#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import logging import re import shlex import subprocess import sys import yaml console = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') console.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(console) def system_command(command, expected_resultcodes=(0,)): commands = [i.strip() for i in re.split(ur'\|', command)] process = [] process.append(subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(commands[0]), stdin=None, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)) for c in commands[1:]: process[-1].wait() process.append(subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(c), stdin=process[-1].stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)) process[-1].wait() serr = [] for p in process: serr += [err.strip() for err in p.stderr.readlines()] returncode = process[-1].returncode if expected_resultcodes and returncode not in expected_resultcodes: logger.error( "Command: '%s'\nreturned not expected value: %d\n" "stdout:\n%s\nstderr:\n%s", (command, returncode, process[-1].stdout.read().rstrip('\n'), '\n'.join(serr).rstrip('\n'))) sys.exit(1) else: logger.debug("Command '%s' returned %d" % (command, returncode)) return returncode def is_system_exist(system_name): command = """/usr/bin/cobbler system find \ --name=%s | grep \"^%s$\" """ % (system_name, system_name) logger.debug("Running command: %s" % command) code = system_command(command, expected_resultcodes=(0, 1)) return code == 0 def update_system(system_name, system_dict): addedit = 'add' if is_system_exist(system_name): addedit = 'edit' command = ["/usr/bin/cobbler system %s --name='%s' --hostname='%s'" % (addedit, system_name, system_dict['hostname'])] ksmeta = system_dict.get('ksmeta', '') for opt in system_dict: if opt in ('interfaces', 'ksmeta', 'interfaces_extra'): continue command.append("""--%s='%s'""" % (opt, system_dict[opt])) for int_name in system_dict.get('interfaces_extra', {}): int_extra_dict = system_dict['interfaces_extra'][int_name] for int_extra in int_extra_dict: ksmeta = """%s interface_extra_%s_%s=%s""" % \ (ksmeta, int_name, int_extra, int_extra_dict[int_extra]) command.append("""--ksmeta='%s'""" % ksmeta) command = " ".join(command) logger.info("Running command: %s" % command) return system_command(command) == 0 def update_system_interfaces(system_name, interfaces_dict): addedit = 'add' if is_system_exist(system_name): addedit = 'edit' code = set([0]) for interface_name in interfaces_dict: logger.info("=== Defining interface ===: %s" % interface_name) int_opts = interfaces_dict[interface_name] command = ["""/usr/bin/cobbler system %s --name='%s' \ --interface='%s'""" % (addedit, system_name, interface_name)] for opt in int_opts: logger.debug("Interface option: %s = %s" % (opt, int_opts[opt])) command.append("""--%s='%s'""" % (opt, int_opts[opt])) command = " ".join(command) logger.info("Running command: %s" % command) code.union(set([system_command(command)])) return len(code) == 0 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="file", metavar="YAML_FILE", type=str, help="nodes yaml file") parser.add_argument("-l", "--level", dest="log_level", type=str, help="log level, one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR", choices=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"], default="INFO", metavar="LEVEL") params = parser.parse_args() numeric_level = getattr(logging, params.log_level.upper()) logger.setLevel(numeric_level) if params.file is None: parser.error("Yaml file must be defined with -f option.") with open(params.file, 'r') as file: nodes = yaml.load(file.read()) for name in nodes: logger.info("====== Defining node ======: %s" % name) update_system(name, nodes[name]) update_system_interfaces(name, nodes[name]['interfaces']) if __name__ == "__main__": main()