# Class: rsync::server # # The rsync server. Supports both standard rsync as well as rsync over ssh # # Requires: # class xinetd if use_xinetd is set to true # class rsync # class rsync::server( $use_xinetd = true, $address = '', $motd_file = 'UNSET', $use_chroot = 'yes' ) inherits rsync { $rsync_fragments = '/etc/rsync.d' if($use_xinetd) { include xinetd xinetd::service { 'rsync': bind => $address, port => '873', server => '/usr/bin/rsync', server_args => '--daemon --config /etc/rsync.conf', require => Package['rsync'], } } else { service { 'rsync': ensure => running, enable => true, subscribe => Exec['compile fragments'], } } if $motd_file != 'UNSET' { file { '/etc/rsync-motd': source => 'puppet:///modules/rsync/motd', } } file { $rsync_fragments: ensure => directory, } file { "${rsync_fragments}/header": content => template('rsync/header.erb'), } # perhaps this should be a script # this allows you to only have a header and no fragments, which happens # by default if you have an rsync::server but not an rsync::repo on a host # which happens with cobbler systems by default exec { 'compile fragments': refreshonly => true, command => "ls ${rsync_fragments}/frag-* 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cat ${rsync_fragments}/header ${rsync_fragments}/frag-* > /etc/rsync.conf; else cat ${rsync_fragments}/header > /etc/rsync.conf; fi; $(exit 0)", subscribe => File["${rsync_fragments}/header"], path => '/bin:/usr/bin', } }