Merge "Drop openstack::compute"

This commit is contained in:
Jenkins 2016-03-22 11:27:32 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit a836a98261
4 changed files with 457 additions and 683 deletions

View File

@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
# == Class: openstack::compute
# Manifest to install/configure nova-compute
# === Parameters
# See params.pp
# [internal_address] Internal address used for management. Required.
# Defaults to false.
# assign a floating IP address to virtual instances when they are launched.
# Defaults to false.
# Optional. Defaults to false.
# network settings. Optioal. Defaults to {}
# [sql_connection] SQL connection information. Optional. Defaults to false
# which indicates that exported resources will be used to determine connection
# information.
# [amqp_hosts] RabbitMQ hosts or false. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [amqp_user] RabbitMQ user. Optional. Defaults to 'nova',
# [amqp_password] RabbitMQ password. Optional. Defaults to 'rabbit_pw',
# [glance_api_servers] List of glance api servers of the form HOST:PORT
# delimited by ':'. False indicates that the resource should be collected.
# Optional. Defaults to false,
# [libvirt_type] Underlying libvirt supported hypervisor.
# Optional. Defaults to 'kvm',
# [vncproxy_protocol] Protocol to use for access vnc proxy. Optional.
# Defaults to 'http'.
# [vncproxy_host] Host that serves as vnc proxy. Optional.
# Defaults to false. False indicates that a vnc proxy should not be configured.
# [verbose] Rather to print more verbose (INFO+) output. If non verbose and non debug. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [debug] Rather to print even more verbose (DEBUG+) output. If true, would ignore verbose option. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [use_syslog] Rather or not service should log to syslog. Optional.
# [use_stderr] Rather or not service should log to stderr. Optional.
# [syslog_log_facility] Facility for syslog, if used. Optional. Note: duplicating conf option
# wouldn't have been used, but more powerfull rsyslog features managed via conf template instead
# [ssh_private_key] path to private ssh key temporary location on this server where it was uploaded or generated
# [ssh_public_key] path to public ssh key temporary location on this server where it was uploaded or generated
# [compute_driver] Driver to use for controlling virtualization.
# class { 'openstack::nova::compute':
# internal_address => '',
# vncproxy_host => '',
# }
class openstack::compute (
# Required Network
# Required Nova
$rpc_backend = 'rabbit',
$amqp_hosts = false,
$amqp_user = 'nova',
$amqp_password = 'rabbit_pw',
$glance_api_servers = undef,
$libvirt_type = 'kvm',
$vncproxy_protocol = 'http',
$vncproxy_host = undef,
$vncserver_listen = '',
$migration_support = false,
# General
$enabled = true,
# nova compute configuration parameters
$nova_hash = {},
$use_huge_pages = false,
$vcpu_pin_set = undef,
$verbose = false,
$debug = false,
$ssh_private_key = '/var/lib/astute/nova/nova',
$ssh_public_key = '/var/lib/astute/nova/',
$cache_server_ip = [''],
$cache_server_port = '11211',
$pci_passthrough = undef,
$use_syslog = false,
$use_stderr = true,
$syslog_log_facility = 'LOG_LOCAL6',
$nova_report_interval = '10',
$nova_service_down_time = '60',
$state_path = '/var/lib/nova',
$notification_driver = 'noop',
$storage_hash = {},
$compute_driver = 'libvirt.LibvirtDriver',
$config_drive_format = undef,
$network_device_mtu = '65000',
) {
include ::nova::params
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
# From legacy libvirt.pp
exec { 'symlink-qemu-kvm':
command => '/bin/ln -sf /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64',
creates => '/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64',
package { 'avahi':
ensure => present;
service { 'avahi-daemon':
ensure => running,
require => Package['avahi'];
Package['avahi'] ->
Service['messagebus'] ->
Service['avahi-daemon'] ->
service { 'libvirt-guests':
name => 'libvirt-guests',
enable => false,
ensure => true,
hasstatus => false,
hasrestart => false,
# From legacy params.pp
$libvirt_type_kvm = 'qemu-kvm'
$guestmount_package_name = 'libguestfs-tools-c'
# From legacy utilities.pp
package { ['unzip', 'curl', 'euca2ools']:
ensure => present
if !(defined(Package['parted'])) {
package {'parted': ensure => 'present' }
package {$guestmount_package_name: ensure => present}
'Debian': {
# From legacy params
$libvirt_type_kvm = 'qemu-kvm'
$guestmount_package_name = 'guestmount'
default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily}") }
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
if $use_huge_pages {
$qemu_hugepages_value = 'set KVM_HUGEPAGES 1'
$libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount = 'set hugetlbfs_mount /run/hugepages/kvm'
} else {
$qemu_hugepages_value = 'rm KVM_HUGEPAGES'
$libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount = 'rm hugetlbfs_mount'
augeas { 'qemu_hugepages':
context => '/files/etc/default/qemu-kvm',
changes => $qemu_hugepages_value,
notify => Service['libvirt'],
augeas { 'libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount':
context => '/files/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
changes => $libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount,
notify => Service['libvirt'],
Augeas['qemu_hugepages'] ~> Service<| title == 'qemu-kvm'|>
Service<| title == 'qemu-kvm'|> -> Service<| title == 'libvirt'|>
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') and ($libvirt_type =='kvm') {
