require 'pp' require 'socket' require 'timeout' Puppet::Parser::Functions::newfunction(:ntp_available, :doc => <<-EOS The ntp_available function attempts to make an NTP request to a server or servers and throws a puppet error if unable to make at least one successful request. The ntp_available function takes a single parameter that can be one of the following: 1) String - a single hostname 2) Array - an array of hostname strings Examples: ntp_available('') ntp_available(['', '', '']) EOS ) do |argv| host = argv[0] def ntp_query(host) # time since unix epoch, RFC 868 time_offset = 2208988800 # timeout to wait for a response timeout = 10 # an ntp packet # ntp_msg = "\x1b" + ("\0" * 47) # our UDP socket sock = begin # open up a socket to connect to the ntp host sock.connect(host, 'ntp') # send our ntp message to the ntp server sock.print ntp_msg sock.flush # read the response read, write, error = [sock], nil, nil, timeout if read.nil? # no response (timeout) sock.close if sock return false else data, _ = sock.recvfrom(960) # un pack the response # parsed_data = data.unpack("a C3 n B16 n B16 H8 N B32 N B32 N B32 N B32") # attempt to parse the time we got back t =[13] - time_offset) puts "Time from #{host} is #{t}" end sock.close if sock rescue sock.close if sock return false end true end # our check boolean used to indicate we had at least one successful request ok = false # if passed an array, iterate throught he array and check each element if host.instance_of? Array host.each do |h| if (ntp_query(h)) ok = true end end else ok = ntp_query(host) end # we need at least one successful request if !ok raise Puppet::Error, "ERROR: Unable to communicate with at least one of NTP server, checked the following host(s): #{host}" end return ok end # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :