############################################################################### # # Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ############################################################################### # # Rakefile # This file implements the lint and spec tasks for rake so that it will loop # through all of the puppet modules in the deployment/puppet/ folder and run # the respective lint or test tasks for each module. It will then return 0 if # there are issues or return 1 if any of the modules fail. # # Author Alex Schultz # require 'rake' # Use puppet-syntax for the syntax tasks require 'puppet-syntax/tasks/puppet-syntax' PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths ||= [] PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths << "**/spec/fixtures/**/*" PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths << "**/pkg/**/*" PuppetSyntax.exclude_paths << "**/vendor/**/*" # Main task list task :spec => ["spec:gemfile"] # TODO(aschultz): Use puppet-lint for the lint tasks task :lint => ["lint:manual"] task :syntax => ["syntax:manifests", "syntax:hiera", "syntax:files", "syntax:templates"] namespace :common do desc 'Task to generate a list of modules to skip' task :modulelist, [:skip_file] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:skip_file => nil) library_dir = Dir.pwd skip_module_list = [] $module_directories = [] # TODO(aschultz): Fix all modules so they have tests and we no longer need # this file to exclude bad module tests if not args[:skip_file].nil? and File.exists?(args[:skip_file]) File.open(args[:skip_file], 'r').each_line { |line| skip_module_list << line.chomp } end Dir.glob('./deployment/puppet/*') do |mod| next unless File.directory?(mod) if skip_module_list.include?(File.basename(mod)) $stderr.puts "Skipping tests... modules.disable_rspec includes #{mod}" next end $module_directories << mod end end end # our spec task to loop through the modules and run the tests namespace :spec do desc 'Run spec tasks via module bundler with Gemfile' task :gemfile do |t| Rake::Task["common:modulelist"].invoke('./utils/jenkins/modules.disable_rspec') library_dir = Dir.pwd status = true ENV['GEM_HOME']="#{library_dir}/.bundled_gems" system("gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri --verbose") $module_directories.each do |mod| next unless File.exists?("#{mod}/Gemfile") $stderr.puts '-'*80 $stderr.puts "Running tests for #{mod}" $stderr.puts '-'*80 Dir.chdir(mod) begin result = system("bundle exec rake spec") if !result status = false $stderr.puts "!"*80 $stderr.puts "Unit tests failed for #{mod}" $stderr.puts "!"*80 end rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts "ERROR: Unable to run tests for #{mod}, #{e.message}" status = false end Dir.chdir(library_dir) end fail unless status end end # Our lint tasks namespace :lint do desc 'Find all the puppet files and run puppet-lint on them' task :manual do |t| Rake::Task["common:modulelist"].invoke('./utils/jenkins/modules.disable_rake-lint') # lint checks to skip if no Gemfile or Rakefile skip_checks = [ "--no-80chars-check", "--no-autoloader_layout-check", "--no-nested_classes_or_defines-check", "--no-only_variable_string-check", "--no-2sp_soft_tabs-check", "--no-trailing_whitespace-check", "--no-hard_tabs-check", "--no-class_inherits_from_params_class-check", "--with-filename"] library_dir = Dir.pwd status = true ENV['GEM_HOME']="#{library_dir}/.bundled_gems" system("gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri --verbose") $module_directories.each do |mod| # TODO(aschultz): uncomment this when :rakefile works #next if File.exists?("#{mod}/Rakefile") $stderr.puts '-'*80 $stderr.puts "Running lint for #{mod}" $stderr.puts '-'*80 Dir.chdir(mod) begin result = true Dir.glob("**/**.pp") do |puppet_file| result = false unless system("puppet-lint #{skip_checks.join(" ")} #{puppet_file}") end if !result status = false $stderr.puts "!"*80 $stderr.puts "puppet-lint failed for #{mod}" $stderr.puts "!"*80 end rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts "ERROR: Unable to run lint for #{mod}, #{e.message}" status = false end Dir.chdir(library_dir) end fail unless status end # TODO(aschultz): fix all the modules with Rakefiles to make sure they work # then include this task desc 'Run lint tasks from modules with an existing Gemfile/Rakefile' task :rakefile do |t| Rake::Task["common:modulelist"].invoke('./utils/jenkins/modules.disable_rake-lint') library_dir = Dir.pwd status = true ENV['GEM_HOME']="#{library_dir}/.bundled_gems" system("gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri --verbose") $module_directories.each do |mod| next unless File.exists?("#{mod}/Rakefile") $stderr.puts '-'*80 $stderr.puts "Running lint for #{mod}" $stderr.puts '-'*80 Dir.chdir(mod) begin result = system("bundle exec rake lint > /dev/null") $stderr.puts result if !result status = false $stderr.puts "!"*80 $stderr.puts "rake lint failed for #{mod}" $stderr.puts "!"*80 end rescue Exception => e $stderr.puts "ERROR: Unable to run lint for #{mod}, #{e.message}" status = false end Dir.chdir(library_dir) end fail unless status end end # Our syntax checking jobs # The tasks here are an extension on top of the existing puppet helper ones. namespace :syntax do desc 'Syntax check for files/ folder' task :files do |t| $stderr.puts '---> syntax:files' status = true Dir.glob('./files/**/*') do |ocf_file| next if File.directory?(ocf_file) mime_type =`file --mime --brief #{ocf_file}` begin case mime_type.to_s when /shellscript/ result = system("bash -n #{ocf_file}") when /ruby/ result = system("ruby -c #{ocf_file}") when /python/ result = system("python -m py_compile #{ocf_file}") when /perl/ result = system("perl -c #{ocf_file}") else result = true $stderr.puts "Unknown file format, skipping syntax check for #{ocf_file}" end rescue Exception => e result = false $stderr.puts "Checking #{ocf_file} failed with #{e.message}" end if !result status = false $stderr.puts "!"*80 $stderr.puts "Syntax check failed for #{ocf_file}" $stderr.puts "!"*80 end end fail unless status end end