# TODO(skolekonov): Remove when LP#1057024 has been resolved.
file { '/dev/kvm':
ensure => present,
group => 'kvm',
mode => '0660',
Service<| title == 'qemu-kvm'|> -> File['/dev/kvm']
$memcached_addresses = suffix($cache_server_ip, inline_template(":<%= @cache_server_port %>"))
$notify_on_state_change = 'vm_and_task_state'
if $debug {
class { 'nova::logging':
default_log_levels => {
'oslo.messaging' => 'DEBUG',
class { 'nova':
install_utilities => false,
rpc_backend => $rpc_backend,
#FIXME(bogdando) we have to split amqp_hosts until all modules synced
rabbit_hosts => split($amqp_hosts, ','),
rabbit_userid => $amqp_user,
rabbit_password => $amqp_password,
kombu_reconnect_delay => '5.0',
image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers,
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $debug,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
use_stderr => $use_stderr,
log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
state_path => $state_path,
report_interval => $nova_report_interval,
service_down_time => $nova_service_down_time,
notify_on_state_change => $notify_on_state_change,
notification_driver => $notification_driver,
memcached_servers => $memcached_addresses,
cinder_catalog_info => pick($nova_hash['cinder_catalog_info'], 'volumev2:cinderv2:internalURL'),
class {'::nova::availability_zone':
default_availability_zone => $nova_hash['default_availability_zone'],
default_schedule_zone => $nova_hash['default_schedule_zone'],
if str2bool($::is_virtual) {
$libvirt_cpu_mode = 'none'
} else {
$libvirt_cpu_mode = 'host-model'
# Install / configure nova-compute
# From legacy ceilometer notifications for nova
$instance_usage_audit = true
$instance_usage_audit_period = 'hour'
####### Disable upstart startup on install #######
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'nova-compute':
package_name => "nova-compute-${libvirt_type}",
class { '::nova::compute':
enabled => $enabled,
vncserver_proxyclient_address => $internal_address,
vncproxy_protocol => $vncproxy_protocol,
vncproxy_host => $vncproxy_host,
vncproxy_port => $nova_hash['vncproxy_port'],
force_config_drive => $nova_hash['force_config_drive'],
pci_passthrough => $pci_passthrough,
network_device_mtu => $network_device_mtu,
instance_usage_audit => $instance_usage_audit,
instance_usage_audit_period => $instance_usage_audit_period,
reserved_host_memory => $nova_hash['reserved_host_memory'],
config_drive_format => $config_drive_format,
allow_resize_to_same_host => true,
vcpu_pin_set => $vcpu_pin_set,
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/connection_type': value => 'libvirt';
if $use_syslog {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/use_syslog_rfc_format': value => true;
