.. raw:: pdf PageBreak .. _selectable-offload: Edit the offloading mode ------------------------ Fuel assigns the default offloading mode to all network interfaces automatically. You may want to modify this setting to meet your network requirements. The number of available offloading types depends on network hardware and the kernel version that you use. Fuel automatically detects offloading modes for any physical network interface. **To edit the offloading mode using Fuel web UI:** #. Log in to the Fuel web UI. #. Click :guilabel:`Nodes`. #. Select a node. #. Click :guilabel:`Interface configuration`. #. Click :guilabel:`Offloading Modes: Default` to disable offloading. **To edit the offloading mode using CLI:** #. Log in to the Fuel Master node CLI. #. Verify the node ID: .. code-block:: console fuel nodes #. Download the information about network interfaces: .. code-block:: console fuel node --node --network --download #. Open the ``/root/node_/interfaces.yaml`` file for editing. #. Disable or leave the default value next to the ``state`` field: * true - enable offloading modes * false - disable offloading modes * null - default offloading modes #. Upload the modified file: .. code-block:: console fuel node --node --network --upload