described in :ref:`create-env-ug`.
#. On the :guilabel:`Additional Services` page, select
:guilabel:`Install Sahara`.
#. Configure and deploy your environment.
#. Proceed to :ref:`sahara_configure`.

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
.. index:: Introduction
.. _User-Introduction:
Introduction to the User Guide
The Fuel User Guide provides instructions on how to configure, test, and
operate OpenStack environments using Fuel web UI and CLI.
If you have already deployed OpenStack environments using earlier versions
of the Fuel software, see the *Upgrading Fuel* section in the Fuel Installation
Guide for instructions on upgrading your existing OpenStack distribution and
the Fuel software.
Before you read this document, you must install the Fuel Master node as
described in the *Fuel Installation Guide*.

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.. _maintain-environment:
Maintain your environment
After your deployed your OpenStack environment, you
manage many operations through the Horizon dashboard.
However, such operations as adding or removing nodes,
changing environment settings, and so on must be performed
in the Fuel UI or CLI.
This section includes the following topics:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Role object
Beginning with Fuel 6.1,
you can create, update or delete roles
using Nailgun
REST API and Fuel Client.
For Fuel CLI command reference, see
:ref:`Role operations <roles-operations>`.
This section provides the Controller
role example:
id: 9
- compute
description: The controller initiates orchestration activities and provides an external
API. Other components like Glance (image storage), Keystone (identity management),
Horizon (OpenStack dashboard) and Nova-Scheduler are installed on the controller
as well.
has_primary: true
min: 1
- condition: cluster:mode == 'multinode'
max: 1
message: Multi-node environment can not have more than one controller node.
- condition: cluster:mode == 'ha_compact'
message: At least 3 controller nodes are recommended for HA deployment.
recommended: 3
name: Controller
- compute
- cinder
name: controller
- allocate_size: min
id: os
- allocate_size: all
id: image
The following fields are mandatory:
name: controller
name: Controller
description: Description goes here
# at least one volume is required
- allocate_size: min
id: os
Primary behaviour for node can be enabled with ``has_primary: true`` option.
If this option is set to ``during orchestration``, you will be able to assign separate
tasks for primary-controller and controller.

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.. _rollback-ug:
You can use the rollback feature to return
a node to its original state (e.g. the state before the node failed).
This can be used to revert changes during a failed upgrade or other
node malfunction.
The rollback is done in two major steps:
#. Partition preservation -- prevent the node redeployment process
from deleting data on the partition. This way you will not have to
manually back up and restore the data to perform the rollback.
#. Node reinstallation -- restore the node to its original state.
Partition preservation
With partition preservation you can keep any type of data that meets
the following criteria:
* The data is stored on a dedicated partition.
* The partition is not a root partition. (The root partition is always
erased during deployment).
The following data types are a good example of what can be preserved:
* Ceph data
* Swift data
* Nova instances cache
* Database, custom partition types
.. note:: Do not change the partition size as this will make the
the rollback impossible.
#. On the Fuel Master node, dump the disks information:
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --disk --download
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
For example::
fuel node --node-id 1 --disk --download
#. Edit the ``/root/node_1/disks.yaml`` file to enable partition
preservation by using the ``keep_data: true`` flag. Also note that
all partitions with the same name need to have the same flag value.
Example of the flag in a ``disks.yaml`` file::
- extra:
- disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00001
- disk/by-id/ata-QEMU_HARDDISK_QM00001
id: disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:01.1-scsi-0:0:0:0
name: sdc
size: 101836
- name: mysql
size: 101836
keep_data: true
#. Upload the modified file::
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --disk --upload
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
For example::
fuel node --node-id 1 --disk --upload
Node reinstallation
#. On the Fuel Master node, issue the following command to reprovision
the node::
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --provision
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
For example::
fuel node --node-id 1 --provision
#. Then issue the following command to redeploy the node::
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --deploy
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
Virt role reinstallation
Follow the steps below to reinstall the virt role if you have the
Reduced Footprint feature enabled.
#. On the Fuel Master node, dump the disks information:
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --disk --download
where <NODE_ID> points to the node with virt role identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
For example::
fuel node --node-id 1 --disk --download
#. Edit the `/root/node_1/disks.yaml` file to enable the partition
preservation of the volume with ``vm`` name using the ``keep_data: true``
flag of the corresponding volumes. Note that all partitions with
the same name need to have the same flag value.
Example of the flag in a `disks.yaml` file::
- extra:
- disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000c5007a287855
- disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST2000DM001-1ER_Z4Z1WH2V
- disk/by-id/ata-ST2000DM001-1ER164_Z4Z1WH2V
id: disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-scsi-0:0:0:0
name: sda
size: 1907037
- keep_data: false
name: os
size: 67584
- keep_data: false
name: cinder
size: 919726
- keep_data: true
name: vm
size: 919727
#. Upload the modified file::
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --disk --upload
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
For example::
fuel node --node-id 1 --disk --upload
#. On the Fuel Master node, reprovision the node::
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --provision
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.
For example::
fuel node --node-id 1 --provision
#. Provision the bare-metal node with the virtual role and spawn
virtual machines::
fuel2 env spawn-vms <CLUSTER_ID>
For example::
fuel2 env spawn-vms 1
#. Redeploy the spawned node::
fuel node --node-id <NODE_ID> --deploy
where <NODE_ID> points to a specific node identified by its ID
(a number) that you can get by issuing the ``fuel nodes`` command.

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
.. _shotgun-ug:
Create diagnostic snapshot using shotgun
Shotgun is a tool that you can use to generate diagnostic snapshots
for Fuel. Although, Fuel API for diagnostic snapshots provides similar
functionality, you may prefer to use Shotgun due to the following limitations
of Fuel API:
* When the size of log files is too big, Fuel drops a timeout exceptions.
* When you use Fuel API, you may run out of space in the */var/* partition.
Therefore, use Shotgun from the Fuel Master node directly and fetch the
default configuration from the Fuel Client.
Shotgun stores temporary snapshots in ``/var/www/nailgun/dump/fuel-snapshot``.
A symlink to the last compressed snapshot is located in
With Shotgun you can use standard commands, such as :command:`dir`,
:command:`command`, and :command:`file`:
.. code-block:: ini
- command: brctl show
to_file: brctl_show.txt
type: command
- path: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
type: dir
**To use Shotgun:**
#. Install Shotgun on the Fuel Master node:
.. code-block:: console
yum install -y shotgun
#. Fetch the default configuration:
.. code-block:: console
fuel snapshot --conf > dump_conf.yaml
#. Provide the configuration to Shotgun and execute it:
.. code-block:: console
shotgun -c dump_conf.yaml

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.. _next-steps-ug:
Next Steps
After you successfully deploy your OpenStack environment,
you must verify that your environment is operational, as well as configure
additional components. After completing the verification, log in to the
Horizon dashboard or the OpenStack CLI to operate your environment.
Configure and verify the following:
#. If you have installed additional OpenStack components, such as the
OpenStack application catalog (Murano), the Telemetry service (Ceilometer),
the Bare Metal Service (Ironic), or the Hadoop cluster (Sahara), complete
the tasks described in the corresponding sub-section in
#. Set up shell access to Fuel Master and Fuel Salve nodes to use OpenStack
#. Verify that the deployed environment is operational by running the following
- Network configuration test in the :guilabel:`Networks` tab.
Although you may have already run this test before you deployed
the OpenStack environment, you may want to verify the network
configuration once again.
- Environment health checks described in :ref:`verify-environment`
- Additional components verification. If you have installed any
additional components, prepare and run the corresponding tests:
- :ref:`sahara-test-prepare`
- :ref:`murano-test-prepare`
- Ceph configuration test:
- If you have deployed Ceph as a storage back end,
follow the `Verifying the deployment
instructions to verify the Ceph configuration.
#. Create a backup of your environment and store it in a safe location.
#. Log in to the Horizon dashboard by clicking :guilabel:`Go to Horizon`
or to the command-line interface to manage your OpenStack environment.
.. note::
After you deploy an OpenStack environment, manage the environment
from the Horizon dashboard. Use Fuel UI for testing, managing OpenStack
nodes, and troubleshooting.
.. seealso::
- `Network Troubleshooting
- `OpenStack User Guide
- `Managing Projects and Users

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.. _verify-environment:
Verify your OpenStack environment
After you have successfully deployed your OpenStack environment, run
the build-in health tests to ensure your environment is
fully operational.
Health tests have the following advantages:
* Using post-deployment checks helps you identify potential issues which may
impact the health of a deployed system.
* All post-deployment checks provide detailed descriptions about failed
operations and tell you which component or components are not working
* Performing these checks manually would consumed a great deal of time, but it
only take a few minutes to run the full suite of tests from the Fuel console.
* Aside from verifying that everything is working correctly, the process also
determines how quickly your system works.
* Post-deployment checks continue to be useful after you initially deploy your
environment. For example, after sizable changes are made in the environment,
you can use the checks to determine if any new failure points have been
This section includes the following topics:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3

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.. _heat-test-details:
Overview of the OpenStack Orchestration service platform tests
If you have installed the OpenStack Orchestration service (Heat) in
your OpenStack environment, Fuel provides the automatic tests to
verify its functionality.
The following table describes the details of the Heat tests.
.. list-table:: **Heat platform tests**
:widths: 10 10 20
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
- Scenario
* - **Test basic stack operations.**
- The test verifies that the Heat service can create, update, and
delete a stack, as well as shows details of the stack and
its resources, events, and template.
- #. Create a stack.
#. Wait for the stack status to change to ``CREATE_COMPLETE``.
#. Get details of the created stack by its name.
#. Get the list of resources for the created stack.
#. Get details of the stack resources.
#. Get the list of events for the created stack.
#. Get the details of the stack event.
#. Update the stack.
#. Wait for the stack to update.
#. Get the stack template details.
#. Get the list of resources for the updated stack.
#. Delete the stack.
#. Wait for the stack to delete.
* - **Test the stack autoscaling.**
- The test verifies that the Heat service can scale the stack capacity
up and down automatically according to the changes in the
Image with cfntools package should be imported.
- #. Create a flavor.
#. Create a keypair.
#. Save the generated private key to a file on the controller node.
#. Create a security group.
#. Create a stack.
#. Wait for the stack status to change to 'CREATE_COMPLETE'.
#. Create a floating IP.
#. Assign the floating IP to the instance of the stack.
#. Wait for the ``cloud_init`` procedure to complete on the instance.
#. Load CPU of the instance to initiate the stack scaling up.
#. Wait for the second instance to launch.
#. Release CPU of the instance to initiate the stack scaling down.
#. Wait for the second instance to be terminated.
#. Delete the file with the private key on the controller node.
#. Delete the stack.
#. Wait for the stack to delete.
* - **Test the stack rollback functionality.**
- The test verifies that the Heat service can rollback the stack
if its creation failed.
- #. Start stack creation with rollback enabled.
#. Verify that the stack appears with status ``CREATE_IN_PROGRESS``.
#. Wait for the stack to be deleted as a result of the rollback after
the expiration of the timeout defined in the ``WaitHandle`` resource
of the stack.
#. Verify that the instance of the stack has been deleted.
* - **Test advanced stack operations.**
- The test verifies that the Heat service can suspend and resume the
- #. Create a stack.
#. Wait until the stack status changes to ``CREATE_COMPLETE``.
#. Call the stack suspend action.
#. Wait until the stack status changes to ``SUSPEND_COMPLETE``.
#. Call the stack resume action.
#. Wait until the stack status changes to ``RESUME_COMPLETE``.
#. Call the stack check action.
#. Wail until the stack status changes to ``CHECK_COMPLETE``.
#. Delete the stack.
#. Wait for the stack to be deleted.