# The default value for inject_partition is -2, so it will be disabled
# when we use Ceph for ephemeral storage or for Cinder. We only need to
# modify the libvirt_disk_cachemodes in that case.
if ($storage_hash['ephemeral_ceph'] or $storage_hash['volumes_ceph']) {
$disk_cachemodes = ['"network=writeback,block=none"']
$libvirt_inject_partition = '-2'
} else {
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
$libvirt_inject_partition = '-1'
} else {
# Enable module by default on each compute node
k_mod {'nbd':
ensure => 'present'
file_line {'nbd_on_boot':
path => '/etc/modules',
line => 'nbd',
$libvirt_inject_partition = '1'
$disk_cachemodes = ['"file=directsync,block=none"']
# Configure libvirt for nova-compute
class { 'nova::compute::libvirt':
libvirt_virt_type => $libvirt_type,
libvirt_cpu_mode => $libvirt_cpu_mode,
libvirt_disk_cachemodes => $disk_cachemodes,
libvirt_inject_partition => $libvirt_inject_partition,
vncserver_listen => $vncserver_listen,
migration_support => $migration_support,
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds => pick($nova_hash['remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds'], '86400'),
compute_driver => $compute_driver,
libvirt_service_name => $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name,
class { 'nova::migration::libvirt':
override_uuid => true,
# From legacy libvirt.pp
if $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' {
package { 'cpufrequtils':
ensure => present;
file { '/etc/default/cpufrequtils':
content => "GOVERNOR=\"performance\"\n",
require => Package['cpufrequtils'],
notify => Service['cpufrequtils'],
service { 'cpufrequtils':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
status => '/bin/true',
Package<| title == 'cpufrequtils'|> ~> Service<| title == 'cpufrequtils'|>
if !defined(Service['cpufrequtils']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service cpufrequtils on package update": }
package { $libvirt_type_kvm:
ensure => present,
before => Package[$::nova::params::compute_package_name],
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
if $libvirt_type =='kvm' {
exec { '/etc/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules':
path => '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin',
unless => 'lsmod | grep -q kvm',
require => Package[$libvirt_type_kvm],
'Debian': {
service { 'qemu-kvm':
ensure => running,
require => Package[$libvirt_type_kvm],
subscribe => Package[$libvirt_type_kvm],
default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${osfamily}") }
Service<| title == 'libvirt'|> ~> Service<| title == 'nova-compute'|>
Package<| title == "nova-compute-${libvirt_type}"|> ~>
Service<| title == 'nova-compute'|>
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
file_line { 'qemu_selinux':
path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
line => 'security_driver = "selinux"',
require => Package[$::nova::params::libvirt_package_name],
notify => Service['libvirt']
'Debian': {
file_line { 'qemu_apparmor':
path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
line => 'security_driver = "apparmor"',
require => Package[$::nova::params::libvirt_package_name],
notify => Service['libvirt']
file_line { 'apparmor_libvirtd':
path => '/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd',
line => "# unix, # shouldn't be used for libvirt/qemu",
match => '^[#[:space:]]*unix',
exec { 'refresh_apparmor':
refreshonly => true,
command => '/sbin/apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd',
subscribe => File_line['apparmor_libvirtd'],
Package<| title == 'nova-compute'|> ~> Service<| title == 'nova-compute'|>
if !defined(Service['nova-compute']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service nova-compute on packages update": }
Package<| title == 'libvirt'|> ~> Service<| title == 'libvirt'|>
if !defined(Service['libvirt']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service libvirt on package update": }
include nova::client
# Ensure ssh clients are installed
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
'RedHat': {
default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${osfamily}") }
ensure_packages([$scp_package, $multipath_tools_package])
# Install ssh keys and config file
install_ssh_keys {'nova_ssh_key_for_migration':
ensure => present,
user => 'nova',
private_key_path => $ssh_private_key,
public_key_path => $ssh_public_key,
private_key_name => 'id_rsa',
public_key_name => '',
authorized_keys => 'authorized_keys',
} ->
file { '/var/lib/nova/.ssh/config':
ensure => present,
owner => 'nova',
group => 'nova',
mode => '0600',
content => "Host *\n StrictHostKeyChecking no\n UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n",

View File

@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'openstack::compute' do
before :each do
Puppet::Parser::Functions.newfunction(:is_pkg_installed, :type => :rvalue) {
|args| true
let(:default_params) { {
:internal_address => nil,
:rpc_backend => 'rabbit',
:amqp_hosts => false,
:amqp_user => 'nova',
:amqp_password => 'rabbit_pw',
:rabbit_ha_queues => false,
