class osnailyfacter::cluster_ha { ##PARAMETERS DERIVED FROM YAML FILE if $::use_quantum { $novanetwork_params = {} $quantum_config = sanitize_neutron_config($::fuel_settings, 'quantum_settings') } else { $quantum_config = {} $novanetwork_params = $::fuel_settings['novanetwork_parameters'] $network_size = $novanetwork_params['network_size'] $num_networks = $novanetwork_params['num_networks'] $vlan_start = $novanetwork_params['vlan_start'] } if $cinder_nodes { $cinder_nodes_array = $::fuel_settings['cinder_nodes'] } else { $cinder_nodes_array = [] } # All hash assignment from a dimensional hash must be in the local scope or they will # be undefined (don't move to site.pp) #These aren't always present. if !$::fuel_settings['savanna'] { $savanna_hash={} } else { $savanna_hash = $::fuel_settings['savanna'] } if !$::fuel_settings['murano'] { $murano_hash = {} } else { $murano_hash = $::fuel_settings['murano'] } if !$::fuel_settings['heat'] { $heat_hash = {} } else { $heat_hash = $::fuel_settings['heat'] } if !$::fuel_settings['ceilometer'] { $ceilometer_hash = { enabled => false, db_password => 'ceilometer', user_password => 'ceilometer', metering_secret => 'ceilometer', } } else { $ceilometer_hash = $::fuel_settings['ceilometer'] } if $::fuel_settings['role'] == 'primary-controller' { package { 'cirros-testvm': ensure => "present" } } $storage_hash = $::fuel_settings['storage'] $nova_hash = $::fuel_settings['nova'] $mysql_hash = $::fuel_settings['mysql'] $rabbit_hash = $::fuel_settings['rabbit'] $glance_hash = $::fuel_settings['glance'] $keystone_hash = $::fuel_settings['keystone'] $swift_hash = $::fuel_settings['swift'] $cinder_hash = $::fuel_settings['cinder'] $access_hash = $::fuel_settings['access'] $nodes_hash = $::fuel_settings['nodes'] $mp_hash = $::fuel_settings['mp'] $network_manager = "${novanetwork_params['network_manager']}" if !$rabbit_hash['user'] { $rabbit_hash['user'] = 'nova' } if ! $::use_quantum { $floating_ips_range = $::fuel_settings['floating_network_range'] } $floating_hash = {} ##CALCULATED PARAMETERS ##NO NEED TO CHANGE $node = filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'name',$::hostname) if empty($node) { fail("Node $::hostname is not defined in the hash structure") } $vips = { # Do not convert to ARRAY, It can't work in 2.7 public_old => { nic => $::public_int, ip => $::fuel_settings['public_vip'], cidr_netmask => '32', }, management_old => { nic => $::internal_int, ip => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], cidr_netmask => '32', }, } $vip_keys = keys($vips) if ($::fuel_settings['cinder']) { if (member($cinder_nodes_array,'all')) { $is_cinder_node = true } elsif (member($cinder_nodes_array,$::hostname)) { $is_cinder_node = true } elsif (member($cinder_nodes_array,$internal_address)) { $is_cinder_node = true } elsif ($node[0]['role'] =~ /controller/ ) { $is_cinder_node = member($cinder_nodes_array,'controller') } else { $is_cinder_node = member($cinder_nodes_array,$node[0]['role']) } } else { $is_cinder_node = false } ##REFACTORING NEEDED ##TODO: simply parse nodes array $controllers = merge_arrays(filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'role','primary-controller'), filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'role','controller')) $controller_internal_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','internal_address') $controller_public_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','public_address') $controller_storage_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','storage_address') $controller_hostnames = keys($controller_internal_addresses) $controller_nodes = ipsort(values($controller_internal_addresses)) $controller_node_public = $::fuel_settings['public_vip'] $controller_node_address = $::fuel_settings['management_vip'] $mountpoints = filter_hash($mp_hash,'point') # AMQP client configuration if $::internal_address in $controller_nodes { # prefer local MQ broker if it exists on this node $amqp_nodes = concat([''], $controller_nodes) } else { $amqp_nodes = $controller_nodes } $amqp_port = '5673' $amqp_hosts = inline_template("<%= {|x| x + ':' + @amqp_port}.join ',' %>") $rabbit_ha_queues = true # RabbitMQ server configuration $rabbitmq_bind_ip_address = 'UNSET' # bind RabbitMQ to $rabbitmq_bind_port = $amqp_port $rabbitmq_cluster_nodes = $controller_hostnames # has to be hostnames $cinder_iscsi_bind_addr = $::storage_address # Determine who should get the volume service if ($::fuel_settings['role'] == 'cinder' or $storage_hash['volumes_lvm']) { $manage_volumes = 'iscsi' } elsif ($storage_hash['volumes_ceph']) { $manage_volumes = 'ceph' } else { $manage_volumes = false } #Determine who should be the default backend if ($storage_hash['images_ceph']) { $glance_backend = 'ceph' } else { $glance_backend = 'swift' } if ($::use_ceph) { $primary_mons = $controllers $primary_mon = $controllers[0]['name'] class {'ceph': primary_mon => $primary_mon, cluster_node_address => $controller_node_public, use_rgw => $storage_hash['objects_ceph'], glance_backend => $glance_backend, } } # Use Swift if it isn't replaced by Ceph for BOTH images and objects if !