# Class: squid::params # # Sets internal variables and defaults for squid module # This class is automatically loaded in all the classes that use the values set here # class squid::params ( $cache_size = 4096, $cache_mem = 128, ) { ## DEFAULTS FOR VARIABLES USERS CAN SET # (Here are set the defaults, provide your custom variables externally) # (The default used is in the line with '') # Full hostname of squid server $http_port = $squid_port ? { '' => "3128", default => "${squid_port}", } $http_port_options = $squid_port_options ? { default => "${squid_port_options}" } $icp_port = $squid_icp_port ? { '' => "3130", default => "${squid_icp_port}", } $type_accelerator = $squid_type_accelerator ? { '' => "on", false => "on", true => "off", } $cache_hostname = $squid_cache_hostname ? { '' => "localhost", default => "${squid_cache_hostname}", } $default_acls = $squid_default_acls ? { '' => true, default => "${squid_default_acls}", } $custom_acls = $squid_custom_acls ? { '' => "", default => $squid_custom_acls } $default_http_access = $squid_default_http_access ? { '' => true, default => "${squid_default_http_access}", } $custom_http_accesses = $squid_custom_http_accesses ? { '' => "", default => $squid_custom_http_accesses, } $auth_param = $squid_auth_param ? { '' => "", default => $squid_auth_param, } $cache_dir = $squid_cache_dir ? { '' => "/var/spool/squid", default => "${squid_cache_dir}", } $cache_dir_type = $squid_cache_dir_type ? { '' => "ufs", default => "${squid_cache_dir_type}", } $cache_parent = $squid_cache_parent ? { default => "${squid_cache_parent}", } $cache_parent_port = $squid_cache_parent_port ? { '' => "3128", default => "${squid_cache_parent_port}" } $cache_parent_icp_port = $squid_cache_parent_icp_port ? { '' => "3130", default => "${squid_cache_parent_icp_port}", } $cache_parent_options = $squid_cache_parent_options ? { '' => "proxy-only default", default => "${squid_cache_parent_options}", } $cache_peers = $squid_cache_peers ? { '' => "", default => $squid_cache_peers } $cache_peers_port = $squid_cache_peers_port ? { '' => "3128", default => "${squid_cache_peers_port}", } $cache_peers_icp_port = $squid_cache_peers_icp_port ? { '' => "3130", default => "${squid_cache_peers_icp_port}", } $cache_peers_options = $squid_cache_peers_options ? { '' => "proxy-only", default => "${squid_cache_peers_options}", } $cache_log_dir = $squid_cache_log_dir ? { '' => $operatingsystem ? { ubuntu => "/var/log/squid3", debian => "/var/log/squid3", default => "/var/log/squid", }, default => "${squid_cache_log_dir}", } $cache_log_rotate = $squid_cache_log_rotate ? { '' => "0", default => "${squid_cache_log_rotate}", } ## MODULE INTERNAL VARIABLES # (Modify to adapt to unsupported OSes) $packagename = $operatingsystem ? { solaris => "CSWsquid", debian => "squid3", ubuntu => "squid3", default => "squid", } $servicename = $operatingsystem ? { debian => "squid3", ubuntu => "squid3", default => "squid", } $processname = $operatingsystem ? { debian => "squid3", ubuntu => "squid3", default => "squid", } $processuser = $operatingsystem ? { debian => "proxy", ubuntu => "proxy", default => "squid", } $hasstatus = $operatingsystem ? { debian => false, ubuntu => false, default => true, } $configfile = $operatingsystem ? { freebsd => "/usr/local/etc/squid/squid.conf", debian => "/etc/squid3/squid.conf", ubuntu => "/etc/squid3/squid.conf", default => "/etc/squid/squid.conf", } $configfile_mode = $operatingsystem ? { debian => "600", ubuntu => "600", default => "640", } $configfile_owner = $operatingsystem ? { default => "root", } $configfile_group = $operatingsystem ? { debian => "root", ubuntu => "root", default => "squid", } $configdir = $operatingsystem ? { freebsd => "/usr/local/etc/squid/", default => "/etc/squid", } $initconfigfile = $operatingsystem ? { debian => "/etc/default/squid", ubuntu => "/etc/default/squid", default => "/etc/sysconfig/squid", } # Used by monitor class $pidfile = $operatingsystem ? { default => "/var/run/squid.pid", } # Used by backup class $datadir = $operatingsystem ? { default => "/var/spool/squid", } # Used by backup class - Provide the file name, if there's no dedicated dir $logdir = $operatingsystem ? { default => "/var/log/squid", } # Used by monitor and firewall class # If you need to define additional ports, call them $protocol1/$port1 and add the relevant # parts in firewall.pp and monitor.pp $protocol = "tcp" $port = "${http_port}" ## DEFAULTS FOR MONITOR CLASS # These are settings that influence the (optional) squid::monitor class # You can define these variables or leave the defaults # The apparently complex variables assignements below follow this logic: # - If no user variable is set, a reasonable default is used # - If the user has set a host-wide variable (ex: $monitor_target ) that one is set # - The host-wide variable can be overriden by a module specific one (ex: $squid_monitor_target) # How the monitor server refers to the monitor target $monitor_target_real = $squid_monitor_target ? { '' => $monitor_target ? { '' => "${fqdn}", default => $monitor_target, }, default => "$squid_monitor_target", } # BaseUrl to access this host $monitor_baseurl_real = $squid_monitor_baseurl ? { '' => $monitor_baseurl ? { '' => "http://${fqdn}", default => $monitor_baseurl, }, default => "${squid_monitor_baseurl}", } # Pattern to look for in the URL defined in squid::monitor class $monitor_url_pattern = $squid_monitor_url_pattern ? { '' => "OK", default => "${squid_monitor_url_pattern}", } # If squid port monitoring is enabled $monitor_port_enable = $squid_monitor_port ? { '' => $monitor_port ? { '' => true, default => $monitor_port, }, default => $squid_monitor_port, } # If squid url monitoring is enabled $monitor_url_enable = $squid_monitor_url ? { '' => $monitor_url ? { '' => false, default => $monitor_url, }, default => $squid_monitor_url, } # If squid process monitoring is enabled $monitor_process_enable = $squid_monitor_process ? { '' => $monitor_process ? { '' => true, default => $monitor_process, }, default => $squid_monitor_process, } # If squid plugin monitoring is enabled $monitor_plugin_enable = $squid_monitor_plugin ? { '' => $monitor_plugin ? { '' => false, default => $monitor_plugin, }, default => $squid_monitor_plugin, } ## DEFAULTS FOR BACKUP CLASS # These are settings that influence the (optional) squid::backup class # You can define these variables or leave the defaults # How the backup server refers to the backup target $backup_target_real = $squid_backup_target ? { '' => $backup_target ? { '' => "${fqdn}", default => $backup_target, }, default => "$squid_backup_target", } # Frequency of backups $backup_frequency = $squid_backup_frequency ? { '' => "daily", default => "$squid_backup_frequency", } # If squid data have to be backed up $backup_data_enable = $squid_backup_data ? { '' => $backup_data ? { '' => false, default => $backup_data, }, default => $squid_backup_data, } # If squid logs have to be backed up $backup_log_enable = $squid_backup_log ? { '' => $backup_log ? { '' => true, default => $backup_log, }, default => $squid_backup_log, } ## DEFAULTS FOR FIREWALL CLASS # These are settings that influence the (optional) squid::firewall class # You can define these variables or leave the defaults # Source IPs that can access this service - Use iptables friendly format $firewall_source_real = $squid_firewall_source ? { '' => $firewall_source ? { '' => "", default => $firewall_source, }, default => "$squid_firewall_source", } # Destination IP to use for this host (Default facter's $ipaddress) $firewall_destination_real = $squid_firewall_destination ? { '' => $firewall_destination ? { '' => "${ipaddress}", default => $firewall_destination, }, default => "$squid_firewall_destination", } ## FILE SERVING SOURCE # Sets the correct source for static files # In order to provide files from different sources without modifying the module # you can override the default source path setting the variable $base_source # Ex: $base_source="puppet://ip.of.fileserver" or $base_source="puppet://$servername/myprojectmodule" # What follows automatically manages the new source standard (with /modules/) from 0.25 case $base_source { '': { $general_base_source = $puppetversion ? { /(^0.25)/ => "puppet:///modules", /(^0.)/ => "puppet://$servername", default => "puppet:///modules", } } default: { $general_base_source=$base_source } } }