#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2016 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. function retry_checker { tries=0 echo "checking with command \"$*\"" until eval $*; do rc=$? let 'tries=tries+1' echo "try number $tries" echo "return code is $rc" if [ $tries -gt $CHECK_RETRIES ];then failure=1 break fi sleep 5 done } function get_service_credentials { credentialfile=$(mktemp /tmp/servicepws.XXXXX) flat_yaml.py $ASTUTE_YAML > $credentialfile . $credentialfile rm -f $credentialfile } function check_ready { #Uses a custom command to ensure a container is ready get_service_credentials failure=0 case $1 in nailgun) if [ "${SYSTEMD:-false}" == "true" ]; then retry_checker "systemctl is-active nailgun" else retry_checker "supervisorctl status nailgun | grep -q RUNNING" fi ;; ostf) retry_checker "egrep -q ^[2-4][0-9]? < <(curl --connect-timeout 1 -s -w '%{http_code}' http://$ADMIN_IP:8777/ostf/not_found -o /dev/null)" ;; #NOTICE: Cobbler console tool does not comply unix conversation: 'cobbler profile find' always return 0 as exit code cobbler) retry_checker "ps waux | grep -q 'cobblerd -F' && pgrep dnsmasq" retry_checker "cobbler profile find --name=ubuntu* | grep -q ubuntu && cobbler profile find --name=*bootstrap* | grep -q bootstrap" ;; rabbitmq) retry_checker "curl -f -L -i -u \"$astute_user:$astute_password\" 1>/dev/null 2>&1" retry_checker "curl -f -L -u \"$mcollective_user:$mcollective_password\" -s | grep -qw 'mcollective_broadcast'" retry_checker "curl -f -L -u \"$mcollective_user:$mcollective_password\" -s | grep -qw 'mcollective_directed'" ;; postgres) retry_checker "PGPASSWORD=$postgres_nailgun_password /usr/bin/psql -h $ADMIN_IP -U \"$postgres_nailgun_user\" \"$postgres_nailgun_dbname\" -c '\copyright' 2>&1 1>/dev/null" ;; astute) retry_checker "ps waux | grep -q 'astuted'" retry_checker "curl -f -L -u \"$astute_user:$astute_password\" -s | grep -qw 'nailgun'" retry_checker "curl -f -L -u \"$astute_user:$astute_password\" -s | grep -qw 'naily_service'" ;; rsync) retry_checker "netstat -ntl | grep -q 873" ;; rsyslog) retry_checker "netstat -nl | grep -q 514" ;; mcollective) retry_checker "ps waux | grep -q mcollectived" ;; nginx) retry_checker "ps waux | grep -q nginx" ;; keystone) retry_checker "openstack --os-auth-url \"http://$ADMIN_IP:35357/v2.0\" --os-username \"$keystone_nailgun_user\" --os-password \"$keystone_nailgun_password\" token issue &>/dev/null" ;; *) echo "No defined test for determining if $1 is ready." ;; esac #Catch all to ensure puppet is not running retry_checker "! pgrep puppet" if [ $failure -eq 1 ]; then echo "ERROR: $1 failed to start." return 1 else echo "$1 is ready." return 0 fi }