Fix for the case with ceph and cinder-vmware

- For base configuration we use cinder.pp,
  but ceph for volume uses
  "::openstack_tasks::openstack_cinder::openstack_cinder" and
  configure volume only on controllers node. This patch fixes
  error in case with ceph with volume and assign cinder-vmware
  on controllers node.
- Describe parameters
- Fix typos
- Update noop tests
- Update spec

Change-Id: I1746dcd93f86ff4e1308d917d4a07dab7a5f1075
Closes-Bug: #1582113
(cherry picked from commit c33e619124)
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Arzhanov 2016-06-08 16:37:35 +03:00
parent c7f2e767f9
commit 19b518018f
3 changed files with 217 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -1,49 +1,139 @@
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: vmware::cinder::vmdk
# This type creates cinder-volume service with VMDK backend,
# which provides block storage solution for
# vSphere's virtual machine instances.
# === Parameters
# [*vc_host*]
# (required) IP address for connecting to VMware vCenter server.
# Defaults to ''.
# [*vc_user*]
# (required) Username for authenticating with VMware vCenter server.
# Defaults to 'user'.
# [*vc_password*]
# (required) Password for authenticating with VMware vCenter server.
# Defaults to 'password'.
# [*availability_zone_name*]
# (required) Availability zone of this node and value is used as
# the default for new volumes.
# Defaults to 'non-nova'.
# [*vc_volume_folder*]
# (optional) Name of the vCenter inventory folder that will contain
# Cinder volumes. This folder will be created under
# "OpenStack/<project_folder>", where project_folder is of format
# "Project (<volume_project_id>)".
# Defaults to 'cinder-volumes'.
# [*vc_wsdl_location*]
# (optional) Optional VIM service WSDL Location e.g
# http://<server>/vimService.wsdl. Optional over-ride to default
# location for bug work-arounds.
# Defaults to empty.
# [*vc_api_retry_count*]
# (optional) Number of times VMware vCenter server API must be
# retried upon connection related issues.
# Defaults to '10'.
# [*vc_host_version*]
# (optional) Optional string specifying the VMware vCenter
# server version. The driver attempts to retrieve the version from
# VMware vCenter server. Set this configuration only if you want
# to override the vCenter server version.
# Defaults to empty.
# [*vc_image_transfer_timeout_secs*]
# (optional) Timeout in seconds for VMDK volume transfer
# between Cinder and Glance.
# Defaults to '7200'.
# [*vc_max_objects_retrieval*]
# (optional) Max number of objects to be retrieved per batch.
# Query results will be obtained in batches from the server
# and not in one shot. Server may still limit the count to
# something less than the configured value.
# Defaults to '100'.
# [*vc_task_poll_interval*]
# (optional) The interval (in seconds) for polling remote
# tasks invoked on VMware vCenter server.
# Defaults to '5'.
# [*vc_tmp_dir*]
# (optional) Directory where virtual disks are stored during
# volume backup and restore.
# Defaults to '/tmp'.
# [*cinder_conf_dir*]
# (optional) The base directory used for cinder-vmware configs.
# Defaults to '/etc/cinder/cinder.d'.
# [*cinder_log_dir*]
# (optional) The base directory used for relative --log-file paths.
# Defaults to '/var/log/cinder'.
# [*debug*]
# (optional) Print debugging output (set logging level to DEBUG instead
# of default WARNING level).
# Defaults to false.
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This type creates cinder-volume service with VMDK backend, which provides
# block storage solution for vSphere's virtual machine instances.
define vmware::cinder::vmdk(
$vc_host = '',
$vc_user = 'administrator@vsphere.local',
$vc_password = '',
$vc_user = 'user',
$vc_password = 'password',
$availability_zone_name = 'non-nova',
$vc_volume_folder = 'cinder-volumes',
$vc_wsdl_location = '',
$vc_api_retry_count = 10,
$vc_api_retry_count = '10',
$vc_host_version = '',
$vc_image_transfer_timeout_secs = 7200,
$vc_max_objects_retrieval = 100,
$vc_task_poll_interval = 5,
$vc_image_transfer_timeout_secs = '7200',
$vc_max_objects_retrieval = '100',
$vc_task_poll_interval = '5',
$vc_tmp_dir = '/tmp',
$cinder_conf_dir = '/etc/cinder/cinder.d',
$cinder_log_dir = '/var/log/cinder',
$debug = false,
include cinder::params
$index = $availability_zone_name
include ::cinder::params
$index = $availability_zone_name
$cinder_volume_conf = "${cinder_conf_dir}/vmware-${index}.conf"
$cinder_volume_vmware = "${::cinder::params::volume_service}-vmware"
$storage_hash = hiera_hash('storage', {})
if ($storage_hash['volumes_ceph']) and
(roles_include(['primary-controller']) or
roles_include(['controller'])) {
class { '::openstack_tasks::openstack_cinder::openstack_cinder': }
if ! defined(File[$cinder_conf_dir]) {
file { $cinder_conf_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'cinder',
group => 'cinder',
mode => '0750'
mode => '0750',
@ -59,11 +149,11 @@ define vmware::cinder::vmdk(
if ! defined(Service["cinder_volume_vmware"]) {
service { "cinder_volume_vmware":
enable => false,
if ! defined(Service['cinder_volume_vmware']) {
service { 'cinder_volume_vmware':
ensure => stopped,
name => "${cinder_volume_vmware}",
enable => false,
name => $cinder_volume_vmware,
hasstatus => true,
@ -72,21 +162,21 @@ define vmware::cinder::vmdk(
service { "cinder_volume_vmware_${index}":
ensure => running,
name => "${cinder_volume_vmware}-${index}",
enable => true
enable => true,
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$src_init = $cinder_volume_vmware
$dst_init = '/etc/init.d'
$file_perm = '0755'
$src_init = $cinder_volume_vmware
$dst_init = '/etc/init.d'
$file_perm = '0755'
$cinder_volume_vmware_init = "${dst_init}/${cinder_volume_vmware}"
$init_link = "${cinder_volume_vmware_init}-${index}"
$init_link = "${cinder_volume_vmware_init}-${index}"
if ! defined(File[$init_link]) {
file { $init_link:
ensure => link,
target => $cinder_volume_vmware_init
target => $cinder_volume_vmware_init,
@ -99,13 +189,13 @@ define vmware::cinder::vmdk(
'Debian': {
$cinder_volume_default = "/etc/default/${cinder_volume_vmware}-${index}"
$src_init = "${cinder_volume_vmware}.conf"
$dst_init = '/etc/init'
$file_perm = '0644'
$src_init = "${cinder_volume_vmware}.conf"
$dst_init = '/etc/init'
$file_perm = '0644'
Package[$::cinder::params::volume_package] -> File[$src_init]
@ -122,23 +212,23 @@ define vmware::cinder::vmdk(
if ! defined(File[$init_link]) {
file { $init_link:
ensure => link,
target => $cinder_volume_vmware_init
target => $cinder_volume_vmware_init,
$init_reload_cmd = '/sbin/initctl reload-configuration'
$init_reload = 'initctl reload-configuration'
$init_reload = 'initctl reload-configuration'
if ! defined(Exec[$init_reload]) {
exec { $init_reload:
command => $init_reload_cmd,
path => [ '/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ]
path => [ '/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ],
default: {
fail { "Unsupported OS family (${::osfamily})": }

