#!/usr/bin/env ruby #^syntax detection # See https://github.com/bodepd/librarian-puppet-simple for additional docs # # Important information for fuel-library: # With librarian-puppet-simple you *must* remove the existing folder from the # repo prior to trying to run librarian-puppet as it will not remove the folder # for you and you may run into some errors. # ############ # Examples # ############ # From git repo # mod 'stdlib', # :git => 'https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-stdlib.git', # :ref => '4.6.x' # # From tarbal # mod 'stdlib', # :tarbal => 'https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com/v3/files/puppetlabs-stdlib-4.6.0.tar.gz' # # # Pull in puppetlabs-stdlib mod 'stdlib', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-stdlib.git', :ref => '4.9.0' # Pull in puppetlabs-concat mod 'concat', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-concat.git', :ref => '1.2.3' # Pull in puppetlabs-inifile mod 'inifile', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-inifile.git', :ref => '1.4.2' # Pull in puppetlabs-xinetd mod 'xinetd', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-xinetd.git', :ref => '1.5.0' # Pull in saz-ssh mod 'ssh', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/saz-ssh.git', :ref => 'v2.8.1' # Pull in puppetlabs-ntp mod 'ntp', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-ntp.git', :ref => '4.0.0' # Pull in puppetlabs-apache mod 'apache', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-apache.git', :ref => '1.6.0' # Pull in puppetlabs-apt mod 'apt', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-apt.git', :ref => '2.2.0' # Pull in puppetlabs-firewall mod 'firewall', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-firewall.git', :ref => '1.2.0' # Pull in saz-memcached mod 'memcached', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-memcached.git', :ref => 'v2.5.0' # Pull in duritong-sysctl mod 'sysctl', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-sysctl.git', :ref => 'v0.0.11' # Pull in nanliu-staging mod 'staging', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-staging.git', :ref => '1.0.4' # Pull in puppetlabs-vcsrepo mod 'vcsrepo', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-vcsrepo.git', :ref => '1.3.1' # Pull in puppetlabs-postgresql mod 'postgresql', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-postgresql.git', :ref => '4.0.0' # Pull in puppet-openstacklib mod 'openstacklib', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-openstacklib.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc4' # Pull in puppet-keystone mod 'keystone', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-keystone.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc3' # Pull in puppet-neutron mod 'neutron', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-neutron.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc6' # Pull in puppet-nova mod 'nova', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-nova.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc2' # Pull in puppet-heat mod 'heat', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-heat.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc2' # Pull in puppet-horizon mod 'horizon', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-horizon.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc3' # Pull in puppet-glance mod 'glance', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-glance.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc2' # Pull in puppet-swift mod 'swift', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-swift.git', :ref => '7.0.0-rc5' # Pull in puppet-ceilometer mod 'ceilometer', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-ceilometer.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc2' # Pull in openstack-cinder mod 'cinder', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/openstack-cinder.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc2' # Pull in puppet-sahara mod 'sahara', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-sahara.git', :ref => '7.0.0-mos-rc2' # Pull in puppet-openssl mod 'openssl', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-openssl.git', :ref => '1.3.10-mos-rc2' # Pull in puppetlabs-mongodb mod 'mongodb', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-mongodb.git', :ref => '0.10.0-mos-rc1' # Pull in puppetlabs-rsync mod 'rsync', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-rsync.git', :ref => '0.4.0-mos-rc1' # Pull in puppet-monit mod 'monit', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/puppet-modules/puppet-monit.git', :ref => 'v0.0.4-mos-rc1' # Pull in puppet-filemapper mod 'filemapper', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/puppet-modules/puppet-filemapper.git', :ref => '1.1.3-mos-rc1' # Pull in puppetlabs-tftp mod 'tftp', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppetlabs-tftp.git', :ref => '0.2.3' # Pull in puppet-ironic mod 'ironic', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-ironic.git', :ref => '7.0.0-rc1' # Pull in puppet-murano mod 'murano', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-murano.git', :ref => '7.0.0-rc3' # Pull in richardc-datacat mod 'datacat', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/richardc-datacat.git', :ref => '0.5.0' # Pull in puppet-mcollective mod 'mcollective', :git => 'https://review.fuel-infra.org/p/puppet-modules/puppet-mcollective.git', :ref => 'v2.1.1'