:: Grizzly CI TEMPEST parameterized job example ============================================== This is an example of grizzly TEMPEST job for CI cycle, i.e. commit & verify. Quickstart ---------- - Copy job from the nearest-best-fitting-one, edit job name to match its environment - Set up SCM for repos needed and provide its local directories names (fuel & tempest is a minimum required) - Add parameters for job, f.e. ``test_name`` with values - fuel_test.cobbler.test_simple:SimpleTestCase.test_simple - fuel_test.cobbler.test_simple - fuel_test.cobbler.test_single - fuel_test.cobbler.test_full:FullTestCase.test_full - fuel_test.cobbler.test_compact:CompactTestCase.test_deploy_compact_quantum - fuel_test.cobbler.test_compact:CompactTestCase.test_deploy_compact_wo_quantum - fuel_test.cobbler.test_quantum_standalone_no_swift:QstTestCase.test_quantum_standalone_no_swift - fuel_test.cobbler.test_minimal:MinimalTestCase.test_minimal - fuel_test.cobbler.test_orchestration:CobblerCase.test_orchestrating_minimal - TEMPEST - tempest/tempest/tests/network/test_network_basic_ops.py - tempest/tempest/tests/compute/servers/test_create_server.py:ServersTestJSON.test_can_log_into_created_server - tempest/tempest/tests/compute/floating_ips and ``erase`` with values - false - true - Configure shell command to execute - Run the job Shell env. varaibles used for job --------------------------------- Accepted values for ``test_name`` parameter are - TEMPEST = full tempest run onto lab was deployed before - tempest/tempest/tests/.../ModuleName.py:ClassName.MethodName = run single tempest test specified only, e.g. tempest/tempest/tests/compute/servers/test_create_server.py:ServersTestJSON.test_can_log_into_created_server - Any other = redeploy lab from 'nodes-deployed' snapshots have been made after BM by cobbler have finished (uncomented dos.py would cause full erase and redeploy with BM including vm networks recreation) Accepted values for ``erase`` parameter are - false = do not erase existing virtual nodes and networks before nosetests execution - true = run dos.py script to erase and recreate virtual networks and nodes for lab, next run the nosetests (note: always use ``true`` if public_pool have changed) Other shell script keys - DOMAIN_NAME = domain name to use for nodes (default ``.your-domain-name.com``), note: this option is broken - OS_FAMILY = OS type for nodes, ``cetnos`` or ``ubuntu`` (default ``centos``) - CURRENT_PROFILE = ``centos64_x86_64`` or ``ubuntu_1204_x86_64`` - cobbler ks profile to use (default depends on OS_FAMILY) - CONTROLLERS,COMPUTES,STORAGES,PROXIES = number of nodes of corresponding role type to deploy (defaults ``3,3,3,2``) - PARENT_PROXY = parent-proxy server for squid at master node (```` Saratov, ```` Moscow) (default none) - CIRROS_IMAGE = cirros url (default ``http://srv08-srt.srt.mirantis.net/cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-disk.img``) - ISO_IMAGE = Fuel iso image to use for master node (default ``~/fuel-centos-6.4-x86_64.iso``) - USE_ISO = use ISO for deployment (default ``True``), note: this option is broken - ASTUTE_USE = use astute addon for mcollective to deploy nodes (default ``True``) - PUPPET_GEN = puppet generation ``(2,3)`` to use, i.e. ``2 => v2.x.x``, ``3 => v3.x.x`` (default ``2``) - PUPPET_AGENT_COMMAND = command to run puppet agents (default ``puppet agent -tvd -evaltrace 2>&1``) - CLEAN = clean exitsting dirty state, will revert nodes to snapshot ``nodes-deployed``, if any (default ``True``) - CREATE_SNAPSHOTS = make ``openstack`` snapshots after lab have deployed or ``openstack-upgraded`` in case of upgrade (default ``False``) - UPGRADE = tell jenkins to revert nodes to ``openstack`` snapshots while cleaning (default ``False``) - PUBLIC_POOL = use custom IP allocation pool for public & ext networking (use with dos.py only). See also: fuel_test/settings.py, note: this option is broken - PUBLIC_FORWARD = ``nat`` or ``route`` forwarding mode for public pool, use ``route`` for custom forwarded pools (default ``nat``) Shell script example -------------------- .. code:: bash . ~/work/venv/bin/activate export ENV_NAME=$JOB_NAME export PUPPET_AGENT_COMMAND='puppet agent -t 2>&1' export CREATE_SNAPSHOTS=true export UPGRADE=false export CLEAN=true export PUPPET_GEN=2 export ASTUTE_USE=false export PARENT_PROXY= export CIRROS_IMAGE=http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.1/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-disk.img export ISO=/var/lib/libvirt/images/fuel-centos-6.3-x86_64.iso export CONTROLLERS=1 export COMPUTES=3 export STORAGES=0 export PROXIES=0 export OS_FAMILY=centos export CURRENT_PROFILE=centos64_x86_64 if [ "$test_name" == "TEMPEST" ] || [ "$(echo $test_name | cut -d"/" -f1)" == "tempest" ]; then export run_tests=tempest/tempest/tests [ "$test_name" != "TEMPEST" ] && export run_tests="-v $test_name" pushd fuel pip install -r fuel_test/pip-requires PYTHONPATH=. python fuel_test/prepare.py || true popd deactivate cp tempest.conf $WORKSPACE/tempest/etc/ virtualenv venv --no-site-packages . venv/bin/activate pip install -r tempest/tools/pip-requires nosetests $run_tests --with-xunit -d -l DEBUG || echo ignore error code deactivate else [ "$erase" == "true" ] && dos.py erase $ENV_NAME nosetests -w $fuel_release $test_name --with-xunit -s -d -l DEBUG || echo ignore exit code fi