:glance_api_servers => 'undef',
:libvirt_type => 'kvm',
:vncproxy_host => false,
:vncserver_listen => '',
:migration_support => nil,
:enabled => true,
:nova_hash => {},
:verbose => false,
:debug => false,
:ssh_private_key => '/var/lib/astute/nova/nova',
:ssh_public_key => '/var/lib/astute/nova/',
:cache_server_ip => [''],
:cache_server_port => '11211',
:use_syslog => false,
:use_stderr => true,
:syslog_log_facility => 'LOG_LOCAL6',
:nova_report_interval => '10',
:nova_service_down_time => '60',
:state_path => '/var/lib/nova',
:storage_hash => {},
:compute_driver => 'libvirt.LibvirtDriver',
:config_drive_format => nil,
} }
let(:params) { {} }
shared_examples_for 'compute configuration' do
let :p do
context 'with a default config' do
let :params do
{ :internal_address => '',
:amqp_hosts => '',
:glance_api_servers => 'localhost:9292',
it 'contains openstack::compute' do
should contain_class('openstack::compute')
it 'configures with the default params' do
if facts[:os_package_type] == 'debian' or facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat'
libvirt_service_name = 'libvirtd'
libvirt_service_name = 'libvirt-bin'
host_uuid = facts[:libvirt_uuid]
should contain_class('nova').with(
:install_utilities => false,
:ensure_package => 'present',
:rpc_backend => p[:rpc_backend],
:rabbit_hosts => [ params[:amqp_hosts] ],
:rabbit_userid => p[:amqp_user],
:rabbit_password => p[:amqp_password],
:kombu_reconnect_delay => '5.0',
:image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService',
:glance_api_servers => p[:glance_api_servers],
:verbose => p[:verbose],
:debug => p[:debug],
:use_syslog => p[:use_syslog],
:use_stderr => p[:use_stderr],
:log_facility => p[:syslog_log_facility],
:state_path => p[:state_path],
:report_interval => p[:nova_report_interval],
:service_down_time => p[:nova_service_down_time],
:notify_on_state_change => 'vm_and_task_state',
:memcached_servers => [''],
if p[:debug]
should contain_class('nova::logging').with(
'default_log_levels' => {
'oslo.messaging' => 'DEBUG',
should contain_class('nova::availability_zone').with(
:default_availability_zone => '<SERVICE DEFAULT>',
:default_schedule_zone => '<SERVICE DEFAULT>',
should contain_class('nova::compute').with(
:ensure_package => 'present',
:enabled => p[:enabled],
:vncserver_proxyclient_address => p[:internal_address],
:vncproxy_host => p[:vncproxy_host],
:vncproxy_port => '6080',
:force_config_drive => false,
:neutron_enabled => true,
:network_device_mtu => '65000',
:instance_usage_audit => true,
:instance_usage_audit_period => 'hour',
:default_schedule_zone => nil,
:config_drive_format => p[:config_drive_format]
should contain_class('nova::compute::libvirt').with(
:libvirt_virt_type => p[:libvirt_type],
:vncserver_listen => p[:vncserver_listen],
:migration_suport => p[:migration_support],
:remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds => '86400',
:compute_driver => p[:compute_driver],
:libvirt_service_name => libvirt_service_name,
should contain_augeas('libvirt-conf-uuid').with(
:context => '/files/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf',
:changes => ["set host_uuid #{host_uuid}"],
if facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat'
should contain_file_line('qemu_selinux')
should contain_package('device-mapper-multipath')
elsif facts[:osfamily] == 'Debian'
should contain_file_line('qemu_apparmor')
should contain_file_line('apparmor_libvirtd')
should contain_package('multipath-tools')
should contain_class('nova::client')
should contain_install_ssh_keys('nova_ssh_key_for_migration')
should contain_file('/var/lib/nova/.ssh/config')
if facts[:operatingsystem] == 'Ubuntu'
should contain_package('cpufrequtils').with(
:ensure => 'present'
should contain_file('/etc/default/cpufrequtils').with(
:content => "GOVERNOR=\"performance\"\n",
:require => 'Package[cpufrequtils]',
:notify => 'Service[cpufrequtils]',
should contain_service('cpufrequtils').with(
:ensure => 'running',
:enable => true,
:status => '/bin/true',
context 'on Debian platforms' do
let :facts do
:osfamily => 'Debian',
:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
:hostname => '',
:openstack_version => { 'nova' => 'present' },
:os_service_default => '<SERVICE DEFAULT>',
:os_package_type => 'debian',
:libvirt_uuid => '370d7c4c19b84f4ab34f213764e4663d',
it_configures 'compute configuration'
context 'on RedHat platforms' do
let :facts do
:osfamily => 'RedHat',
:operatingsystem => 'CentOS',
:hostname => '',
:openstack_version => { 'nova' => 'present' },
:os_service_default => '<SERVICE DEFAULT>',
:os_package_type => 'rpm',
:operatingsystemmajrelease => '7',
:libvirt_uuid => '370d7c4c19b84f4ab34f213764e4663d',
it_configures 'compute configuration'

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ $public_ssl_hash = hiera_hash('public_ssl')
$ssl_hash = hiera_hash('use_ssl', {})
$node_hash = hiera_hash('node', {})
$use_huge_pages = pick($node_hash['nova_hugepages_enabled'], false)
$libvirt_type = hiera('libvirt_type', undef)
$dpdk_config = hiera_hash('dpdk', {})
$enable_dpdk = pick($dpdk_config['enabled'], false)
