.. _change-hostname-slave-nodes: Modify the Fuel Slave node host name ------------------------------------ You can modify host names of the Fuel Slave nodes before you deploy an OpenStack environment. This functionality enables you to assign host names that match your corporate standards or a naming convention of your choice. You cannot change a host name of a Fuel Slave node after you deploy an OpenStack environment. **To modify the Fuel Slave node host name using Fuel web UI:** #. Log in to the Fuel web UI. #. Click the :guilabel:`Nodes` tab. #. Click the settings icon next to the corresponding node. #. Click the edit icon: .. image:: /_images/deliverables/scr_change_hostname.png :width: 60% #. Type the new host name. #. Click :guilabel:`Close`. **To modify the Fuel Slave node host name using Fuel CLI:** #. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI. #. Type: .. code-block:: console fuel node --node --hostname .. list-table:: :widths: 10 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Description * - - A specific node indentificator. You can get the information about the node ID by typing: .. code-block:: console fuel nodes * - - A new host name for the selected node.