class openstack_tasks::roles::cinder { notice('MODULAR: roles/cinder.pp') # Pulling hiera $network_scheme = hiera_hash('network_scheme', {}) $network_metadata = hiera_hash('network_metadata', {}) prepare_network_config($network_scheme) $cinder_hash = hiera_hash('cinder', {}) $volume_group = hiera('cinder_volume_group', 'cinder') $iscsi_bind_host = get_network_role_property('cinder/iscsi', 'ipaddr') $public_vip = hiera('public_vip') $management_vip = hiera('management_vip') $verbose = pick($cinder_hash['verbose'], true) $debug = pick($cinder_hash['debug'], hiera('debug', true)) $node_volumes = hiera('node_volumes', []) $storage_hash = hiera_hash('storage', {}) $rabbit_hash = hiera_hash('rabbit', {}) $ceilometer_hash = hiera_hash('ceilometer', {}) $use_stderr = hiera('use_stderr', false) $use_syslog = hiera('use_syslog', true) $syslog_log_facility_cinder = hiera('syslog_log_facility_cinder', 'LOG_LOCAL3') $syslog_log_facility_ceph = hiera('syslog_log_facility_ceph','LOG_LOCAL0') $proxy_port = hiera('proxy_port', '8080') $kombu_compression = hiera('kombu_compression', $::os_service_default) $keystone_user = pick($cinder_hash['user'], 'cinder') $keystone_tenant = pick($cinder_hash['tenant'], 'services') $db_type = pick($cinder_hash['db_type'], 'mysql+pymysql') $db_host = pick($cinder_hash['db_host'], hiera('database_vip')) $db_user = pick($cinder_hash['db_user'], 'cinder') $db_password = $cinder_hash[db_password] $db_name = pick($cinder_hash['db_name'], 'cinder') # LP#1526938 - python-mysqldb supports this, python-pymysql does not if $::os_package_type == 'debian' { $extra_params = { 'charset' => 'utf8', 'read_timeout' => 60 } } else { $extra_params = { 'charset' => 'utf8' } } $db_connection = os_database_connection({ 'dialect' => $db_type, 'host' => $db_host, 'database' => $db_name, 'username' => $db_user, 'password' => $db_password, 'extra' => $extra_params }) $transport_url = hiera('transport_url','rabbit://guest:password@') $ssl_hash = hiera_hash('use_ssl', {}) $service_endpoint = hiera('service_endpoint') $keystone_auth_protocol = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, {}, 'keystone', 'internal', 'protocol', 'http') $keystone_auth_host = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, {}, 'keystone', 'internal', 'hostname', [$service_endpoint, $management_vip]) # get glance api servers list $glance_endpoint_default = hiera('glance_endpoint', $management_vip) $glance_protocol = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, {}, 'glance', 'internal', 'protocol', 'http') $glance_endpoint = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, {}, 'glance', 'internal', 'hostname', $glance_endpoint_default) $glance_api_servers = hiera('glance_api_servers', "${glance_protocol}://${glance_endpoint}:9292") $swift_internal_protocol = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, {}, 'swift', 'internal', 'protocol', 'http') $swift_internal_address = get_ssl_property($ssl_hash, {}, 'swift', 'internal', 'hostname', [$management_vip]) $swift_url = "${swift_internal_protocol}://${swift_internal_address}:${proxy_port}" $service_port = '5000' $auth_uri = "${keystone_auth_protocol}://${keystone_auth_host}:${service_port}/" if (!empty(get_nodes_hash_by_roles($network_metadata, ['ceph-osd'])) or $storage_hash['volumes_ceph'] or $storage_hash['images_ceph'] or $storage_hash['objects_ceph'] ) { $use_ceph = true } else { $use_ceph = false } # SQLAlchemy backend configuration $max_pool_size = min($::processorcount * 5 + 0, 30 + 0) $max_overflow = min($::processorcount * 5 + 0, 60 + 0) $max_retries = '-1' $idle_timeout = '3600' # Determine who should get the volume service if (roles_include(['cinder']) and $storage_hash['volumes_lvm']) { $manage_volumes = 'iscsi' $physical_volumes = false $volume_backend_name = $storage_hash['volume_backend_names']['volumes_lvm'] $cinder_lvm_filter = "\"r|^/dev/${volume_group}/.*|\"" augeas { 'lvm-conf-set-cinder-filter': context => '/files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/devices/dict/', changes => "set global_filter/list/1/str ${cinder_lvm_filter}", tag => 'lvm-conf-augeas', } exec { 'Update initramfs': command => 'update-initramfs -u -k all', path => '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin', refreshonly => true, } Augeas<| tag == 'lvm-conf-augeas'|> ~> Exec<| title == 'Update initramfs' |> } elsif roles_include(['cinder-vmware']) { $manage_volumes = 'vmdk' $physical_volumes = false } elsif ($storage_hash['volumes_ceph']) { $manage_volumes = 'ceph' $physical_volumes = false $volume_backend_name = $storage_hash['volume_backend_names']['volumes_ceph'] } elsif (roles_include(['cinder-block-device']) and $storage_hash['volumes_block_device']) { $manage_volumes = 'block' $physical_volumes = join(get_disks_list_by_role($node_volumes, 'cinder-block-device'), ',') $volume_backend_name = $storage_hash['volume_backend_names']['volumes_block_device'] } else { $physical_volumes = false $manage_volumes = false $volume_backend_name = false } Exec { logoutput => true } ################################################################# # we need to evaluate ceph here, because ceph notifies/requires # other services that are declared in openstack manifests # TODO(xarses): somone needs to refactor this out # if ($use_ceph and !