#!/bin/bash function set_if_conf { echo echo -n "Should we use DHCP for that interface (Y/n)?";read -n 1 dhcpsw if [[ $dhcpsw == "n" || $dhcpsw == "N" ]]; then echo echo -n "Enter ip: "; read ${intf}_ip; echo -n "Enter netmask: "; read ${intf}_mask echo -n "Enter default gw: "; read ${intf}_gw echo -n "Enter First DNS server: "; read ${intf}_dns1 echo -n "Enter Second DNS server: "; read ${intf}_dns2 else eval ${intf}_ip="";eval ${intf}_mask="";eval ${intf}_gw="";eval ${intf}_dns1="";eval ${intf}_dns2="" fi echo } function save_if_cfg { scrFile="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$device" hwaddr=`ifconfig $device | grep -i hwaddr | sed -e 's#^.*hwaddr[[:space:]]*##I'` [ -z $gw ] || echo GATEWAY=$gw >> /etc/sysconfig/network echo DEVICE=$device > $scrFile echo ONBOOT=yes >> $scrFile echo NM_CONTROLLED=no >> $scrFile echo HWADDR=$hwaddr >> $scrFile echo USERCTL=no >> $scrFile if [ $ip ]; then echo BOOTPROTO=static >> $scrFile echo IPADDR=$ip >> $scrFile echo NETMASK=$netmask >> $scrFile [ $dns1 ] && echo DNS1=$dns1 >> $scrFile [ $dns2 ] && echo DNS2=$dns2 >> $scrFile else echo BOOTPROTO=dhcp >> $scrFile fi } function default_settings { hostname="fuel-pm" domain="local" mgmt_if="eth0" mgmt_ip="" mgmt_mask="" ext_if="eth1" dhcp_start_address="" dhcp_end_address="" mirror_type="default" } function apply_settings { echo;echo "Applying settings ..." # Network interfaces settings apply for iftype in ext mgmt do eval device=\$${iftype}_if eval ip=\$${iftype}_ip eval netmask=\$${iftype}_mask eval gw=\$${iftype}_gw eval dns1=\$${iftype}_dns1 eval dns2=\$${iftype}_dns2 hwaddr=`ifconfig $device | grep -i hwaddr | sed -e 's#^.*hwaddr[[:space:]]*##I'` save_if_cfg done # Cobbler settings apply : ${server:=$mgmt_ip} : ${domain_name=$domain} : ${name_server=$mgmt_ip} : ${next_server=$mgmt_ip} : ${dhcp_netmask=$mgmt_mask} : ${dhcp_gateway=$mgmt_ip} : ${cobbler_user="cobbler"} : ${cobbler_password="cobbler"} : ${pxetimeout="0"} : ${dhcp_interface=$mgmt_if} # Domain/Hostname apply sed -i -e 's#^\(HOSTNAME=\).*$#\1'"$hostname"'#' /etc/sysconfig/network [ -n "$mgmt_ip" -a -n "$ext_ip" ] && echo "nameserver;" >> /etc/resolv.conf [ -z "$mgmt_ip" ] && echo "prepend domain-name-servers;" >> /etc/dhclient-$mgmt_if.conf [ -z "$ext_ip" ] && echo "prepend domain-name-servers;" >> /etc/dhclient-$ext_if.conf [ -z "$mgmt_ip" ] || grep -Eq "^\s*$mgmt_ip\s+$hostname" /etc/hosts || echo "$mgmt_ip $hostname.$domain $hostname" >> /etc/hosts service network restart sed -i "s%\(^.*address is:\).*$%\1 `ip address show $ext_if | awk '/inet / {print \$2}' | cut -d/ -f1 -`%" /etc/issue } function show_top { clear echo "Domain: $domain" echo "Hostname: $hostname" echo "PXE range: $dhcp_start_address - $dhcp_end_address" echo "Mirror set to use: $mirror_type" echo column -t -s% <( echo "Management interface: $mgmt_if%External interface: $ext_if" echo "IP address: ${mgmt_ip:="DHCP"}%IP address: ${ext_ip:="DHCP"}" echo "Netmask: $mgmt_mask%Netmask: $ext_mask" echo "Gateway: $mgmt_gw%Gateway:$ext_gw" echo "DNS Server 1: $mgmt_dns1%DNS Server 1: $ext_dns1" echo "DNS Server 2: $mgmt_dns2%DNS Server 2: $ext_dns2" echo ) echo } function show_msg { echo "Menu:" echo "1. Change FQDN for masternode and cloud domain" echo "2. Configure openstack cloud management interface" echo "3. Configure external interface with repositories/internet access" echo "4. Change IP range to use for baremetal provisioning via PXE" echo "5. Choose set of mirror to use (default/custom)" echo "6. Quit" echo -n "Please, select an action to do:" } function menu_conf { while [ $endconf -ne 1 ]; do show_top show_msg read -n 1 -t 5 answer if [ $? -gt 128 -a -f /root/fuel.defaults ]; then source /root/fuel.defaults endconf=1 else case $answer in 1) show_top echo -n "Please enter hostname of this puppetmaster/cobbler: "; read hostname echo -n "Please enter domain for this cloud: "; read domain ;; 2) show_top echo -n "Please specify interface to use for management network: "; read mgmt_if intf="mgmt" set_if_conf ;; 3) show_top echo -n "Please specify interface to access repositories/internet: "; read ext_if intf="ext" set_if_conf ;; 4) show_top echo -n "Please enter start address: "; read dhcp_start_address echo -n "Please enter end address: "; read dhcp_end_address ;; 5) show_top echo -n "Please select set of mirrors to use(default/custom): "; read mirror_type ;; 6) echo;echo "Those changes are permanent!" echo -n "Are you sure about applying them? (y/N):"; read -n 1 answ [[ $answ == "y" || $answ == "Y" ]] && endconf=1 ;; esac fi done }