require 'spec_helper' describe 'rabbitmq' do context 'on unsupported distributions' do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Unsupported' }} it 'we fail' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(/not supported on an Unsupported/) end end context 'on Debian' do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'includes rabbitmq::repo::apt' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::apt') end describe 'apt::source default values' do it 'should add a repo with defaults values' do should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( { :ensure => 'present', :location => '', :release => 'testing', :repos => 'main', }) end end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'does ensure rabbitmq apt::source is absent when manage_repos is false' do should_not contain_apt__source('rabbitmq') end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'includes rabbitmq::repo::apt' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::apt') end describe 'apt::source default values' do it 'should add a repo with defaults values' do should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( { :ensure => 'present', :location => '', :release => 'testing', :repos => 'main', }) end end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :repos_ensure => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'does ensure rabbitmq apt::source is absent when repos_ensure is false' do should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( 'ensure' => 'absent' ) end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :repos_ensure => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'includes rabbitmq::repo::apt' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::apt') end describe 'apt::source default values' do it 'should add a repo with defaults values' do should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( { :ensure => 'present', :location => '', :release => 'testing', :repos => 'main', }) end end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => true, :repos_ensure => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'includes rabbitmq::repo::apt' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::apt') end describe 'apt::source default values' do it 'should add a repo with defaults values' do should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( { :ensure => 'absent', }) end end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => true, :repos_ensure => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'includes rabbitmq::repo::apt' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::apt') end describe 'apt::source default values' do it 'should add a repo with defaults values' do should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( { :ensure => 'present', :location => '', :release => 'testing', :repos => 'main', }) end end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => false, :repos_ensure => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'does ensure rabbitmq apt::source is absent when manage_repos is false and repos_ensure is true' do should_not contain_apt__source('rabbitmq') end end context 'on Debian' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => false, :repos_ensure => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze' }} it 'does ensure rabbitmq apt::source is absent when manage_repos is false and repos_ensure is false' do should_not contain_apt__source('rabbitmq') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'includes rabbitmq::repo::rhel' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :repos_ensure => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does not import repo public key when repos_ensure is false' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should_not contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :repos_ensure => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does import repo public key when repos_ensure is true' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does not import repo public key when manage_repos is false' do should_not contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should_not contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does import repo public key when manage_repos is true' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => false, :repos_ensure => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does not import repo public key when manage_repos is false and repos_ensure is true' do should_not contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should_not contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => true, :repos_ensure => true }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does import repo public key when manage_repos is true and repos_ensure is true' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => false, :repos_ensure => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does not import repo public key when manage_repos is false and repos_ensure is false' do should_not contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should_not contain_exec('rpm --import') end end context 'on Redhat' do let(:params) {{ :manage_repos => true, :repos_ensure => false }} let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} it 'does not import repo public key when manage_repos is true and repos_ensure is false' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::repo::rhel') should_not contain_exec('rpm --import') end end ['Debian', 'RedHat', 'SUSE', 'Archlinux'].each do |distro| context "on #{distro}" do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => distro, :lsbdistcodename => 'squeeze', :lsbdistid => 'Debian' }} it { should contain_class('rabbitmq::install') } it { should contain_class('rabbitmq::config') } it { should contain_class('rabbitmq::service') } context 'with admin_enable set to true' do let(:params) {{ :admin_enable => true }} context 'with service_manage set to true' do it 'we enable the admin interface by default' do should contain_class('rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin') should contain_rabbitmq_plugin('rabbitmq_management').with( 'require' => 'Class[Rabbitmq::Install]', 'notify' => 'Class[Rabbitmq::Service]' ) should contain_staging__file('rabbitmqadmin').with_source("http://guest:guest@localhost:15672/cli/rabbitmqadmin") end end context 'with service_manage set to true and default user/pass specified' do let(:params) {{ :admin_enable => true, :default_user => 'foobar', :default_pass => 'hunter2' }} it 'we use the correct URL to rabbitmqadmin' do should contain_staging__file('rabbitmqadmin').with_source("http://foobar:hunter2@localhost:15672/cli/rabbitmqadmin") end end context 'with service_manage set to true and management port specified' do # note that the 2.x management port is 55672 not 15672 let(:params) {{ :admin_enable => true, :management_port => '55672' }} it 'we use the correct URL to rabbitmqadmin' do should contain_staging__file('rabbitmqadmin').with_source("http://guest:guest@localhost:55672/cli/rabbitmqadmin") end end context 'with service_manage set to false' do let(:params) {{ :admin_enable => true, :service_manage => false }} it 'should do nothing' do should_not contain_class('rabbitmq::install::rabbitmqadmin') should_not contain_rabbitmq_plugin('rabbitmq_management') end end end describe 'manages configuration directory correctly' do it { should contain_file('/etc/rabbitmq').with( 'ensure' => 'directory' )} end describe 'manages configuration file correctly' do it { should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') } end context 'configures config_cluster' do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => distro, :lsbdistid => 'Debian' }} let(:params) {{ :config_cluster => true, :cluster_nodes => ['hare-1', 'hare-2'], :cluster_node_type => 'ram', :wipe_db_on_cookie_change => false }} describe 'with defaults' do it 'fails' do expect{subject}.to raise_error(/^You must set the \$erlang_cookie value/) end end describe 'with erlang_cookie set' do let(:params) {{ :config_cluster => true, :cluster_nodes => ['hare-1', 'hare-2'], :cluster_node_type => 'ram', :erlang_cookie => 'TESTCOOKIE', :wipe_db_on_cookie_change => true }} it 'contains the rabbitmq_erlang_cookie' do should contain_rabbitmq_erlang_cookie('/var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie') end end describe 'and sets appropriate configuration' do let(:params) {{ :config_cluster => true, :cluster_nodes => ['hare-1', 'hare-2'], :cluster_node_type => 'ram', :erlang_cookie => 'ORIGINAL', :wipe_db_on_cookie_change => true }} it 'for cluster_nodes' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with({ 'content' => /cluster_nodes.*\['rabbit@hare-1', 'rabbit@hare-2'\], ram/, }) end end end describe 'rabbitmq-env configuration' do let(:params) {{ :environment_variables => { 'NODE_IP_ADDRESS' => '', 'NODE_PORT' => '5656', 'NODENAME' => 'HOSTNAME', 'SERVICENAME' => 'RabbitMQ', 'CONSOLE_LOG' => 'RabbitMQ.debug', 'CTL_ERL_ARGS' => 'verbose', 'SERVER_ERL_ARGS' => 'v', 'SERVER_START_ARGS' => 'debug' }}} it 'should set environment variables' do should contain_file('rabbitmq-env.config') \ .with_content(/NODE_IP_ADDRESS= \ .with_content(/NODE_PORT=5656/) \ .with_content(/NODENAME=HOSTNAME/) \ .with_content(/SERVICENAME=RabbitMQ/) \ .with_content(/CONSOLE_LOG=RabbitMQ.debug/) \ .with_content(/CTL_ERL_ARGS=verbose/) \ .with_content(/SERVER_ERL_ARGS=v/) \ .with_content(/SERVER_START_ARGS=debug/) end end context 'delete_guest_user' do describe 'should do nothing by default' do it { should_not contain_rabbitmq_user('guest') } end describe 'delete user when delete_guest_user set' do let(:params) {{ :delete_guest_user => true }} it 'removes the user' do should contain_rabbitmq_user('guest').with( 'ensure' => 'absent', 'provider' => 'rabbitmqctl' ) end end end context 'configuration setting' do describe 'node_ip_address when set' do let(:params) {{ :node_ip_address => '' }} it 'should set NODE_IP_ADDRESS to specified value' do should contain_file('rabbitmq-env.config'). with_content(%r{NODE_IP_ADDRESS=172\.0\.0\.1}) end end describe 'stomp by default' do it 'should not specify stomp parameters in rabbitmq.config' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').without({ 'content' => /stomp/,}) end end describe 'stomp when set' do let(:params) {{ :config_stomp => true, :stomp_port => 5679 }} it 'should specify stomp port in rabbitmq.config' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with({ 'content' => /rabbitmq_stomp.*tcp_listeners, \[5679\]/m, }) end end describe 'stomp when set ssl port w/o ssl enabled' do let(:params) {{ :config_stomp => true, :stomp_port => 5679, :ssl => false, :ssl_stomp_port => 5680 }} it 'should not configure ssl_listeners in rabbitmq.config' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').without({ 'content' => /rabbitmq_stomp.*ssl_listeners, \[5680\]/m, }) end end describe 'stomp when set with ssl' do let(:params) {{ :config_stomp => true, :stomp_port => 5679, :ssl => true, :ssl_stomp_port => 5680 }} it 'should specify stomp port and ssl stomp port in rabbitmq.config' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with({ 'content' => /rabbitmq_stomp.