shared_examples 'compile' do it do should compile end end shared_examples 'should_not_install_bin_files_with_puppet' do it 'should not install binary files with puppet' do binary_files_regexp = %r{^/bin|^/usr/bin|^/usr/local/bin|^/usr/sbin|^/sbin|^/usr/lib|^/usr/share|^/etc/init.d|^/usr/local/sbin|^/etc/rc\S\.d} binary_files = [] downloaded_files = [] file_resources.each do |resource| next unless %w(present file directory).include? resource[:ensure] or not resource[:ensure] file_path = resource[:path] or resource[:title] file_source = resource[:source] binary_files << file_path if file_path =~ binary_files_regexp downloaded_files << file_path if file_source end error_message_template = <<-eos <% if binary_files.any? -%> You have <%= binary_files.length -%> binary files installed with puppet: <% binary_files.each do |file| -%> <%= file %> <% end -%> <% end -%> <% if downloaded_files.any? -%> You are downloading <%= downloaded_files.length -%> binary files installed with puppet: <% downloaded_files.each do |file| -%> <%= file %> <% end -%> <% end -%> eos fail, nil, '-').result(binding) if binary_files.any? or downloaded_files.any? end end shared_examples 'save_files_list' do it 'should save the list of file resources' do files={} file_resources.each do |resource| next unless %w(present file directory).include? resource[:ensure] or not resource[:ensure] if resource[:source] content = resource[:source] elsif resource[:content] content = 'TEMPLATE' else content = nil end next unless content files[resource[:path]] = content if files.any? Noop.save_file_resources_list files, os_name end end end end shared_examples 'save_packages_list' do it 'should save the list of file resources' do catalog = subject catalog = if subject.is_a? Proc package_resources = {} catalog.resources.each do |resource| next unless resource.type == 'Package' next if %w(absent purged).include? resource[:ensure] or not resource[:ensure] package_resources[resource[:name]] = resource[:ensure] end if package_resources.any? Noop.save_package_resources_list package_resources, os_name end end end shared_examples 'debug' do it 'shows catalog contents' do Noop.show_catalog subject end end shared_examples 'generate' do it 'shows catalog contents' do Noop.catalog_to_spec subject end end shared_examples 'status' do it 'shows status' do puts <<-eos ============================================= OS: #{os_name} YAML: #{Noop.astute_yaml_base} Spec: #{Noop.current_spec example} Manifest: #{Noop.manifest_path} Node: #{Noop.fqdn} Role: #{Noop.hiera 'role'} ============================================= eos end end shared_examples 'OS' do it_behaves_like 'compile' it_behaves_like 'status' if ENV['SPEC_SHOW_STATUS'] it_behaves_like 'debug' if ENV['SPEC_CATALOG_DEBUG'] it_behaves_like 'generate' if ENV['SPEC_SPEC_GENERATE'] it_behaves_like 'save_files_list' if ENV['SPEC_SAVE_FILE_RESOURCES'] it_behaves_like 'save_packages_list'if ENV['SPEC_SAVE_PACKAGE_RESOURCES'] it_behaves_like 'should_not_install_bin_files_with_puppet' if ENV['SPEC_PUPPET_BINARY_FILES'] begin it_behaves_like 'catalog' rescue ArgumentError true end at_exit {! } if ENV['SPEC_COVERAGE'] end ############################################################################### def test_ubuntu_and_centos(manifest_file, force_manifest = false) # check if task is present in the task list unless force_manifest or Noop.manifest_present? manifest_file Noop.debug "Manifest '#{manifest_file}' is not enabled on the node '#{Noop.hostname}'. Skipping tests." return end # set manifest file before(:all) do Noop.manifest = manifest_file end let(:os_name) do os = facts[:operatingsystem] os = os.downcase if os os end let(:catalog) do catalog = subject catalog = if subject.is_a? Proc catalog end let(:file_resources) do files = do |resource| resource.type == 'File' end files end if Noop.test_ubuntu? context 'on Ubuntu platforms' do let(:facts) { Noop.ubuntu_facts } it_behaves_like 'OS' end end if Noop.test_centos? context 'on CentOS platforms' do let(:facts) { Noop.centos_facts } it_behaves_like 'OS' end end end