Merge pull request #14 from bodepd/dev

Doc +  mysql update
This commit is contained in:
Dan Bode 2012-04-06 15:16:08 -07:00
commit 350c923f86
12 changed files with 273 additions and 157 deletions

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
module for managing keystone:
Has only been tested mainly on Ubuntu Precise
Has only been tested with the essex-4 version of keystone
contains the keystone class that can be used
to install keystone from apt
installs keystone from source and sets up a dev
environment as recommended in the development guide
native types:
I would like to create types to manage the configuration of
keystone, including:
- keystone_tenant
- keystone_user
- keystone_role
- keystone_user_role
- keystone_service
- keystone_endpoint
The sole provider for all of these types is keystone
These types can only be run on the same machine where keystone is configured

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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
# Overview #
The module contains a collection of manifests and native types that are capable
of installing/managing/configuring Keystone.
Keystone is the Identity service for OpenStack.
# Tested use cases #
This module has been tested against the dev version of Ubuntu Precise.
It has only currently been tested as a single node installation of keystone.
It is currently targetting essex support and is being actively developed against
packaging that are built off of trunk.
# Dependencies: #
This module has relatively few dependencies:
# if used on Ubuntu
# if using mysql as a backend
# Usage #
## Manifests ##
### class keystone ###
The keystone class sets up the basic configuration for the keystone service.
It must be used together with a class that expresses the db backend to use:
for example:
class { 'keystone':
log_verbose => 'True',
service_token => 'my_secret_token'
needs to be configured to use a backend database with either:
class { 'keystone::config::sqlite': }
class { 'keystone::config::mysql':
password => 'keystone',
### setting up a keystone mysql db ###
a keystone mysql database can be configured separately from
the service.
If you need to actually install a mysql database server, you can use
the mysql::server class from the puppetlabs mysql module
# check out the mysql module's README to learn more about
# how to more appropriately configure a server
class { 'mysql::server': }
class { 'keystone::mysql':
dbname => 'keystone',
user => 'keystone',
password => 'keystone_password',
## Native Types ##
The Puppet support for keystone also includes native types that can be
used to manage the following keystone objects:
- keystone_tenant
- keystone_user
- keystone_role
- keystone_user_role
- keystone_service
- keystone_endpoint
These types will only work on an actualy keystone node (and they read keystone.conf
to figure out the admin port and admin token, which is kind of hacky, but the best
way I could think of.)
### examples ###
keystone_tenant { 'openstack':
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True',
keystone_user { 'openstack':
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True'
keystone_role { 'admin':
ensure => present,
keystone_user_role { 'admin@openstack':
roles => ['admin', 'superawesomedue'],
ensure => present
### puppet resource ###
These native types also allow for some interesting introspection using puppet resource
To list all of the objects of a certain type in the keystone database, you can run:
puppet resource <type>
For example:
puppet resource keystone_tenant
would list all know keystone tenants for a given keystone instance.

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@ -29,9 +29,7 @@ node keystone {
node keystone_mysql {
class { 'keystone::mysql':
password => 'keystone',
class { 'mysql::server': }
class { 'keystone::config::mysql':
password => 'keystone'
@ -39,7 +37,11 @@ node keystone_mysql {
log_verbose => true,
log_debug => true,
catalog_type => 'sql',
class { 'keystone::mysql':
password => 'keystone',
class { 'keystone::roles::admin': }
node default {

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Puppet::Type.type(:keystone_endpoint).provide(
# TODO - this needs to be replaced with a call to endpoint-get
# but endpoint-get is not currently supported from the admin url
def self.get_service_id(endpoint_id)
`python -c "from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client ; import os ; print [e.service_id for e in client.Client(endpoint='', token='service_token').endpoints.list() if == u'#{endpoint_id}'][0]"`
`python -c "from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client ; import os ; print [e.service_id for e in client.Client(endpoint='', token='#{admin_token}').endpoints.list() if == u'#{endpoint_id}'][0]"`

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@ -23,13 +23,6 @@ class keystone(
# this package dependency needs to be removed when it
include 'keystone::params'
include 'concat::setup'
# is added as a package dependency
# I filed the following ticket against the packages: 909941
if(! defined(Package['python-migrate'])) {
package { 'python-migrate':
ensure => present,
package { 'keystone':
ensure => $package_ensure,