*tcp_listeners, \[5679\].*ssl_listeners, \[5680\]/m, }) end end end describe 'configuring ldap authentication' do let :params do { :config_stomp => true, :ldap_auth => true, :ldap_server => '', :ldap_user_dn_pattern => 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com', :ldap_use_ssl => false, :ldap_port => '389', :ldap_log => true } end it { should contain_rabbitmq_plugin('rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap') } it 'should contain ldap parameters' do verify_contents(subject, 'rabbitmq.config', ['[', ' {rabbit, [', ' {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal, rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]},', ' ]}', ' {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap, [', ' {other_bind, anon},', ' {servers, [""]},', ' {user_dn_pattern, "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"},', ' {use_ssl, false},', ' {port, 389},', ' {log, true}']) end end describe 'configuring ldap authentication' do let :params do { :config_stomp => false, :ldap_auth => true, :ldap_server => '', :ldap_user_dn_pattern => 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com', :ldap_use_ssl => false, :ldap_port => '389', :ldap_log => true } end it { should contain_rabbitmq_plugin('rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap') } it 'should contain ldap parameters' do verify_contents(subject, 'rabbitmq.config', ['[', ' {rabbit, [', ' {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal, rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]},', ' ]}', ' {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap, [', ' {other_bind, anon},', ' {servers, [""]},', ' {user_dn_pattern, "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"},', ' {use_ssl, false},', ' {port, 389},', ' {log, true}']) end end describe 'default_user and default_pass set' do let(:params) {{ :default_user => 'foo', :default_pass => 'bar' }} it 'should set default_user and default_pass to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with({ 'content' => /default_user, <<"foo">>.*default_pass, <<"bar">>/m, }) end end describe 'ssl options' do let(:params) { { :ssl => true, :ssl_port => 3141, :ssl_cacert => '/path/to/cacert', :ssl_cert => '/path/to/cert', :ssl_key => '/path/to/key' } } it 'should set ssl options to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content( %r{ssl_listeners, \[3141\]} ) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content( %r{ssl_options, \[\{cacertfile,"/path/to/cacert"} ) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content( %r{certfile,"/path/to/cert"} ) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content( %r{keyfile,"/path/to/key"} ) end end describe 'ssl options with ssl_only' do let(:params) { { :ssl => true, :ssl_only => true, :ssl_port => 3141, :ssl_cacert => '/path/to/cacert', :ssl_cert => '/path/to/cert', :ssl_key => '/path/to/key' } } it 'should set ssl options to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{tcp_listeners, \[\]}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{ssl_listeners, \[3141\]}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{ssl_options, \[\{cacertfile,"/path/to/cacert"}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{certfile,"/path/to/cert"}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{keyfile,"/path/to/key}) end end describe 'ssl admin options' do let(:params) { { :ssl => true, :ssl_management_port => 3141, :ssl_cacert => '/path/to/cacert', :ssl_cert => '/path/to/cert', :ssl_key => '/path/to/key', :admin_enable => true } } it 'should set rabbitmq_management ssl options to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{rabbitmq_management, \[}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{listener, \[}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{port, 3141\}}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{ssl, true\}}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{ssl_opts, \[\{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert"\},}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{certfile, "/path/to/cert"\},}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{keyfile, "/path/to/key"\}\]\}}) end end describe 'admin without ssl' do let(:params) { { :ssl => false, :management_port => 3141, :admin_enable => true } } it 'should set rabbitmq_management options to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{rabbitmq_management, \[}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{listener, \[}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{port, 3141\}}) end end describe 'ssl admin options' do let(:params) { { :ssl => true, :ssl_management_port => 3141, :ssl_cacert => '/path/to/cacert', :ssl_cert => '/path/to/cert', :ssl_key => '/path/to/key', :admin_enable => true } } it 'should set rabbitmq_management ssl options to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{rabbitmq_management, \[}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{listener, \[}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{port, 3141\},}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{ssl, true\},}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{ssl_opts, \[\{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert"\},}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{certfile, "/path/to/cert"\},}) should