require 'spec_helper' describe 'memcached' do describe 'with manage_firewall parameter' do ['Debian','RedHat'].each do |osfam| context "on osfamily #{osfam}" do let(:facts) do { :osfamily => osfam, :memorysize => '1000 MB', :processorcount => '1', } end ['true',true].each do |value| context "set to #{value}" do let(:params) { { :manage_firewall => value } } it { should contain_class('memcached') } it { should contain_firewall('100_tcp_11211_for_memcached') } it { should contain_firewall('100_udp_11211_for_memcached') } end end ['false',false].each do |value| context "set to #{value}" do let(:params) { { :manage_firewall => value } } it { should contain_class('memcached') } it { should_not contain_firewall('100_tcp_11211_for_memcached') } it { should_not contain_firewall('100_udp_11211_for_memcached') } end end context 'set to an invalid type (array)' do let(:params) { { :manage_firewall => ['invalid','type'] } } it do expect { should contain_class('memcached') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end end end let :default_params do { :package_ensure => 'present', :logfile => '/var/log/memcached.log', :max_memory => false, :item_size => false, :lock_memory => false, :listen_ip => '', :tcp_port => '11211', :udp_port => '11211', :user => 'nobody', :max_connections => '8192', :install_dev => false, :processorcount => 1 } end [ {}, { :package_ensure => 'latest', :logfile => '/var/log/memcached.log', :max_memory => '2', :item_size => false, :lock_memory => true, :listen_ip => '', :tcp_port => '11212', :udp_port => '11213', :user => 'somebdy', :max_connections => '8193', :verbosity => 'vvv', :processorcount => 3 }, { :package_ensure => 'present', :logfile => '/var/log/memcached.log', :max_memory => '20%', :lock_memory => false, :listen_ip => '', :tcp_port => '11212', :udp_port => '11213', :user => 'somebdy', :max_connections => '8193', :verbosity => 'vvv', :install_dev => true, :processorcount => 1 } ].each do |param_set| describe "when #{param_set == {} ? "using default" : "specifying"} class parameters" do let :param_hash do default_params.merge(param_set) end let :params do param_set end ['Debian'].each do |osfamily| let :facts do { :osfamily => osfamily, :memorysize => '1000 MB', :processorcount => '1', } end describe "on supported osfamily: #{osfamily}" do it { should contain_class("memcached::params") } it { should contain_package("memcached").with_ensure(param_hash[:package_ensure]) } it { should_not contain_firewall('100_tcp_11211_for_memcached') } it { should_not contain_firewall('100_udp_11211_for_memcached') } it { if param_hash[:install_dev] should contain_package("libmemcached-dev").with_ensure(param_hash[:package_ensure]) end } it { should contain_file("/etc/memcached.conf").with( 'owner' => 'root', 'group' => 'root' )} it { should contain_service("memcached").with( 'ensure' => 'running', 'enable' => true, 'hasrestart' => true, 'hasstatus' => false )} it 'should compile the template based on the class parameters' do content = param_value( subject, 'file', '/etc/memcached.conf', 'content' ) expected_lines = [ "logfile #{param_hash[:logfile]}", "-l #{param_hash[:listen_ip]}", "-p #{param_hash[:tcp_port]}", "-U #{param_hash[:udp_port]}", "-u #{param_hash[:user]}", "-c #{param_hash[:max_connections]}", "-t #{param_hash[:processorcount]}" ] if(param_hash[:max_memory]) if(param_hash[:max_memory].end_with?('%')) expected_lines.push("-m 200") else expected_lines.push("-m #{param_hash[:max_memory]}") end else expected_lines.push("-m 950") end if(param_hash[:lock_memory]) expected_lines.push("-k") end if(param_hash[:verbosity]) expected_lines.push("-vvv") end (content.split("\n") & expected_lines).should =~ expected_lines end end end ['Redhat'].each do |osfamily| describe 'on supported platform' do it 'should fail' do end end end end end end