#!/bin/bash set -eux DIR=`dirname $0` cd "${DIR}" || exit 1 REPO_URL=${NOOP_FIXTURES_REPO_URL:-'https://github.com/openstack/fuel-noop-fixtures.git'} clone_fixtures_repo() { if ! [ -d 'fuel-noop-fixtures' ]; then echo "Cloning the repository..." git clone "${REPO_URL}" 'fuel-noop-fixtures' fi } link_yaql_fixtures() { if ! [ -L 'fixtures' ]; then echo "Linking repo fixtures to the local FS..." ln -sf 'fuel-noop-fixtures/yaql' 'fixtures' fi } check_tox() { type tox >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "Tox is required to be installed to run tests."; exit 1; } } run_tox() { echo "Run tests..." tox } check_tox clone_fixtures_repo link_yaql_fixtures run_tox