# == Define Resource Type: haproxy::listen # # This type will setup a listening service configuration block inside # the haproxy.cfg file on an haproxy load balancer. Each listening service # configuration needs one or more load balancer member server (that can be # declared with the haproxy::balancermember defined resource type). Using # storeconfigs, you can export the haproxy::balancermember resources on all # load balancer member servers, and then collect them on a single haproxy # load balancer server. # # === Requirement/Dependencies: # # Currently requires the puppetlabs/concat module on the Puppet Forge and # uses storeconfigs on the Puppet Master to export/collect resources # from all balancer members. # # === Parameters # # [*name*] # The namevar of the defined resource type is the listening service's name. # This name goes right after the 'listen' statement in haproxy.cfg # # [*ports*] # Ports on which the proxy will listen for connections on the ip address # specified in the ipaddress parameter. Accepts either a single # comma-separated string or an array of strings which may be ports or # hyphenated port ranges. # # [*ipaddress*] # The ip address the proxy binds to. # Empty addresses, '*', and '' mean that the proxy listens # to all valid addresses on the system. # # [*bind*] # Set of ip addresses, port and bind options # $bind = { '' => ['ssl', 'crt', '/path/to/my/crt.pem'] } # # [*mode*] # The mode of operation for the listening service. Valid values are undef, # 'tcp', 'http', and 'health'. # # [*options*] # A hash of options that are inserted into the listening service # configuration block. # # [*bind_options*] # (Deprecated) An array of options to be specified after the bind declaration # in the listening serivce's configuration block. # # [*collect_exported*] # Boolean, default 'true'. True means 'collect exported @@balancermember resources' # (for the case when every balancermember node exports itself), false means # 'rely on the existing declared balancermember resources' (for the case when you # know the full set of balancermembers in advance and use haproxy::balancermember # with array arguments, which allows you to deploy everything in 1 run) # # === Examples # # Exporting the resource for a balancer member: # # haproxy::listen { 'puppet00': # ipaddress => $::ipaddress, # ports => '18140', # mode => 'tcp', # options => { # 'option' => [ # 'tcplog', # 'ssl-hello-chk' # ], # 'balance' => 'roundrobin' # }, # } # # === Authors # # Gary Larizza # define haproxy::listen ( $ports = undef, $ipaddress = undef, $bind = undef, $mode = undef, $collect_exported = true, $order = '20', $options = { 'option' => [ 'tcplog', 'ssl-hello-chk' ], 'balance' => 'roundrobin' }, $use_include = $haproxy::params::use_include, # Deprecated $bind_options = '', ) { if $ports and $bind { fail('The use of $ports and $bind is mutually exclusive, please choose either one') } if $ipaddress and $bind { fail('The use of $ipaddress and $bind is mutually exclusive, please choose either one') } if $bind_options { warning('The $bind_options parameter is deprecated; please use $bind instead') } if $bind { validate_hash($bind) } if defined(Haproxy::Backend[$name]) { fail("An haproxy::backend resource was discovered with the same name (${name}) which is not supported") } if $use_include { $target = "/etc/haproxy/conf.d/${order}-${name}.cfg" $fragment_order = '00' concat { $target: owner => '0', group => '0', mode => '0644', } } else { $target = '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.conf' $fragment_order = "${order}-${name}-00" } # Template uses: $name, $ipaddress, $ports, $options concat::fragment { "${name}_listen_block": order => $fragment_order, target => $target, content => template('haproxy/haproxy_listen_block.erb'), } if $collect_exported { haproxy::balancermember::collect_exported { $name: } } # else: the resources have been created and they introduced their # concat fragments. We don't have to do anything about them. }