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class keystone::mysql(
file { '/var/lib/keystone/keystone.db':
ensure => absent,
subscribe => Package['keystone'],
before => Class['keystone::db'],
before => Mysql::Db[$dbname],
mysql::db { $dbname:
@ -25,4 +25,12 @@ class keystone::mysql(
require => Class['mysql::server'],
# this probably needs to happen more often than just when the db is
# created
exec { 'keystone-manage db_sync':
path => '/usr/bin',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Mysql::Db[$dbname],

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
define keystone::mysql::host_access ($user, $password, $database) {
database_user { "${user}@${name}":
password_hash => mysql_password($password),
provider => 'mysql',
require => Database[$database],
database_grant { "${user}@${name}/${database}":
# TODO figure out which privileges to grant.
privileges => "all",
provider => 'mysql',
require => Database_user["${user}@${name}"]

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'keystone::mysql' do
let :facts do
{ :osfamily => 'Debian' }
let :param_defaults do
'password' => 'keystone_default_password',
'dbname' => 'keystone',
'user' => 'keystone_admin',
'host' => ''
'password' => 'password',
'dbname' => 'not_keystone',
'user' => 'dan',
'host' => ''
].each do |p|
let :params do
let :param_values do
it { should contain_file('/var/lib/keystone/keystone.db').with(
'ensure' => 'absent',
'subscribe' => 'Package[keystone]',
'before' => "Mysql::Db[#{param_values['dbname']}]"
it { should contain_mysql__db(param_values['dbname']).with(
'user' => param_values['user'],
'password' => param_values['password'],
'host' => param_values['host'],
'charset' => 'latin1',
'require' => 'Class[Mysql::Server]'

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@ -2,43 +2,63 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe 'keystone' do
let :concat_file do
:type => 'File',
:title => '/var/lib/puppet/concat/_etc_keystone_keystone.conf/fragments.concat.out'
let :default_params do
'package_ensure' => 'present',
'bind_host' => '',
'public_port' => '5000',
'admin_port' => '35357',
'admin_token' => 'service_token',
'compute_port' => '3000',
'log_verbose' => 'False',
'log_debug' => 'False',
'default_store' => 'sqlite',
'bind_host' => '',
'bind_port' => '5000',
'admin_bind_host' => '',
'admin_bind_port' => '5001'
'use_syslog' => 'False',
'catalog_type' => 'template'
'package_ensure' => 'latest',
'bind_host' => '',
'public_port' => '5001',
'admin_port' => '35358',
'admin_token' => 'service_token_override',
'compute_port' => '3001',
'log_verbose' => 'True',
'log_debug' => 'True',
'default_store' => 'ldap',
'bind_host' => '',
'bind_port' => '50000',
'admin_bind_host' => '',
'admin_bind_port' => '50001'
'catalog_type' => 'sql'
].each do |param_set|
describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do
let :param_hash do
param_set == {} ? default_params : param_set
let :params do
it { should contain_class('keystone::params') }
it { should contain_class('concat::setup') }
it { should contain_package('keystone').with_ensure(param_hash['package_ensure']) }
it { should contain_group('keystone').with_ensure('present') }
it { should contain_user('keystone').with(
'ensure' => 'present',
'gid' => 'keystone'
) }
it { should contain_file('/etc/keystone').with(
'ensure' => 'directory',
'owner' => 'keystone',
@ -47,8 +67,12 @@ describe 'keystone' do
'require' => 'Package[keystone]'
) }
# maybe keystone should always be with the API server?
it 'should refresh nova-api if they are on the same machine'
it { should contain_concat('/etc/keystone/keystone.conf').with(
'owner' => 'keystone',
'group' => 'keystone',
'require' => 'Package[keystone]',
'notify' => 'Service[keystone]'
it { should contain_service('keystone').with(
'ensure' => 'running',
@ -57,19 +81,38 @@ describe 'keystone' do
'hasrestart' => 'true'
) }
it 'should compile the template based on the class parameters' do
content = param_value(subject, 'file', 'keystone.conf', 'content')
expected_lines = [
"verbose = #{param_hash['log_verbose']}",
"debug = #{param_hash['log_debug']}",
"default_store = #{param_hash['default_store']}",
"service_host = #{param_hash['bind_host']}",
"service_port = #{param_hash['bind_port']}",
"admin_host = #{param_hash['admin_bind_host']}",
"admin_port = #{param_hash['admin_bind_port']}"
(content.split("\n") & expected_lines).should == expected_lines
it 'should correctly configure catalog based on catalog_type'
it 'should create the expected DEFAULT configuration' do
#require 'ruby-debug';debugger
"bind_host = #{param_hash['bind_host']}",
"public_port = #{param_hash['public_port']}",
"admin_port = #{param_hash['admin_port']}",
"admin_token = #{param_hash['admin_token']}",
"compute_port = #{param_hash['compute_port']}",
"verbose = #{param_hash['log_verbose']}",
"debug = #{param_hash['log_debug']}",
"log_file = /var/log/keystone/keystone.log",
"use_syslog = #{param_hash['use_syslog']}"
it 'should create the expected identity section' do
"driver = keystone.identity.backends.sql.Identity"
it { should create_file(
'/var/lib/puppet/concat/_etc_keystone_keystone.conf/fragments/99_kestone-footer') }