@ -108,8 +109,10 @@ $floating_hash = {}
# TODO(xarses): Wait Nova compute uses memcache?
$memcached_server = hiera('memcached_addresses')
$memcached_port = hiera('memcache_server_port', '11211')
$cache_server_ip = hiera('memcached_addresses')
$cache_server_port = hiera('memcache_server_port', '11211')
$memcached_addresses = suffix($cache_server_ip, inline_template(":<%= @cache_server_port %>"))
# TODO(xarses): We need to validate this is needed
if ($storage_hash['volumes_lvm']) {
@ -136,42 +139,7 @@ $r_hostmem = roles_include(['ceph-osd']) ? {
$mirror_type = 'external'
Exec { logoutput => true }
$oc_nova_hash = merge({ 'reserved_host_memory' => $r_hostmem }, $nova_hash)
# NOTE(bogdando) deploy compute node with disabled nova-compute
# service #LP1398817. The orchestration will start and enable it back
# after the deployment is done.
# FIXME(bogdando) This should be changed once the host aggregates implemented, bp disable-new-computes
class { '::openstack::compute':
enabled => false,
internal_address => get_network_role_property('nova/api', 'ipaddr'),
libvirt_type => hiera('libvirt_type', undef),
rpc_backend => $rpc_backend_real,
amqp_hosts => hiera('amqp_hosts',''),
amqp_user => pick($rabbit_hash['user'], 'nova'),
amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'],
glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers,
vncproxy_protocol => $vncproxy_protocol,
vncproxy_host => $vncproxy_host,
debug => $debug,
verbose => $verbose,
use_stderr => $use_stderr,
nova_hash => $oc_nova_hash,
cache_server_ip => $memcached_server,
cache_server_port => $memcached_port,
notification_driver => $ceilometer_hash['notification_driver'],
pci_passthrough => nic_whitelist_to_json(get_nic_passthrough_whitelist('sriov')),
network_device_mtu => $network_device_mtu,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
nova_report_interval => $nova_hash['nova_report_interval'],
nova_service_down_time => $nova_hash['nova_service_down_time'],
state_path => $nova_hash[state_path],
storage_hash => $storage_hash,
config_drive_format => $config_drive_format,
use_huge_pages => $use_huge_pages,
vcpu_pin_set => $nova_hash['cpu_pinning'],
$nova_hash_real = merge({ 'reserved_host_memory' => $r_hostmem }, $nova_hash)
# Required for fping API extension, see LP#1486404
@ -193,5 +161,349 @@ class {'::nova::config':
include ::nova::params
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
# From legacy libvirt.pp
exec { 'symlink-qemu-kvm':
command => '/bin/ln -sf /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64',
creates => '/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64',
package { 'avahi':
ensure => present;
service { 'avahi-daemon':
ensure => running,
require => Package['avahi'];
Package['avahi'] ->
Service['messagebus'] ->
Service['avahi-daemon'] ->
service { 'libvirt-guests':
name => 'libvirt-guests',
enable => false,
ensure => true,
hasstatus => false,
hasrestart => false,
# From legacy params.pp
$libvirt_type_kvm = 'qemu-kvm'
$guestmount_package_name = 'libguestfs-tools-c'
# From legacy utilities.pp
package { ['unzip', 'curl', 'euca2ools']:
ensure => present
if !(defined(Package['parted'])) {
package {'parted': ensure => 'present' }
package {$guestmount_package_name: ensure => present}
'Debian': {
# From legacy params
$libvirt_type_kvm = 'qemu-kvm'
$guestmount_package_name = 'guestmount'
default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily}") }
if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
if $use_huge_pages {
$qemu_hugepages_value = 'set KVM_HUGEPAGES 1'
$libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount = 'set hugetlbfs_mount /run/hugepages/kvm'
} else {
$qemu_hugepages_value = 'rm KVM_HUGEPAGES'
$libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount = 'rm hugetlbfs_mount'
augeas { 'qemu_hugepages':
context => '/files/etc/default/qemu-kvm',
changes => $qemu_hugepages_value,
notify => Service['libvirt'],
augeas { 'libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount':
context => '/files/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
changes => $libvirt_hugetlbfs_mount,
notify => Service['libvirt'],
Augeas['qemu_hugepages'] ~> Service<| title == 'qemu-kvm'|>
Service<| title == 'qemu-kvm'|> -> Service<| title == 'libvirt'|>
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') and ($libvirt_type =='kvm') {
