# ROLE: primary-mongo # ROLE: primary-controller # ROLE: mongo # ROLE: ironic # ROLE: controller # ROLE: compute # ROLE: cinder-vmware # ROLE: cinder-block-device # ROLE: cinder # ROLE: ceph-osd require 'spec_helper' require 'shared-examples' manifest = 'firewall/firewall.pp' describe manifest do shared_examples 'catalog' do let(:network_scheme) do Noop.hiera_hash 'network_scheme', {} end let(:prepare) do Noop.puppet_function 'prepare_network_config', network_scheme end let(:admin_nets) do Noop.puppet_function 'get_routable_networks_for_network_role', network_scheme, 'fw-admin' end let(:management_nets) do Noop.puppet_function 'get_routable_networks_for_network_role', network_scheme, 'management' end let(:storage_nets) do Noop.puppet_function 'get_routable_networks_for_network_role', network_scheme, 'storage' end let(:database_network) do Noop.puppet_function 'get_routable_networks_for_network_role', network_scheme, 'mgmt/database' end let(:keystone_network) do Noop.puppet_function 'get_routable_networks_for_network_role', network_scheme, 'keystone/api' end let(:baremetal_network) do prepare Noop.puppet_function 'get_network_role_property', 'ironic/baremetal', 'network' end let(:baremetal_ipaddr) do prepare Noop.puppet_function 'get_network_role_property', 'ironic/baremetal', 'ipaddr' end node_name = Noop.hiera('node_name') storage_hash = Noop.hiera 'storage' network_metadata = Noop.hiera_hash 'network_metadata', {} roles = network_metadata['nodes'][node_name]['node_roles'] mongodb_port = Noop.hiera('mongodb_port', '27017') ssh_hash = Noop.hiera_hash 'ssh', {} let(:ssh_brute_force) do if ssh_hash['brute_force_protection'] 'present' else 'absent' end end it 'should accept connections to the SSH service only from specified networks' do if ssh_hash['security_enabled'] ssh_networks = Noop.puppet_function 'pick', ssh_hash['security_networks'], Noop.puppet_function, 'concat', admin_nets, management_nets, storage_nets else ssh_networks = Noop.puppet_function 'concat', admin_nets, management_nets, storage_nets end should contain_openstack__firewall__multi_net('020 ssh').with( 'port' => [ 22 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source_nets' => ssh_networks, ) should contain_firewall('021 ssh: new pipe for a sessions').with_ensure(ssh_brute_force) should contain_firewall('022 ssh: more than allowed attempts logged').with_ensure(ssh_brute_force) should contain_firewall('023 ssh: block more than allowed attempts').with_ensure(ssh_brute_force) should contain_firewall('024 ssh: accept allowed new session').with_ensure(ssh_brute_force) end if Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'primary-controller' or Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'controller' it 'should properly restrict rabbitmq admin traffic' do should contain_firewall('005 local rabbitmq admin').with( 'sport' => [ 15672 ], 'iniface' => 'lo', 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept' ) should contain_firewall('006 reject non-local rabbitmq admin').with( 'sport' => [ 15672 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'drop' ) end it 'should accept connections to mysql using network with mgmt/database role' do should contain_openstack__firewall__multi_net('101 mysql').with( 'port' => [ 3306, 3307, 4567, 4568, 4444, 49000 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source_nets' => database_network, ) end it 'should accept connections to keystone API using network with keystone/api role' do should contain_openstack__firewall__multi_net('102 keystone').with( 'port' => [ 5000, 35357 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source_nets' => keystone_network, ) end it 'should accept connections to nova' do should contain_firewall('105 nova').with( 'dport' => [ 8774, 8776, 6080 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end it 'should accept connections to nova without ssl' do management_nets.each do |source| should contain_firewall("105 nova internal - no ssl from #{source}").with( 'dport' => [ 8775, '5900-6100' ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => source, ) end end it 'should accept connections to iscsi' do storage_nets.each do |source| should contain_firewall("109 iscsi from #{source}").with( 'dport' => [ 3260 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => source, ) end end it 'should create rules for murano rabbitmq port' do should contain_firewall('203 murano-rabbitmq').with( 'dport' => [ 55572 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end it 'should create rules for heat' do should contain_firewall('204 heat-api').with( 'dport' => [ 8004 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) should contain_firewall('205 heat-api-cfn').with( 'dport' => [ 8000 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) should contain_firewall('206 heat-api-cloudwatch').with( 'dport' => [ 8003 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end it 'should create rules for glance' do should contain_firewall('104 glance').with( 'dport' => [ 9292, 9494, 9191, 8773 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end it 'should accept connections from' do should contain_firewall('030 allow connections from haproxy namespace').with( 'source' => '', 'action' => 'accept', ) end elsif Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'compute' it 'should accept connections to nova without ssl' do management_nets.each do |source| should contain_firewall("105 nova vnc from #{source}").with( 'dport' => [ '5900-6100' ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => source, ) end end it 'should accept connections to libvirt' do management_nets.each do |source| should contain_firewall("118 libvirt from #{source}").with( 'dport' => [ 16509 ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => source, ) end end it 'should allow libvirt vm migration' do management_nets.each do |source| should contain_firewall("119 libvirt-migration from #{source}").with( 'dport' => [ '49152-49215' ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => source, ) end end elsif Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'primary-mongo' or Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'mongo' it 'should create firewall rules' do should contain_firewall('120 mongodb').with('dport' => mongodb_port) end end if Noop.hiera_structure 'ironic/enabled' if Noop.hiera('role') == 'controller' or Noop.hiera('role') == 'primary-controller' it 'should drop all traffic from baremetal network' do should contain_firewall('999 drop all baremetal').with( 'chain' => 'baremetal', 'proto' => 'all', 'action' => 'drop', ) end it 'should enable 6385 ironic-api port' do should contain_firewall('207 ironic-api').with( 'dport' => '6385', 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept' ) end end if Noop.hiera('role') == 'ironic' it 'should create rules for ironic on conductor' do should contain_firewall('102 allow baremetal-rsyslog').with( 'chain' => 'baremetal', 'dport' => [ 514 ], 'proto' => 'udp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => baremetal_network, 'destination' => baremetal_ipaddr, ) should contain_firewall('103 allow baremetal-TFTP').with( 'chain' => 'baremetal', 'dport' => [ 69 ], 'proto' => 'udp', 'action' => 'accept', 'source' => baremetal_network, 'destination' => baremetal_ipaddr, ) end end end if (storage_hash['volumes_ceph'] or storage_hash['images_ceph'] or storage_hash['objects_ceph'] or storage_hash['ephemeral_ceph'] ) if Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'primary-controller' or Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'controller' it 'should configure firewall' do should contain_firewall('010 ceph-mon allow').with( 'chain' => 'INPUT', 'dport' => '6789', 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end end if Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'ceph-osd' it 'should configure firewall' do should contain_firewall('011 ceph-osd allow').with( 'chain' => 'INPUT', 'dport' => '6800-7100', 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end end if storage_hash['objects_ceph'] if Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'primary-controller' or Noop.puppet_function 'member', roles, 'controller' it 'should configure firewall' do should contain_firewall('012 RadosGW allow').with( 'chain' => 'INPUT', 'dport' => [ '6780', '8080' ], 'proto' => 'tcp', 'action' => 'accept', ) end end end end end test_ubuntu_and_centos manifest end