require 'hiera' require 'test/unit' require 'open-uri' require 'timeout' require 'facter' require 'socket' module TestCommon module Cmd # Run a shell command and return stdout and return code as an array # @param command [String] the command to run # @return [Array] Stdout and return code def out = `#{command}` code = $?.exitstatus [out, code] end # set the OpenStack CLI auth data def self.openstack_auth ENV['LC_ALL'] = 'C' ENV['OS_NO_CACHE'] = 'true' ENV['OS_TENANT_NAME'] = TestCommon::Settings.access['tenant'] ENV['OS_USERNAME'] = TestCommon::Settings.access['user'] ENV['OS_PASSWORD'] = TestCommon::Settings.access['password'] ENV['OS_AUTH_URL'] = "http://#{TestCommon::Settings.management_vip}:5000/v2.0" ENV['OS_AUTH_STRATEGY'] = 'keystone' ENV['OS_REGION_NAME'] = 'RegionOne' ENV['OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE'] = 'internalURL' end # run the openstack cli command with auth # and parse the results into a structure # @return [Array] def self.openstack_cli(command) openstack_auth out, code = run command return [nil, code] unless code == 0 headers = nil data = [] out.split("\n").each do |line| next unless line.start_with? '|' columns = line.split('|') next unless columns.length > 2 columns = columns[1..-2].map do |column| column.chomp.strip end unless headers headers = columns next end record = {} field_number = 0 columns.each do |column| header = headers[field_number] next unless header record[header] = column field_number += 1 end data << record if record.any? end data end end module Settings # get a Hiera class instance # @return [Hiera] def self.hiera return @hiera if @hiera @hiera = => '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml') end # lookup a value using the Hiera class # @param key [String,Symbol] a value to look for # @return [String,Array,Hash,nil] found value or nil if not found def self.lookup(key, default=nil) key = key.to_s key = 'rabbit_hash' if key == 'rabbit' @keys = {} unless @keys return @keys[key] if @keys[key] @keys[key] = hiera.lookup key, default, {} end # access lookup values as methods def self.method_missing(key) lookup key end # access lookup methods as indices def self.[](key) lookup key end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @hiera = nil @keys = nil end end module HAProxy # get the URL of HAProxy stats page # @return [String] the stats url def self.stats_url ip = Settings.management_vip ip = Settings.controller_node_address unless ip raise 'Could not get internal address!' unless ip port = 10000 "http://#{ip}:#{port}/;csv" end # read the CSV from the Stats URL # @return [String] csv data def self.csv return @csv if @csv begin url = open(stats_url) csv = rescue nil end return nil unless csv and not csv.empty? @csv = csv end # parse the csv data to the backends and their statuses # 'backend_name' => 'UP/DOWN' # @return [Hash String>] the backends structure def self.backends return @backends if @backends raise 'Could not get CSV from HAProxy stats!' unless csv backends = {} csv.split("\n").each do |line| next if line.start_with? '#' next unless line.include? 'BACKEND' fields = line.split(',') backend = fields[0] status = fields[17] backends[backend] = status end @backends = backends end # check if the backend is present # @param backend [String] the backend name # @return [true,false] def self.backend_present?(backend) backends.keys.include? backend end # check if the backend is online # @param backend [String] the backend name # @return [true,false] def self.backend_up?(backend) backends[backend] == 'UP' end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @csv = nil @backends = nil end end module Process # try to run the command and return true if the run was successful # @param cmd [String] the command to run # @return [true,false] def self.run_successful?(cmd) out = cmd out.last == 0 end # try to run find if the command executable is installed # @param cmd [String] the command to run # @return [true,false] def self.command_present?(command) run_successful? "which '#{command}' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" end # use the 'ps' to get the list of all running processes # @return [Array] the list of running commands def self.list return @process_list if @process_list @process_list = [] ps = 'ps haxo cmd' ps.first.split("\n").each do |cmd| @process_list << cmd end @process_list end # check if there is a running command which # command line contains this string # @param process [String] look for this string in the list # @return [true,false] def self.running?(process) not list.find { |cmd| cmd.include? process }.nil? end # use the 'ps' tool to build the process tree # using pids and ppids of the processes # and the pid as the hash key # @return [Hash Hash>] def self.tree return @process_tree if @process_tree @process_tree = {} ps = 'ps haxo pid,ppid,cmd' ps.first.split("\n").each do |p| f = p.split pid = f.shift.to_i ppid = f.shift.to_i cmd = f.join ' ' # create entry for this pid if not present @process_tree[pid] = { :children => [] } unless @process_tree.key? pid # fill this entry @process_tree[pid][:ppid] = ppid @process_tree[pid][:pid] = pid @process_tree[pid][:cmd] = cmd unless ppid == 0 # create entry for parent process if not present @process_tree[ppid] = { :children => [], :cmd => '', } unless @process_tree.key? ppid # fill parent's children @process_tree[ppid][:children] << pid end end @process_tree end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @process_tree = nil @process_list = nil end end module MySQL @pass = nil @user = nil @host = nil @port = nil @db = nil @options = '--raw --skip-column-names --batch' # turn off the MySQL auth and use the saved credentials if any def self.no_auth @pass = nil @user = nil @host = nil @port = nil @db = nil end def self.pass=(pass) @pass = pass end def self.pass @pass end def self.user=(user) @user = user end def self.user @user end def @host = host end def @host end def self.port=(port) @port = port end def self.port @port end def self.db @db end def self.db=(db) @db = db end def self.options=(options) @options = options end def self.options @options end # execute the mysql query using the 'mysql' command # return the array of the output and the exit code # @param query [String] the query to run # @return [Array] command output def self.query(query) query = query.gsub %q('), %q(") command = %Q(mysql #{options} --execute='#{query}') command += %Q( --host='#{host}') if host command += %Q( --user='#{user}') if user command += %Q( --password='#{pass}') if pass command += %Q( --port='#{port}') if port command += %Q( --database='#{db}') if db command end # check if mysql can connect ot the server # @return [true,false] def self.connection? result = query 'show databases' result.last == 0 end # get the list of databases on the server # @return [Array] the list of database names def self.databases return @databases if @databases out, code = query 'show databases' return unless code == 0 @databases = [] out.split("\n").each do |db| @databases << db end @databases end # check is the database is present on the server # @param database [String] the database name # @return [true,false] def self.database_exists?(database) return unless databases databases.include?(database) end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @databases = nil no_auth end end module Pacemaker # check if pacemaker is online # @return [true,false] def begin out = Timeout::timeout(5) do 'cibadmin -Q' end rescue return false end out.last == 0 end # get the list of pacemaker primitives # @return [Array] the list of primitive names def self.primitives begin out = Timeout::timeout(5) do 'crm_resource -l' end rescue return end return unless out.last == 0 primitives = [] out.first.split("\n").each do |line| primitives << line.split(':').first end primitives end # remove prefix from primitive name # @param primitive [String] primitive name # @return [String] primitive name without prefix def self.clean_primitive_name(primitive) primitive = primitive.gsub /^clone_/, '' primitive = primitive.gsub /^master_/, '' primitive end # check if the primitive is present in paceamaker # @param primitive [String] primitive name # @return [true,false] def self.primitive_present?(primitive) primitive = clean_primitive_name primitive primitives.include? primitive end # check if the pacemaker primitive is started # at least on a single cluster node # @param primitive [String] primitive name # @return [true,false] def self.primitive_started?(primitive) primitive = clean_primitive_name primitive begin out = "crm_resource -r #{primitive} -W 2>&1" rescue return end return true if out.first.include? 'is running on' return false if out.first.include? 'is NOT running' nil end # reset mnemoization def self.reset nil end end module Facts # use the Puppet's Facter to lookup a value # @param fact [String,Symbol] the fact's name def self.value(fact) @facts = {} unless @facts fact = fact.to_s return @facts[fact] if @facts[fact] @facts[fact] = Facter.value fact @facts[fact] end # access using indices def self.[](fact) value fact end # access using method names def self.method_missing(fact) value fact end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @facts = nil end end module Package # obtain the list of rpm packages # using the 'rpm' tool # @returns [String] packages def self.get_rpm_packages out = "rpm -qa --queryformat '%{NAME}|%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n'" out.first end # obtain the list of deb packages # using the 'dpkg-query' tool # @returns [String] packages def self.get_deb_packages out = "dpkg-query --show -f='${Package}|${Version}|${Status}\n'" out.first end # parse the received rpm packages list # to get the structure of package names and versions # 'package_name' => 'package_version' # @returns [Hash String>] packages def self.parse_rpm_packages packages = {} get_rpm_packages.split("\n").each do |package| fields = package.split('|') name = fields[0] version = fields[1] if name name, version end end packages end # parse the received deb packages list # to get the structure of package names and versions # 'package_name' => 'package_version' # @returns [Hash String>] packages def self.parse_deb_packages packages = {} get_deb_packages.split("\n").each do |package| fields = package.split('|') name = fields[0] version = fields[1] if fields[2] == 'install ok installed' installed = true else installed = false end if installed and name name, version end end packages end # get the installed packages either on Debian or on RedHat system # 'package_name' => 'package_version' # @returns [Hash String>] packages def self.installed_packages return @installed_packages if @installed_packages if Facts.osfamily == 'RedHat' @installed_packages = parse_rpm_packages elsif Facts.osfamily == 'Debian' @installed_packages = parse_deb_packages else raise "Unknown osfamily: #{Facts.osfamily}" end end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @installed_packages = nil end # check if this package is installed # @param package [String] package name # @return [true,false] def self.is_installed?