# TODO(skolekonov): Remove when LP#1057024 has been resolved.
file { '/dev/kvm':
ensure => present,
group => 'kvm',
mode => '0660',
Service<| title == 'qemu-kvm'|> -> File['/dev/kvm']
$notify_on_state_change = 'vm_and_task_state'
if $debug {
class { 'nova::logging':
default_log_levels => {
'oslo.messaging' => 'DEBUG',
class { '::nova':
rpc_backend => $rpc_backend_real,
#FIXME(bogdando) we have to split amqp_hosts until all modules synced
rabbit_hosts => split(hiera('amqp_hosts',''), ','),
rabbit_userid => pick($rabbit_hash['user'], 'nova'),
rabbit_password => $rabbit_hash['password'],
kombu_reconnect_delay => '5.0',
glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers,
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $debug,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
use_stderr => $use_stderr,
log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
state_path => $nova_hash_real['state_path'],
report_interval => $nova_hash_real['nova_report_interval'],
service_down_time => $nova_hash_real['nova_service_down_time'],
notify_on_state_change => $notify_on_state_change,
notification_driver => $ceilometer_hash['notification_driver'],
memcached_servers => $memcached_addresses,
cinder_catalog_info => pick($nova_hash_real['cinder_catalog_info'], 'volumev2:cinderv2:internalURL'),
class {'::nova::availability_zone':
default_availability_zone => $nova_hash_real['default_availability_zone'],
default_schedule_zone => $nova_hash_real['default_schedule_zone'],
if str2bool($::is_virtual) {
$libvirt_cpu_mode = 'none'
} else {
$libvirt_cpu_mode = 'host-model'
# Install / configure nova-compute
# From legacy ceilometer notifications for nova
$instance_usage_audit = true
$instance_usage_audit_period = 'hour'
####### Disable upstart startup on install #######
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'nova-compute':
package_name => "nova-compute-${libvirt_type}",
# NOTE(bogdando) deploy compute node with disabled nova-compute
# service #LP1398817. The orchestration will start and enable it back
# after the deployment is done.
# FIXME(bogdando) This should be changed once the host aggregates implemented, bp disable-new-computes
class { '::nova::compute':
enabled => false,
vncserver_proxyclient_address => get_network_role_property('nova/api', 'ipaddr'),
vncproxy_protocol => $vncproxy_protocol,
vncproxy_host => $vncproxy_host,
vncproxy_port => $nova_hash_real['vncproxy_port'],
force_config_drive => $nova_hash_real['force_config_drive'],
pci_passthrough => nic_whitelist_to_json(get_nic_passthrough_whitelist('sriov')),
network_device_mtu => $network_device_mtu,
instance_usage_audit => $instance_usage_audit,
instance_usage_audit_period => $instance_usage_audit_period,
reserved_host_memory => $nova_hash_real['reserved_host_memory'],
config_drive_format => $config_drive_format,
allow_resize_to_same_host => true,
vcpu_pin_set => $nova_hash_real['cpu_pinning'],
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/connection_type': value => 'libvirt';
if $use_syslog {
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/use_syslog_rfc_format': value => true;
