Revert "dockerctl: Update authorized_keys in bootstrap images during restore"

This reverts commit fce2e2a764.

Change-Id: I01d9c25b06cf65c0b68cb1bcfa4ae89513cd0185
This commit is contained in:
Bogdan Dobrelya 2016-02-03 17:09:59 +00:00
parent fce2e2a764
commit dd08faa0e1

View File

@ -735,56 +735,6 @@ function check_nailgun_tasks {
return $?
# Defer expression evaluation until the current subshell exits
function defer {
declare -ga traps
trapcmd="$(printf "%q " "$@"); __finally"
trap "eval eval \"$(printf '"%q" ' "$trapcmd")\"" EXIT
# Helper function for "defer"
function __finally {
declare -ga traps
local cmd
unset traps[${#traps[@]}-1]
eval set -- "${cmd}"
if [ "$1/$2/$4" = "trap/--/EXIT" ]; then
eval "$3" || true
eval "${cmd}"
function update_ssh_keys {
# Copy masternode's .ssh/id*.pub to all bootstrap images
cat /root/.ssh/id*.pub > /tmp/authorized_keys
SQ_MOUNT_POINT=$(mktemp -d)
test -e /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps/active_bootstrap/root.squashfs || return 0
set -e
mount -o loop,ro $sqfs $SQ_MOUNT_POINT
defer umount $SQ_MOUNT_POINT
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt
defer umount $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt
mkdir $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt/{bootstraps,src}
defer rmdir $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt/{bootstraps,src}
mount --bind /var/www/nailgun/bootstraps $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt/bootstraps
defer umount $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt/bootstraps
mount --bind $SQ_MOUNT_POINT $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt/src
defer umount $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/mnt/src
COMP=$(chroot $SQ_MOUNT_POINT unsquashfs -s /mnt/bootstraps/$b | awk '/Compression/ { print $2 }')
mount --bind /tmp/authorized_keys $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
defer umount $SQ_MOUNT_POINT/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
chroot $SQ_MOUNT_POINT mksquashfs /mnt/src/ /mnt/bootstraps/$b~ -comp $COMP -no-progress -noappend
mv $sqfs~ $sqfs
function restore {
#TODO(mattymo): Optionally not include system dirs during restore
#TODO(mattymo): support remote file such as ssh://user@myhost/backup.tar.lrz
@ -832,7 +782,6 @@ finish or cancel them. Run \"fuel task list\" for more details." 1>&2
unpack_archive "$backupfile" "$restoredir"
[ "$fullrestore" == "1" ] && restore_images "$restoredir"
[ "$fullrestore" == "1" ] && rename_images "$timestamp"
[ "$fullrestore" == "1" ] || update_ssh_keys
restore_systemdirs "$restoredir"
set +e
echo "Starting containers..."