(package) installed_packages.key? package end end module Network # check if this url is accessible and gives success HTTP status # @param url [String] the url to check # @return [true,false] def self.url_accessible?(url) out = "curl --fail '#{url}' 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null" out.last == 0 end # check is TCP connection can be open to this socket # @param host [String] hostname of IP address # @param port [String,Numeric] the port number to connect to # @return [true,false] def self.connection?(host, port) begin Timeout::timeout(5) do sock =, port) sock.close if sock end rescue return false end true end # check id TCP connection is closed to this socket # inversion on connection? # @param host [String] hostname of IP address # @param port [String,Numeric] the port number to connect to # @return [true,false] def self.no_connection?(host, port) not connection?(host, port) end # get the list of names from the named iptables rules # most likely created by Puppet # @return [Array] the list of rule names def self.iptables_rules return @iptables_rules if @iptables_rules output, code = 'iptables-save' return unless code == 0 comments = [] output.split("\n").each do |line| line =~ %r(--comment\s+"(.*?)") next unless $1 comment = $1.chomp.strip.gsub /^\d+\s+/, '' comments << comment end @iptables_rules = comments end # get the list of ip addresses found on this system's interfaces # @return [Array] the list of addresses def self.ips return @ips if @ips ip_out, code = 'ip addr' return unless code == 0 ips = [] ip_out.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /\s+inet\s+([\d\.]*)/ ips << $1 end end @ips = ips end # get this systems default router # @return [String] the default router ip def self.default_router return @default_router if @default_router routes, code = 'ip route' return unless code == 0 routes.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /^default via ([\d\.]*)/ return @default_router = $1 end end nil end # try to ping this host and return success # @param host [String] the hostname or the ip address to ping # @return [true,false] def begin out = Timeout::timeout(5) do "ping -q -c 1 -W 3 '#{host}'" end rescue return false end out.last == 0 end # reset mnemoization def self.reset @iptables_rules = nil @ips = nil @default_router = nil end end module AMQP # use python's kombu library to check is connection # to AMQP server is possible with this credentials # python's library is used because it's installed everywhere # and ruby's library is not # @param [String] user # @param [String] password # @param [String] host # @param [String,Numeric] port # @param [String] vhost # @param [String] protocol # @return [true,false] def self.connection?( user=Settings.rabbit['user'], password=Settings.rabbit['password'], host='localhost', port='5673', vhost='/', protocol='amqp') url = "#{protocol}://#{user}:#{password}@#{host}:#{port}/#{vhost}" python = <<-eof import sys import kombu connected = False try: connection = kombu.Connection("#{url}") connection.connect() connected = connection.connected connection.close() connection.release() except Exception as e: sys.stdout.write("AMQP error: %s\\n" % e) if connected: sys.exit(0) else: sys.exit(1) eof system "python -c '#{python}'" $?.exitstatus == 0 end end module Config # parse the ini-style config file # 'section/key' => 'value' # @param [String] file path to the file # @return [Hash String>] def self.ini_file(file) content = file data = {} return data unless content section = 'default' content.split("\n").each do |line| line = line.strip next if line.start_with? '#' next if line == '' if line =~ /\[(\S+)\]/ section = $1.downcase elsif line =~ /(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)/ data["#{section}/#{$1.downcase}"] = $2 end end data end # check if this ini-style config file hash a value # @param [String] file path to the file # @param [String] key section/key of the param # @param [String] value the value of the param # @return [true,false] def self.value?(file, key, value) key = key.downcase key = 'default/' + key unless key.include? '/' value = value.to_s value.capitalize! if %w(true false).include? value data = ini_file file data[key] == value end # check if this file contains either a string or a regexp # @param file [String] path to the file # @param line [String, Regexp] look for this string or regexp # @return [true,false] def self.has_line?(file, line) content = file if line.is_a? String content.include? line elsif line.is_a? Regexp not (content =~ line).nil? else raise 'Line should be a string or a regexp!' end end end module Cron # check if cronjob exists, ignores comments # @param user [String] usernam to check cron for # @param cronjob [String, Regexp] pattern look for in cron # @return [true,false] def self.cronjob_exists?(user, cronjob) cmd = "crontab -u #{user} -l" out = cmd false unless out.last == 0 out.first[/^\s*[^#]*#{cronjob}/].nil? == false end end end