($storage_hash['images_ceph'] and $storage_hash['objects_ceph']) { $use_swift = true } else { $use_swift = false } if ($use_swift) { if !$::fuel_settings['swift_partition'] { $swift_partition = '/var/lib/glance/node' } $swift_proxies = $controllers $swift_local_net_ip = $::storage_address $master_swift_proxy_nodes = filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'role','primary-controller') $master_swift_proxy_ip = $master_swift_proxy_nodes[0]['internal_address'] #$master_hostname = $master_swift_proxy_nodes[0]['name'] $swift_loopback = false if $::fuel_settings['role'] == 'primary-controller' { $primary_proxy = true } else { $primary_proxy = false } } elsif ($storage_hash['objects_ceph']) { $rgw_servers = $controllers } $network_config = { 'vlan_start' => $vlan_start, } # from site.pp top scope $use_syslog = $::use_syslog $verbose = $::verbose $debug = $::debug if $::fuel_settings['role'] == 'primary-controller' { $primary_controller = true } else { $primary_controller = false } #HARDCODED PARAMETERS $multi_host = true $quantum_netnode_on_cnt = true $mirror_type = 'external' Exec { logoutput => true } class compact_controller ( $quantum_network_node = $quantum_netnode_on_cnt ) { class {'osnailyfacter::apache_api_proxy':} class { 'openstack::controller_ha': controllers => $controllers, controller_public_addresses => $controller_public_addresses, controller_internal_addresses => $controller_internal_addresses, internal_address => $internal_address, public_interface => $::public_int, private_interface => $::use_quantum ? { true=>false, default=>$::fuel_settings['fixed_interface']}, internal_virtual_ip => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], public_virtual_ip => $::fuel_settings['public_vip'], primary_controller => $primary_controller, floating_range => $::use_quantum ? { true=>$floating_hash, default=>false}, fixed_range => $::use_quantum ? { true=>false, default=>$::fuel_settings['fixed_network_range']}, multi_host => $multi_host, network_manager => $network_manager, num_networks => $num_networks, network_size => $network_size, network_config => $network_config, debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, auto_assign_floating_ip => $::fuel_settings['auto_assign_floating_ip'], mysql_root_password => $mysql_hash[root_password], admin_email => $access_hash[email], admin_user => $access_hash[user], admin_password => $access_hash[password], keystone_db_password => $keystone_hash[db_password], keystone_admin_token => $keystone_hash[admin_token], keystone_admin_tenant => $access_hash[tenant], glance_db_password => $glance_hash[db_password], glance_user_password => $glance_hash[user_password], glance_image_cache_max_size => $glance_hash[image_cache_max_size], nova_db_password => $nova_hash[db_password], nova_user_password => $nova_hash[user_password], queue_provider => $::queue_provider, amqp_hosts => $amqp_hosts, amqp_user => $rabbit_hash['user'], amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'], rabbit_ha_queues => $rabbit_ha_queues, rabbitmq_bind_ip_address => $rabbitmq_bind_ip_address, rabbitmq_bind_port => $rabbitmq_bind_port, rabbitmq_cluster_nodes => $rabbitmq_cluster_nodes, memcached_servers => $controller_nodes, export_resources => false, glance_backend => $glance_backend, swift_proxies => $swift_proxies, rgw_servers => $rgw_servers, quantum => $::use_quantum, quantum_config => $quantum_config, quantum_network_node => $::use_quantum, quantum_netnode_on_cnt => $::use_quantum, cinder => true, cinder_user_password => $cinder_hash[user_password], cinder_iscsi_bind_addr => $cinder_iscsi_bind_addr, cinder_db_password => $cinder_hash[db_password], cinder_volume_group => "cinder", manage_volumes => $manage_volumes, ceilometer => $ceilometer_hash[enabled], ceilometer_db_password => $ceilometer_hash[db_password], ceilometer_user_password => $ceilometer_hash[user_password], ceilometer_metering_secret => $ceilometer_hash[metering_secret], galera_nodes => $controller_nodes, custom_mysql_setup_class => $custom_mysql_setup_class, mysql_skip_name_resolve => true, use_syslog => $use_syslog, syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level, syslog_log_facility_glance => $syslog_log_facility_glance, syslog_log_facility_cinder => $syslog_log_facility_cinder, syslog_log_facility_neutron => $syslog_log_facility_neutron, syslog_log_facility_nova => $syslog_log_facility_nova, syslog_log_facility_keystone => $syslog_log_facility_keystone, nova_rate_limits => $nova_rate_limits, cinder_rate_limits => $cinder_rate_limits, horizon_use_ssl => $::fuel_settings['horizon_use_ssl'], use_unicast_corosync => $::fuel_settings['use_unicast_corosync'], nameservers => $::dns_nameservers, } } class virtual_ips () { cluster::virtual_ips { $vip_keys: vips => $vips, } } case $::fuel_settings['role'] { /controller/ : { include osnailyfacter::test_controller class { '::cluster': stage => 'corosync_setup' } -> class { 'virtual_ips': stage => 'corosync_setup' } class { 'cluster::haproxy': haproxy_maxconn => '16000' } class { compact_controller: } if ($use_swift) { $swift_zone = $node[0]['swift_zone'] class { 'openstack::swift::storage_node': storage_type => $swift_loopback, loopback_size => '5243780', storage_mnt_base_dir => $swift_partition, storage_devices => $mountpoints, swift_zone => $swift_zone, swift_local_net_ip => $storage_address, master_swift_proxy_ip => $master_swift_proxy_ip, sync_rings => ! $primary_proxy, syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level, debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, } if $primary_proxy { ring_devices {'all': storages => $controllers } } if !$swift_hash['resize_value'] { $swift_hash['resize_value'] = 2 } $ring_part_power=calc_ring_part_power($controllers,$swift_hash['resize_value']) class { 'openstack::swift::proxy': swift_user_password => $swift_hash[user_password], swift_proxies => $controller_internal_addresses, ring_part_power => $ring_part_power, primary_proxy => $primary_proxy, controller_node_address => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], swift_local_net_ip => $swift_local_net_ip, master_swift_proxy_ip => $master_swift_proxy_ip, syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level, debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, } class { 'swift::keystone::auth': password => $swift_hash[user_password], public_address => $::fuel_settings['public_vip'], internal_address => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], admin_address => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], } } #TODO: PUT this configuration stanza into nova class nova_config { 'DEFAULT/start_guests_on_host_boot': value => $::fuel_settings['start_guests_on_host_boot'] } nova_config { 'DEFAULT/use_cow_images': value => $::fuel_settings['use_cow_images'] } nova_config { 'DEFAULT/compute_scheduler_driver': value => $::fuel_settings['compute_scheduler_driver'] } if ! $::use_quantum { nova_floating_range { $floating_ips_range: ensure => 'present', pool => 'nova', username => $access_hash[user], api_key => $access_hash[password], auth_method => 'password', auth_url => "http://${::fuel_settings['management_vip']}:5000/v2.0/", authtenant_name => $access_hash[tenant], api_retries => 10, } Class['nova::api', 'openstack::ha::nova'] -> Nova_floating_range <| |> } if ($::use_ceph){ Class['openstack::controller'] -> Class['ceph'] } #ADDONS START if $savanna_hash['enabled'] { class { 'savanna' : savanna_api_host => $controller_node_address, savanna_db_password => $savanna_hash['db_password'], savanna_db_host => $controller_node_address, savanna_keystone_host => $controller_node_address, savanna_keystone_user => 'savanna', savanna_keystone_password => $savanna_hash['user_password'], savanna_keystone_tenant => 'services', use_neutron => $::use_quantum, use_floating_ips => $::fuel_settings['auto_assign_floating_ip'], syslog_log_facility_savanna => $syslog_log_facility_savanna, syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level, debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, use_syslog => $use_syslog, } } #FIXME: Disable heat for Red Hat OpenStack 3.0 if ($::operatingsystem != 'RedHat') { class { 'heat' : pacemaker => true, external_ip => $controller_node_public, keystone_host => $controller_node_address, keystone_user => 'heat', keystone_password => 'heat', keystone_tenant => 'services', amqp_hosts => $amqp_hosts, amqp_user => $rabbit_hash['user'], amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'], rabbit_ha_queues => $rabbit_ha_queues, db_host => $controller_node_address, db_password => $heat_hash['db_password'], debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, use_syslog => $use_syslog, syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility_heat, } } if $murano_hash['enabled'] { class { 'murano' : murano_api_host => $controller_node_address, murano_rabbit_host => $controller_node_public, murano_rabbit_login => 'murano', murano_rabbit_password => $heat_hash['rabbit_password'], murano_db_host => $controller_node_address, murano_db_password => $murano_hash['db_password'], murano_keystone_host => $controller_node_address, murano_metadata_host => $controller_node_address, murano_keystone_user => 'murano', murano_keystone_password => $murano_hash['user_password'], murano_keystone_tenant => 'services', use_neutron => $::use_quantum, use_syslog => $use_syslog, debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility_murano, } Class['heat'] -> Class['murano'] } #ADDONS END } #CONTROLLER ENDS "compute" : { include osnailyfacter::test_compute class { 'openstack::compute': public_interface => $::public_int, private_interface => $::use_quantum ? { true=>false, default=>$::fuel_settings['fixed_interface'] }, internal_address => $internal_address, libvirt_type => $::fuel_settings['libvirt_type'], fixed_range => $::use_quantum ? { true=>false, default=>$::fuel_settings['fixed_network_range']}, network_manager => $network_manager, network_config => $network_config, multi_host => $multi_host, sql_connection => "mysql://nova:${nova_hash[db_password]}@${::fuel_settings['management_vip']}/nova?read_timeout=60", queue_provider => $::queue_provider, amqp_hosts => $amqp_hosts, amqp_user => $rabbit_hash['user'], amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'], rabbit_ha_queues => $rabbit_ha_queues, auto_assign_floating_ip => $::fuel_settings['auto_assign_floating_ip'], glance_api_servers => "${::fuel_settings['management_vip']}:9292", vncproxy_host => $::fuel_settings['public_vip'], vncserver_listen => '', debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, cinder_volume_group => "cinder", vnc_enabled => true, manage_volumes => $manage_volumes, nova_user_password => $nova_hash[user_password], cache_server_ip => $controller_nodes, service_endpoint => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], cinder => true, cinder_iscsi_bind_addr => $cinder_iscsi_bind_addr, cinder_user_password => $cinder_hash[user_password], cinder_db_password => $cinder_hash[db_password], ceilometer => $ceilometer_hash[enabled], ceilometer_metering_secret => $ceilometer_hash[metering_secret], ceilometer_user_password => $ceilometer_hash[user_password], db_host => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], quantum => $::use_quantum, quantum_config => $quantum_config, use_syslog => $use_syslog, syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level, syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility_nova, syslog_log_facility_neutron => $syslog_log_facility_neutron, syslog_log_facility_cinder => $syslog_log_facility_cinder, nova_rate_limits => $nova_rate_limits, state_path => $nova_hash[state_path], } if ($::use_ceph){ Class['openstack::compute'] -> Class['ceph'] } # class { "::rsyslog::client": # log_local => true, # log_auth_local => true, # rservers => $rservers, # } #TODO: PUT this configuration stanza into nova class nova_config { 'DEFAULT/start_guests_on_host_boot': value => $::fuel_settings['start_guests_on_host_boot'] } nova_config { 'DEFAULT/use_cow_images': value => $::fuel_settings['use_cow_images'] } nova_config { 'DEFAULT/compute_scheduler_driver': value => $::fuel_settings['compute_scheduler_driver'] } } # COMPUTE ENDS "cinder" : { include keystone::python package { 'python-amqp': ensure => present } $roles = node_roles($nodes_hash, $::fuel_settings['uid']) if member($roles, 'controller') or member($roles, 'primary-controller') { $bind_host = $internal_address } else { $bind_host = false } class { 'openstack::cinder': sql_connection => "mysql://cinder:${cinder_hash[db_password]}@${::fuel_settings['management_vip']}/cinder?charset=utf8&read_timeout=60", glance_api_servers => "${::fuel_settings['management_vip']}:9292", bind_host => $bind_host, queue_provider => $::queue_provider, amqp_hosts => $amqp_hosts, amqp_user => $rabbit_hash['user'], amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'], rabbit_ha_queues => $rabbit_ha_queues, volume_group => 'cinder', manage_volumes => $manage_volumes, enabled => true, auth_host => $::fuel_settings['management_vip'], iscsi_bind_host => $storage_address, cinder_user_password => $cinder_hash[user_password], syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility_cinder, syslog_log_level => $syslog_log_level, debug => $debug, verbose => $verbose, use_syslog => $use_syslog, } # class { "::rsyslog::client": # log_local => true, # log_auth_local => true, # rservers => $rservers, # } } # CINDER ENDS "ceph-osd" : { #Class Ceph is already defined so it will do it's thing. notify {"ceph_osd: ${::ceph::osd_devices}": } notify {"osd_devices: ${::osd_devices_list}": } } # CEPH-OSD ENDS } # ROLE CASE ENDS } # CLUSTER_HA ENDS # vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :