.. raw:: pdf PageBreak .. _configure-additional-components: Configure additional components =============================== If you have installed additional components, such as the OpenStack application catalog (Murano), the Telemetry service (Ceilometer), the Bare Metal service (Ironic), or the Hadoop cluster (Sahara), you may need to complete post- deployment steps that will ensure your OpenStack environment functions correctly. If you installed any of these components, complete the steps described in the corresponding sections. If you installed Ironic, complete the tasks described in the following sections: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 configure-additional-components/ironic_configure.rst configure-additional-components/ironic_prepare_image.rst If you installed Sahara, complete the tasks described in the following sections: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 configure-additional-components/sahara_configure.rst