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@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ def param_value(subject, type, title, param)
subject.resource(type, title).send(:parameters)[param.to_sym]
def verify_contents(subject, title, expected_lines)
content = subject.resource('file', title).send(:parameters)[:content]
(content.split("\n") & expected_lines).should == expected_lines
RSpec.configure do |c|
c.manifest_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures/manifests'))
c.module_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../')

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@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Show more verbose log output (sets INFO log level output)
verbose = <%= log_verbose %>
# Show debugging output in logs (sets DEBUG log level output)
debug = <%= log_debug %>
# Which backend store should Keystone use by default.
# Default: 'sqlite'
# Available choices are 'sqlite' [future will include LDAP, PAM, etc]
default_store = <%= default_store %>
# Log to this file. Make sure you do not set the same log
# file for both the API and registry servers!
log_file = /var/log/keystone/keystone.log
# List of backends to be configured
backends = keystone.backends.sqlalchemy
#For LDAP support, add: ,keystone.backends.ldap
# Dictionary Maps every service to a header.Missing services would get header
# X_(SERVICE_NAME) Key => Service Name, Value => Header Name
service-header-mappings = {
'nova' : 'X-Server-Management-Url',
'swift' : 'X-Storage-Url',
'cdn' : 'X-CDN-Management-Url'}
# Address to bind the API server
# TODO Properties defined within app not available via pipeline.
service_host = <%= bind_host %>
# Port the bind the API server to
service_port = <%= bind_port %>
# Address to bind the Admin API server
admin_host = <%= admin_bind_host %>
# Port the bind the Admin API server to
admin_port = <%= admin_bind_port %>
#Role that allows to perform admin operations.
keystone-admin-role = Admin
#Role that allows to perform service admin operations.
keystone-service-admin-role = KeystoneServiceAdmin
# SQLAlchemy connection string for the reference implementation registry
# server. Any valid SQLAlchemy connection string is fine.
# See:
sql_connection = sqlite:////var/lib/keystone/keystone.db
backend_entities = ['UserRoleAssociation', 'Endpoints', 'Role', 'Tenant',
'User', 'Credentials', 'EndpointTemplates', 'Token',
# Period in seconds after which SQLAlchemy should reestablish its connection
# to the database.
sql_idle_timeout = 30
pipeline =
pipeline =
paste.app_factory = keystone.server:service_app_factory
paste.app_factory = keystone.server:admin_app_factory
paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.url:filter_factory
paste.filter_factory = keystone.frontends.legacy_token_auth:filter_factory

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
[<%= name %>]
connection = mysql://<%= "#{config['user']}:#{config['password']}@#{config['host']}/#{config['dbname']}" %>
idle_timeout = <%= config['idle_timeout'] %>
min_pool_size = <%= config['min_pool_size'] %>