# The default value for inject_partition is -2, so it will be disabled
# when we use Ceph for ephemeral storage or for Cinder. We only need to
# modify the libvirt_disk_cachemodes in that case.
if ($storage_hash['ephemeral_ceph'] or $storage_hash['volumes_ceph']) {
$disk_cachemodes = ['"network=writeback,block=none"']
$libvirt_inject_partition = '-2'
} else {
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' {
$libvirt_inject_partition = '-1'
} else {
# Enable module by default on each compute node
k_mod {'nbd':
ensure => 'present'
file_line {'nbd_on_boot':
path => '/etc/modules',
line => 'nbd',
$libvirt_inject_partition = '1'
$disk_cachemodes = ['"file=directsync,block=none"']
# Configure libvirt for nova-compute
class { 'nova::compute::libvirt':
libvirt_virt_type => $libvirt_type,
libvirt_cpu_mode => $libvirt_cpu_mode,
libvirt_disk_cachemodes => $disk_cachemodes,
libvirt_inject_partition => $libvirt_inject_partition,
vncserver_listen => '',
remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds => pick($nova_hash_real['remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds'], '86400'),
libvirt_service_name => $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name,
class { 'nova::migration::libvirt':
override_uuid => true,
# From legacy libvirt.pp
if $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' {
package { 'cpufrequtils':
ensure => present;
file { '/etc/default/cpufrequtils':
content => "GOVERNOR=\"performance\"\n",
require => Package['cpufrequtils'],
notify => Service['cpufrequtils'],
service { 'cpufrequtils':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
status => '/bin/true',
Package<| title == 'cpufrequtils'|> ~> Service<| title == 'cpufrequtils'|>
if !defined(Service['cpufrequtils']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service cpufrequtils on package update": }
package { $libvirt_type_kvm:
ensure => present,
before => Package[$::nova::params::compute_package_name],
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
if $libvirt_type =='kvm' {
exec { '/etc/sysconfig/modules/kvm.modules':
path => '/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin',
unless => 'lsmod | grep -q kvm',
require => Package[$libvirt_type_kvm],
'Debian': {
service { 'qemu-kvm':
ensure => running,
require => Package[$libvirt_type_kvm],
subscribe => Package[$libvirt_type_kvm],
default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${osfamily}") }
Service<| title == 'libvirt'|> ~> Service<| title == 'nova-compute'|>
Package<| title == "nova-compute-${libvirt_type}"|> ~>
Service<| title == 'nova-compute'|>
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
file_line { 'qemu_selinux':
path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
line => 'security_driver = "selinux"',
require => Package[$::nova::params::libvirt_package_name],
notify => Service['libvirt']
'Debian': {
file_line { 'qemu_apparmor':
path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
line => 'security_driver = "apparmor"',
require => Package[$::nova::params::libvirt_package_name],
notify => Service['libvirt']
file_line { 'apparmor_libvirtd':
path => '/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd',
line => "# unix, # shouldn't be used for libvirt/qemu",
match => '^[#[:space:]]*unix',
exec { 'refresh_apparmor':
refreshonly => true,
command => '/sbin/apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.libvirtd',
subscribe => File_line['apparmor_libvirtd'],
Package<| title == 'nova-compute'|> ~> Service<| title == 'nova-compute'|>
if !defined(Service['nova-compute']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service nova-compute on packages update": }
Package<| title == 'libvirt'|> ~> Service<| title == 'libvirt'|>
if !defined(Service['libvirt']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service libvirt on package update": }
include nova::client
# Ensure ssh clients are installed
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
'RedHat': {
default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${osfamily}") }
ensure_packages([$scp_package, $multipath_tools_package])
$ssh_private_key = '/var/lib/astute/nova/nova'
$ssh_public_key = '/var/lib/astute/nova/'
# Install ssh keys and config file
install_ssh_keys {'nova_ssh_key_for_migration':
ensure => present,
user => 'nova',
private_key_path => $ssh_private_key,
public_key_path => $ssh_public_key,
private_key_name => 'id_rsa',
public_key_name => '',
authorized_keys => 'authorized_keys',
} ->
file { '/var/lib/nova/.ssh/config':
ensure => present,
owner => 'nova',
group => 'nova',
mode => '0600',
content => "Host *\n StrictHostKeyChecking no\n UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\n",
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :

View File

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ describe manifest do
Noop.hiera_structure 'nova'
let(:compute_hash) do
Noop.hiera_hash 'compute', {}
let(:storage_hash) do
Noop.hiera_structure 'storage'
@ -67,8 +71,15 @@ describe manifest do
Noop.puppet_function('get_nic_passthrough_whitelist', 'sriov')
let(:nova_report_interval) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['nova_report_interval'], nil }
let(:nova_service_down_time) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['nova_service_down_time'], nil }
let(:nova_report_interval) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['nova_report_interval'], '10' }