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.. index:: Fuel UI: Post-Deployment Check
.. _intro-health-checks:
Health checks
Fuel provides capabilities to analyze your OpenStack environment
functionality through health checks. Fuel's health checks provide
status information about the most commonly used
components and the most recently performed actions.
The following table describes the Fuel automated health checks.
.. list-table:: **Fuel automated health checks**
:widths: 10 30 25
:header-rows: 1
* - Category
- Description
- Tests
* - **Sanity tests**
- Verify overall system operability. If these tests fail, you may
need to restart some OpenStack services. Sanity tests will likely
be the point on which the success of your deployment pivots, but it is
critical to pay close attention to all information collected from
theses tests.
- Include multiple tests that requests the lists of various OpenStack
objects, configurations, and services. If you deploy additional
OpenStack services, include tests specific to these services.
* - **Functional tests**
- Reveal networking, system-requirements, and functionality issues.
Functional tests verify basic OpenStack operations in normal
- Include multiple tests that create or launch various OpenStack
objects and virtual instances.
* - **High-availability tests**
- Verify that the high-availability architecture functions correctly.
These tests include verification of RabbitMQ availability, HAproxy
back ends status and so on.
- Include tests that verify that various components, such as RabbitMQ,
Pacemaker, the Galera cluster, and son on are highly-available and
* - **Platform services functional tests**
- Verify basic functionality of the Orchestration service (Heat),
Hadoop service (Sahara), Telemetry service (Ceilometer),
and Application Catalog service (Murano).
- Include multiple tests that verify functionality of additional
OpenStack components. Some services, such as Sahara and Murano,
require additional preparation before running a test.
For more information, see:
* :ref:`sahara-test-prepare`
* :ref:`sahara-test-details`
* :ref:`murano-test-prepare`
* :ref:`murano-test-details`
* :ref:`heat-test-details`
* - **Cloud validation tests**
- Verify that your cloud functions correctly. These tests verify that
nodes have enough free space, as well as various cloud settings, such
as log rotation and so on.
- Cloud validation tests include:
* Check the disk space outages on the Controller and Compute nodes.
* Check log rotation configuration on all nodes.
* - **Configuration tests**
- Verify Fuel configuration. For example, one of the tests verifies that
you have changed the default password and suggests to change it if you
did not.
- Configuration tests include:
* Check usage of the default credentials (password) for root user to
SSH on the Fuel Master node. If the default password has not been
not changed, the test fails with a recommendation to change it.
* Check usage of the default credentials for the OpenStack environment.
If you use the default values for the admin user, the test fails
with a recommendation to change the password and user name for the
OpenStack user with the admin role.

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.. _murano-test-details:
Murano platform test details
If you have installed the OpenStack Application Catalog (Murano) in your
OpenStack environment, you can test that Murano functions correctly by
running the Fuel platform tests.
The following table describes the details of the OpenStack Application
Catalog tests.
.. list-table:: **Murano platform tests**
:widths: 10 10 20
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
- Scenario
* - **Murano environment with the WordPress application deployment**
- The test verifies that the user can deploy the WordPress application
in the Murano environment.
- #. Send a request to create an OpenStack environment.
#. Send a request to create a session for the OpenStack environment.
#. Send a request to create MySQL.
#. Send a request to create the Linux-based Apache service.
#. Send a request to create WordPress.
#. Request to deploy a session.
#. Check the environment status.
#. Check the deployment status.
#. Check ports availability.
#. Check the WordPress path.
#. Send a request to delete the OpenStack environment.
* - **Murano environment with the Linux Apache service deployment**
- The test verifies that the Murano service can create and deploy the
Linux Apache service.
- #. Verify the Linux image with Murano agent is installed in Glance.
#. Send a request to create an OpenStack environment.
#. Send a request to create a session for the OpenStack environment.
#. Send a request to create the Linux-based Apache service.
#. Request to deploy the session.
#. Check the environment status.
#. Check the deployment status.
#. Send a request to delete the OpenStack environment.