View File

@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ vmware_host_ip=
# Password for authenticating with VMware vCenter server. (string value)
#vmware_host_password = <None>
# Username for authenticating with VMware vCenter server. (string value)
#vmware_host_username = <None>
# Optional string specifying the VMware vCenter server version. The driver
# attempts to retrieve the version from VMware vCenter server. Set this

View File

@ -5,6 +5,88 @@ require 'shared-examples'
manifest = 'vmware/cinder-vmware.pp'
describe manifest do
shared_examples 'catalog' do
storage_hash = Noop.hiera 'storage'
node_name = Noop.hiera('node_name')
network_metadata = Noop.hiera_hash 'network_metadata', {}
roles = network_metadata['nodes'][node_name]['node_roles']
vc_cinder_hash = Noop.hiera_structure('cinder/instances', [])
vc_instance = vc_cinder_hash[0]
vcenter_availability_zone_name = vc_instance['availability_zone_name']
vcenter_host = vc_instance['vc_host']
vcenter_password = vc_instance['vc_password']
vcenter_user = vc_instance['vc_user']
if storage_hash['debug']
debug = storage_hash['debug']
debug = Noop.hiera 'debug', true
if storage_hash['volumes_ceph']
if Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'primary-controller' or Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'controller'
it 'should declare cinder vmware' do
should contain_class('openstack_tasks::openstack_cinder::openstack_cinder')
it 'should configure /etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf' do
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
%r{\n\s*vmware_insecure = True\n}
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
should contain_file('/etc/cinder/cinder.d/vmware-vcenter.conf').with_content(
end # end of shared_examples
test_ubuntu_and_centos manifest