$storage_hash['volumes_lvm'] and !roles_include(['cinder-vmware'])) { prepare_network_config(hiera_hash('network_scheme', {})) $ceph_cluster_network = get_network_role_property('ceph/replication', 'network') $ceph_public_network = get_network_role_property('ceph/public', 'network') class {'::ceph': primary_mon => hiera('ceph_primary_monitor_node'), mon_hosts => nodes_with_roles(['primary-controller', 'controller', 'ceph-mon'], 'name'), mon_ip_addresses => get_node_to_ipaddr_map_by_network_role(get_nodes_hash_by_roles($network_metadata, ['primary-controller', 'controller', 'ceph-mon']), 'mgmt/vip'), cluster_node_address => $public_vip, osd_pool_default_size => $storage_hash['osd_pool_size'], osd_pool_default_pg_num => $storage_hash['pg_num'], osd_pool_default_pgp_num => $storage_hash['pg_num'], cluster_network => $ceph_cluster_network, public_network => $ceph_public_network, use_syslog => $use_syslog, syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility_ceph, ephemeral_ceph => $storage_hash['ephemeral_ceph'] } } ################################################################# include ::keystone::python #FIXME(bogdando) notify services on python-amqp update, if needed package { 'python-amqp': ensure => present } if !roles_include(['controller', 'primary-controller']) { # Configure auth_strategy on cinder node, if cinder and controller are # on the same node this parameter is configured by ::cinder::api cinder_config { 'DEFAULT/auth_strategy': value => 'keystone'; } } cinder_config { 'keymgr/fixed_key': value => $cinder_hash[fixed_key]; } include cinder::params class {'cinder::glance': glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers, # Glance API v2 is required for Ceph RBD backend glance_api_version => '2', } class { '::cinder': database_connection => $db_connection, verbose => $verbose, default_transport_url => $transport_url, rabbit_ha_queues => hiera('rabbit_ha_queues', false), use_syslog => $use_syslog, use_stderr => $use_stderr, log_facility => hiera('syslog_log_facility_cinder', 'LOG_LOCAL3'), debug => $debug, database_idle_timeout => $idle_timeout, database_max_pool_size => $max_pool_size, database_max_retries => $max_retries, database_max_overflow => $max_overflow, control_exchange => 'cinder', host => hiera('fqdn'), kombu_compression => $kombu_compression, } # TODO (iberezovskiy): rework this option management once it's available in puppet-cinder module if !defined(Cinder_config['privsep_osbrick/helper_command']) { cinder_config { 'privsep_osbrick/helper_command': value => 'sudo cinder-rootwrap /etc/cinder/rootwrap.conf privsep-helper --config-file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf'; } } if $manage_volumes { ####### Disable upstart startup on install ####### #NOTE(bogdando) ceph::backends::rbd creates override file as well if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' and $manage_volumes != 'ceph') { tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'cinder-volume': package_name => 'cinder-volume', } } if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' and $manage_volumes == 'ceph') { tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'tgtd-service': package_name => $::cinder::params::tgt_package_name, service_name => $::cinder::params::tgt_service_name, } package { $::cinder::params::tgt_package_name: ensure => installed, name => $::cinder::params::tgt_package_name, before => Class['cinder::volume'], } service { $::cinder::params::tgt_service_name: ensure => stopped, enable => false, } } # NOTE(bogdando) deploy cinder volume node with disabled cinder-volume # service #LP1398817. The orchestration will start and enable it back # after the deployment is done. class { 'cinder::volume': enabled => false, } class { 'cinder::backends': enabled_backends => [$volume_backend_name], } # TODO(xarses): clean up static vars $rbd_pool = 'volumes' $rbd_user = 'volumes' $rbd_secret_uuid = 'a5d0dd94-57c4-ae55-ffe0-7e3732a24455' case $manage_volumes { true, 'iscsi': { cinder::backend::iscsi { $volume_backend_name: iscsi_ip_address => $iscsi_bind_host, volume_group => $volume_group, volume_backend_name => $volume_backend_name, } class { 'cinder::backup': } tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'cinder-backup': package_name => 'cinder-backup', } class { 'cinder::backup::swift': backup_swift_url => "${swift_url}/v1/AUTH_", backup_swift_auth_url => "${auth_uri}/v2.0", } } 'ceph': { if defined(Class['::ceph']) { Ceph::Pool<| title == $::ceph::cinder_pool |> -> Cinder::Backend::Rbd[$volume_backend_name] } cinder::backend::rbd { $volume_backend_name: rbd_pool => $rbd_pool, rbd_user => $rbd_user, rbd_secret_uuid => $rbd_secret_uuid, volume_backend_name => $volume_backend_name, } class { 'cinder::backup': } tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'cinder-backup': package_name => 'cinder-backup', } class { 'cinder::backup::ceph': backup_ceph_user => 'backups', backup_ceph_pool => 'backups', } } 'block': { cinder::backend::bdd { "${volume_backend_name}": iscsi_ip_address => $iscsi_bind_host, volume_group => $volume_group, volume_backend_name => $volume_backend_name, available_devices => $physical_volumes, } } } } if $use_syslog { cinder_config { 'DEFAULT/use_syslog_rfc_format': value => true; } } class { 'cinder::ceilometer': notification_driver => $ceilometer_hash['notification_driver'], } ################################################################# # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et : }