# == Class: osnailyfacter::atop # # Allow to install and configure atop. # # === Parameters # # [*service_enabled*] # Enable atop service, default to true. # # [*service_state*] # Start atop service, default to running. # # [*interval*] # Interval between snapshots, default to 20 seconds. # # [*logpath*] # Directory were the log will be saved by the service. # Default is /var/log/atop. # # [*rotate*] # How many days keep binary logs. # Default is 7. class osnailyfacter::atop ( $service_enabled = true, $service_state = 'running', $interval = '20', $logpath = '/var/log/atop', $rotate = '7', ) { $conf_file = $::osfamily ? { 'Debian' => '/etc/default/atop', 'RedHat' => '/etc/sysconfig/atop', default => fail('Unsupported Operating System.'), } package { 'atop': ensure => 'installed', } -> file { $conf_file: ensure => present, content => template('osnailyfacter/atop.erb'), } ~> service { 'atop': ensure => $service_state, enable => $service_enabled, } ~> exec { "ln -s ${logpath}/atop_current": command => "ln -s ${logpath}/atop_$(date +%Y%m%d) ${logpath}/atop_current", path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'], unless => "test -L ${logpath}/atop_current", require => Service['atop']; } # This file is used for atop binary log rotations by (ana)cron file { '/etc/cron.daily/atop_retention': owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0755', content => template('osnailyfacter/atop_retention.erb'), } }