contain_file('rabbitmq.config').with_content(%r{keyfile, "/path/to/key"\}\]\}}) end end describe 'admin without ssl' do let(:params) { { :ssl => false, :management_port => 3141, :admin_enable => true } } it 'should set rabbitmq_management options to specified values' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') \ .with_content(/\{rabbitmq_management, \[/) \ .with_content(/\{listener, \[/) \ .with_content(/\{port, 3141\}/) end end describe 'config_variables options' do let(:params) {{ :config_variables => { 'hipe_compile' => true, 'vm_memory_high_watermark' => 0.4, 'frame_max' => 131072, 'collect_statistics' => "none", 'auth_mechanisms' => "['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN']", }}} it 'should set environment variables' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') \ .with_content(/\{hipe_compile, true\}/) \ .with_content(/\{vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4\}/) \ .with_content(/\{frame_max, 131072\}/) \ .with_content(/\{collect_statistics, none\}/) \ .with_content(/\{auth_mechanisms, \['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN'\]\}/) end end describe 'config_kernel_variables options' do let(:params) {{ :config_kernel_variables => { 'inet_dist_listen_min' => 9100, 'inet_dist_listen_max' => 9105, }}} it 'should set config variables' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') \ .with_content(/\{inet_dist_listen_min, 9100\}/) \ .with_content(/\{inet_dist_listen_max, 9105\}/) end end describe 'tcp_keepalive enabled' do let(:params) {{ :tcp_keepalive => true }} it 'should set tcp_listen_options keepalive true' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') \ .with_content(/\{tcp_listen_options, \[\{keepalive, true\}\]\},/) end end describe 'tcp_keepalive disabled (default)' do it 'should not set tcp_listen_options' do should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') \ .without_content(/\{tcp_listen_options, \[\{keepalive, true\}\]\},/) end end describe 'non-bool tcp_keepalive parameter' do let :params do { :tcp_keepalive => 'string' } end it 'should raise an error' do expect { should contain_file('rabbitmq.config') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a boolean/) end end context 'delete_guest_user' do describe 'should do nothing by default' do it { should_not contain_rabbitmq_user('guest') } end describe 'delete user when delete_guest_user set' do let(:params) {{ :delete_guest_user => true }} it 'removes the user' do should contain_rabbitmq_user('guest').with( 'ensure' => 'absent', 'provider' => 'rabbitmqctl' ) end end end ## ## rabbitmq::service ## describe 'service with default params' do it { should contain_service('rabbitmq-server').with( 'ensure' => 'running', 'enable' => 'true', 'hasstatus' => 'true', 'hasrestart' => 'true' )} end describe 'service with ensure stopped' do let :params do { :service_ensure => 'stopped' } end it { should contain_service('rabbitmq-server').with( 'ensure' => 'stopped', 'enable' => false ) } end describe 'service with ensure neither running neither stopped' do let :params do { :service_ensure => 'foo' } end it 'should raise an error' do expect { should contain_service('rabbitmq-server').with( 'ensure' => 'stopped' ) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /validate_re\(\): "foo" does not match "\^\(running\|stopped\)\$"/) end end describe 'service with service_manage equal to false' do let :params do { :service_manage => false } end it { should_not contain_service('rabbitmq-server') } end end end ## ## rabbitmq::install ## context "on RHEL" do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'RedHat' }} let(:params) {{ :package_source => '' }} it 'installs the rabbitmq package' do should contain_package('rabbitmq-server').with( 'ensure' => 'installed', 'name' => 'rabbitmq-server', 'provider' => 'rpm', 'source' => '' ) end end context "on Debian" do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian', :lsbdistcodename => 'precise' }} it 'installs the rabbitmq package' do should contain_package('rabbitmq-server').with( 'ensure' => 'installed', 'name' => 'rabbitmq-server', 'provider' => 'apt' ) end end context "on Archlinux" do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Archlinux' }} it 'installs the rabbitmq package' do should contain_package('rabbitmq-server').with( 'ensure' => 'installed', 'name' => 'rabbitmq') end end describe 'repo management on Debian' do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => 'Debian', :lsbdistid => 'Debian' }} context 'with no pin' do let(:params) {{ :package_apt_pin => '' }} describe 'it sets up an apt::source' do it { should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( 'location' => '', 'release' => 'testing', 'repos' => 'main', 'include_src' => false, 'key' => 'F7B8CEA6056E8E56' ) } end end context 'with pin' do let(:params) {{ :package_apt_pin => '700' }} describe 'it sets up an apt::source and pin' do it { should contain_apt__source('rabbitmq').with( 'location' => '', 'release' => 'testing', 'repos' => 'main', 'include_src' => false, 'key' => 'F7B8CEA6056E8E56' ) } it { should contain_apt__pin('rabbitmq').with( 'packages' => 'rabbitmq-server', 'priority' => '700' ) } end end end ['RedHat', 'SuSE'].each do |distro| describe "repo management on #{distro}" do describe 'imports the key' do let(:facts) {{ :osfamily => distro }} let(:params) {{ :package_gpg_key => '' }} it { should contain_exec("rpm --import #{params[:package_gpg_key]}").with( 'path' => ['/bin','/usr/bin','/sbin','/usr/sbin'] ) } end end end end