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.. _murano-test-prepare:
Preparing the OpenStack Application Catalog for testing
Fuel runs the platform tests in the tenant you have previously
specified in the :menuselection:`Settings --> OpenStack Settings`.
By default, Fuel selects the *admin* tenant.
You must download and prepare a corresponding image to test Murano.
For example, for Linux-based services deployment testing,
add a Linux based image to Murano.
To prepare the OpenStack Application Catalog for testing,
add a Linux-based image to Murano. You can download the `pre-built
Murano image
or build your own as described in `Murano documentation
.. note::
The base operating system of the Murano image does not have to
match the base operating system of the OpenStack environment.
**Prepare the OpenStack Application Catalog for testing:**
#. Download or build a Murano image for testing.
#. Upload the image to the `admin` tenant
in the OpenStack Image Service (Glance).
#. Open the :guilabel:`Murano` tab.
#. Navigate to the :guilabel:`Manage` submenu.
#. Click :guilabel:`Images`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Mark Image`.
The Image registration window displays.
#. Select the Linux image with the Murano Agent.
#. In the :guilabel:`Title` field, set the title for this image.
#. Select the :guilabel:`Generic Linux` type.
#. Click :guilabel:`Mark`.
Proceed with testing the OpenStack Application Catalog.

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
.. _run-health-checks:
Run a health check
We recommend that you run all health tests immediately after you
deploy your OpenStack environment, so you can promptly address any
issues with your environment configuration.
Each test contains information on its estimated and actual duration.
Information about test processing time is based on the tests
conducted in our lab. Therefore, actual time for
the test to complete may vary for different environments.
After a test is complete, the results appear in the
:guilabel:`Status` column. If a test fails, Fuel displays an
error message. To assist in troubleshooting, the test
scenario is displayed under the failure message and the failed step is
**To run a health check:**
#. In the Fuel web UI, click the :guilabel:`Health Check` tab.
#. Select the tests that you want to run.
#. Click :guilabel:`Run Tests`.

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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
.. _sahara-test-details:
About the Hadoop cluster service test
The Hadoop cluster service test verifies that Sahara can launch
a Hadoop cluster using the Vanilla plugin.
The following table describes the details of the Hadoop cluster tests.
.. list-table:: **Sahara platform tests**
:widths: 10 10 20
:header-rows: 1
* - Name
- Description
- Scenario
* - **Test that Sahara can launch a Hadoop cluster using the Vanilla
- The test verifies successful launch of the Hadoop cluster.
- #. Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.
#. Register an image:
#. Select :menuselection:`Project --> Data Processing --> Image
#. Click :guilabel:`Register Image`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Image` field, select an image.
#. Specify the ``User Name`` value for the selected OS.
#. Set the following values:
* ``Plugin=vanilla``
* ``Version=2.6.0``
#. Click :guilabel:`Add plugin tags`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Done`.
* -
- #. Create a master node group template:
#. Select :menuselection:`Project --> Data Processing --> Node
Group Templates`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Create Template`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Create Node Group template` dialog, set the
following values:
* ``Plugin name=Vanilla Apache Hadoop``
* ``Hadoop version=2.6.0``
#. Click `Create` to proceed.
#. In the second `Create Node Group template` dialog, set the
following values:
* ``Template Name=vanilla2-master``
* ``OpenStack Flavor=m1.small``
* ``Floating IP pool=(external network)``
#. In the :guilabel:`Process` section, select:
* ``namenode``
* ``secondarynamenode``
* ``resourcemanager``
* ``historyserver``
* ``oozie``
#. Click `Create`.
* -
- #. Create a worker node group template:
#. Select :menuselection: `Project --> Data Processing -->
Node Group Templates`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Create Template`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Create Node Group template` dialog,
set the following values:
* ``Plugin name=Vanilla Apache Hadoop``
* ``Hadoop version=2.6.0``
#. Click `Create` to proceed.
#. In the second `Create Node Group template` dialog, set
the following values:
* ``Template Name=vanilla2-worker``
* ``OpenStack Flavor=m1.small``
* ``Floating IP pool=(external network)``
#. In the :guilabel:`Process` section, select:
* ``datanode``
* ``nodemanager``
#. Click :guilabel:`Create`.
* -
- #. Create a cluster template:
#. Select :menuselection:`Project --> Data Processing -->
Cluster Templates`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Create Template`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Create Cluster Template` dialog, set the
following values:
* ``Plugin name=Vanilla Apache Hadoop``
* ``Hadoop version=2.6.0``
#. Click :guilabel:`Create`.
#. In the second :guilabel:`Create Cluster Template` dialog, set the
following values:
* In the :guilabel:`Details` tab, specify
``Template Name=vanilla2-template``.
* In the :guilabel:`Node Groups` tab, specify ``vanilla2-master``
and ``vanilla2-worker``.
* In the :guilabel:`HDFS Parameters` tab, specify
#. Click :guilabel:`Create`.
* -
- #. Launch the cluster:
#. Select :guilabel:`Project --> Data Processing --> Clusters`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Launch Cluster`.
#. In the :guilabel:`Launch Cluster` dialog, set the following
* ``Plugin name=Vanilla Apache Hadoop``
* ``Hadoop version=2.6.0``
#. Click `Create` to proceed.
#. In the second `Launch Cluster` dialog, set
:guilabel:``Cluster Name=vanilla2-cluster``.
#. Click :guilabel:`Create`.
#. Wait until the cluster has the ``Active`` status.
* -
- #. Delete the cluster:
#. In the :guilabel:`Clusters` page, select the ``vanilla2-cluster``
#. Click :menuselection:`Delete Cluster`.
#. Delete the templates:
#. Select :menuselection:`Project --> Data Processing -->
Cluster Templates`.
#. Select the `vanilla2-template` template.
#. Click :guilabel:`Delete Templates`.
#. Select :guilabel:`Project --> Data Processing --> Node Group
#. Select `vanilla2-master` and `vanilla2-worker` templates.
#. Click :guilabel:`Delete Templates`.

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.. _sahara-test-prepare:
Preparing the Hadoop cluster service for testing
You can run the platform tests to verify that the Hadoop cluster (Sahara)
functions correctly.
To run the tests, Sahara must be deployed and configured.
You run the tests in the tenant you specified in the `OpenStack Settings` tab
during the OpenStack installation. By default, the `admin` tenant is used for
the tests.
You must have at least 4096 MB RAM available in the tenant
for Sahara platform tests. Otherwise, some tests may fail.
.. note::
Sahara uses auto-security groups for opening required ports for each
plugin. For more information, see the corresponding plugin documentation.
**To prepare Hadoop cluster for testing**
#. Download the `image with Hadoop for Sahara
#. If you use VMware vSphere as a hypervisor for your OpenStack environment,
convert the `qcow2` image format to `vmdk`:
.. code-block: console
qemu-img convert -O vmdk <original_image>.qcow2 <converted_image>.vmdk
#. Register the image with Sahara:
#. Upload the image into Glance into the `admin` tenant.
#. Name the image `sahara`.
#. In Horizon, navigate to :menuselection:`Projects --> Data Processing`.
#. Switch to the `admin` tenant.
#. Select :guilabel:`Image Registry`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Register Image`.
The `Image registration` dialog appears.
#. Select the image you have just uploaded.
#. Set username to ``ubuntu``.
#. Select the tags: ``plugin=vanilla`` and ``version=<version>``.
#. Click :guilabel:`Add plugin tags`.
#. Click :guilabel:`Done`.
#. Proceed with testing the Hadoop cluster.

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.. _troubleshoot-health-checks:
Resolve a problem
If a test fails, there are several ways to investigate the problem. You can
search for the information about the problem in the logs of each OpenStack
component, as well as in the test logs.
**To resolve a health check issue:**
#. Verify that all OpenStack services are up and running.
* In the Fuel web UI:
#. Click :guilabel:`Health Check`.
#. Run the Sanity tests.
* In the Fuel CLI:
#. View the list of services:
nova-manage service list
#. If any of the services have the *XXX* status, restart these
service openstack-<service name> restart
#. Analyze error messages in :guilabel:`Dashboard`, :guilabel:`Networks`,
and other tabs, if any.
For example, a test may fail for the following reasons:
* A quota has been exceeded
* Network configuration is incorrect
* A general lack of resources, such as memory or disk space.
#. Analyze the log files.