let(:nova_service_down_time) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['nova_service_down_time'], '60' }
let(:verbose) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', compute_hash['verbose'], 'true' }
let(:global_debug) { Noop.hiera 'debug', 'true' }
let(:debug) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', compute_hash['debug'], global_debug }
let(:log_facility) { Noop.hiera 'syslog_log_facility_nova', 'LOG_LOCAL6' }
# Legacy openstack-compute tests
@ -140,8 +151,8 @@ describe manifest do
it 'should configure libvirt host_uuid' do
host_uuid = facts[:libvirt_uuid]
should contain_augeas('libvirt-conf-uuid').with(
:context => '/files/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf',
:changes => "set host_uuid #{host_uuid}"
'context' => '/files/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf',
'changes' => "set host_uuid #{host_uuid}"
@ -275,14 +286,14 @@ describe manifest do
'value' => 'true',
it 'nova config should have report_interval set to 60' do
it 'nova config should have report_interval' do
should contain_nova_config('DEFAULT/report_interval').with(
'value' => '60',
'value' => nova_report_interval,
it 'nova config should have service_down_time set to 180' do
it 'nova config should have service_down_time' do
should contain_nova_config('DEFAULT/service_down_time').with(
'value' => '180',
'value' => nova_service_down_time,
it 'nova config should have use_stderr set to false' do
@ -334,7 +345,6 @@ describe manifest do
# SSL support
management_vip = Noop.hiera('management_vip')
glance_api_servers = "#{management_vip}:9292"
@ -352,17 +362,18 @@ describe manifest do
vncproxy_protocol = 'http'
let(:vncproxy_port) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['vncproxy_port'], '6080' }
it 'should properly configure vncproxy with (non-)ssl' do
should contain_class('openstack::compute').with(
'vncproxy_host' => vncproxy_host
should contain_class('nova::compute').with(
'vncproxy_protocol' => vncproxy_protocol
'vncproxy_protocol' => vncproxy_protocol,
'vncproxy_host' => vncproxy_host,
'vncproxy_port' => vncproxy_port,
it 'should properly configure glance api servers with (non-)ssl' do
should contain_class('openstack::compute').with(
should contain_class('nova').with(
'glance_api_servers' => glance_api_servers
@ -373,16 +384,24 @@ describe manifest do
should contain_class('nova::compute').with('pci_passthrough' => pci_passthrough_json)
it 'should configure logging when debug is enabled' do
if debug
default_log_levels = {
'oslo.messaging' => 'DEBUG',
should contain_class('nova::logging').with(
'default_log_levels' => default_log_levels,
# Check out nova config params
it 'should properly configure nova' do
node_name = Noop.hiera('node_name')
network_metadata = Noop.hiera_hash('network_metadata')
roles = network_metadata['nodes'][node_name]['node_roles']
nova_hash.merge!({'vncproxy_protocol' => vncproxy_protocol,
'nova_report_interval' => nova_report_interval,
'nova_service_down_time'=> nova_service_down_time,
if roles.include? 'ceph-osd'
nova_compute_rhostmem = rhost_mem['reserved_host_memory']
@ -391,13 +410,80 @@ describe manifest do
nova_compute_rhostmem = 512 # default
should contain_class('openstack::compute').with(
'nova_hash' => rhost_mem.merge(nova_hash)
should contain_class('nova::compute').with(
'reserved_host_memory' => nova_compute_rhostmem
let(:default_availability_zone) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['default_availability_zone'], facts[:os_service_default] }
let(:default_schedule_zone) { Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['default_schedule_zone'], facts[:os_service_default] }
it 'should configure availability zones' do
should contain_class('nova::availability_zone').with(
'default_availability_zone' => default_availability_zone,
'default_schedule_zone' => default_schedule_zone,
it 'configures with the default params' do
should contain_class('nova').with(
'kombu_reconnect_delay' => '5.0',
'verbose' => verbose,
'debug' => debug,
'log_facility' => log_facility,
'state_path' => nova_hash['state_path'],
'notify_on_state_change' => 'vm_and_task_state',
should contain_class('nova::compute').with(
'enabled' => 'false',
'instance_usage_audit' => 'true',
'instance_usage_audit_period' => 'hour',
'config_drive_format' => 'vfat'
min_age = Noop.puppet_function 'pick', nova_hash['remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds'], '86400'
should contain_class('nova::compute::libvirt').with(
'libvirt_virt_type' => libvirt_type,
'vncserver_listen' => '',
'remove_unused_original_minimum_age_seconds' => min_age,
it 'should contain migration basics' do
should contain_class('nova::client')
should contain_install_ssh_keys('nova_ssh_key_for_migration')
should contain_file('/var/lib/nova/.ssh/config')
it 'should contain cpufrequtils' do
if facts[:operatingsystem] == 'Ubuntu'
should contain_package('cpufrequtils').with(
'ensure' => 'present'
should contain_file('/etc/default/cpufrequtils').with(
'content' => "GOVERNOR=\"performance\"\n",
'require' => 'Package[cpufrequtils]',
'notify' => 'Service[cpufrequtils]',
should contain_service('cpufrequtils').with(
'ensure' => 'running',
'enable' => 'true',
'status' => '/bin/true',
it 'should contain ssh and multipath packages' do
if facts[:osfamily] == 'Debian'
packages = ['openssh-client', 'multipath-tools']
elsif facts[:osfamily] == 'RedHat'
packages = ['openssh-clients', 'device-mapper-multipath']
packages.each do |p|
should contain_package(p)
test_ubuntu_and_centos manifest