# fuel-library -------------- ## Table of Contents 1. [Overview - What is the fuel-library?](#overview) 2. [Structure - What is in the fuel-library?](#structure) 3. [Granular Deployment - What is the granular deployment for Fuel?](#granular-deployment) 4. [Upstream Modules - How to work with librarian.](#upstream-modules) 5. [Testing - How to run fuel-library tests.](#testing) 6. [Building docs - How to build docs.](#build-docs) 7. [Development](#development) 8. [Core Reviers](#core-reviewers) 9. [Contributors](#contributors) ## Overview ----------- The fuel-library is collection of Puppet modules and related code used by Fuel to deploy OpenStack environments. ## Structure ------------ ### Basic Repository Layout ``` fuel-library ├── CHANGELOG ├── LICENSE ├── README.md ├── MAINTAINERS ├── debian ├── deployment ├── doc ├── files ├── specs ├── tests └── utils ``` ### root The root level contains important repository documentation and license information. ### MAINTAINERS This is repository level MAINTAINERS file. One submitting a patch should contact the apropriate maintainer or invite her or him for the code review. Note, core reviewers are not the maintainers. Normally, cores do reviews after maintainers. ### debian/ This folder contains the required information to create fuel-library debian packages. ### deployment/ This folder contains the fuel-library Puppet code, the Puppetfile for upstream modules, and scripts to manage modules with [librarian-puppet-simple](https://github.com/bodepd/librarian-puppet-simple). ### doc/ This folder contains RST docs. Currently there is only docs for Noop testing framework. ### files/ This folder contains scripts and configuration files that are used when creating the packages for fuel-library. ### specs/ This folder contains our rpm spec file for fuel-library rpm packages. ### tests/ This folder contains our testing scripts for the fuel-library. ### utils/ This folder contains scripts that are useful when doing development on fuel-library ## Granular Deployment ---------------------- The [top-scope puppet manifests](deployment/puppet/osnailyfacter/modular) (sometimes also refered as the composition layer) represent the known deploy paths (aka supported deployment scenarios) for the [task-based deployment](https://docs.mirantis.com/openstack/fuel/fuel-6.1/reference-architecture.html#task-based-deployment). ## Upstream Modules ------------------- In order to be able to pull in upstream modules for use by the fuel-library, the deployment folder contains a Puppetfile for use with [librarian-puppet-simple](https://github.com/bodepd/librarian-puppet-simple). Upstream modules should be used whenever possible. For additional details on the process for working with upstream modules, please read the [Fuel library for Puppet manifests](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/How_to_contribute#Fuel_library_for_puppet_manifests) of the [Fuel wiki](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel). ## Testing ---------- Testing is important for the fuel-library to ensure changes do what they are supposed to do, regressions are not introduced and all code is of the highest quality. The fuel-library leverages existing Puppet module rspec tests, [bats](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats) tests for bash scripts and noop tests for testing the module deployment tasks in fuel-library. ### Module Unit Tests --------------------- The modules contained within fuel-library require that the module dependencies have been downloaded prior to running their spec tests. Their fixtures.yml have been updated to use relative links to the modules contained within the deployment/puppet/ folder. Because of this we have updated the rake tasks for the fuel-library root folder to include the ability to download the module dependencies as well as run all of the module unit tests with one command. You can run the following from the root of the fuel-library to run all module unit tests. ``` bundle install bundle exec rake spec ``` If you only wish to download the module dependencies, you can run the following in the root of the fuel-library. ``` bundle install bundle exec rake spec_prep ``` If you wish to clean up the dependencies, you can run the following in the root of the fuel-library. ``` bundle install bundle exec rake spec_clean ``` Once you have downloaded the dependencies, you can also just work within a particular module using the usual rake spec commands if you only want to run a single module's unit tests. The upstream module dependencies are not included in the unit tests run by this command. They are excluded by having their name in the utils/jenkins/modules.disable_rspec file. ### Module Syntax Tests ----------------------- From within the fuel-library root, you can run the following to perform the syntax checks for the files within fuel-library. ``` bundle install bundle exec rake syntax ``` This will run syntax checks against all puppet, python, shell and hiera files within fuel-libray. ### Module Lint Checks From within the fuel-library root, you can run the following to run lint on all of our puppet files. ``` bundle install bundle exec rake lint ``` This will run puppet-lint against all of the modules within fuel-library but will skip checking the upstream module dependencies. The upstream module dependencies are skipped by adding their name to the util/jenkins/modules.disable_rake-lint file. ## Building docs ---------------- You can use tox to prepare virtual environment and build all RST based guides: tox -e docs You can also build a specific guide. For example, to build *Noop Tests How-to Guide*, use the following command: tox -e build -- noop-guide You can find the root of the generated HTML documentation at: ./doc/noop-guide/build/html/index.html You can also run docs tests with `tox`. If you like to run individual tests, run: > - `tox -e checkniceness` - to run the niceness tests > - `tox -e checksyntax` - to run syntax checks tox will use the openstack-doc-tools package for execution of these tests. ### Puppet module tests Puppet rspec tests should be provided for an every module's directory included. All of the discovered tests will be automatically executed by the `rake spec` command issued from the repository root path. ### Bats: Bash Automated Testing System Shell scripts residing in the `./files` directories should be covered by the [BATS](https://github.com/sstephenson/bats) test cases. These should be put under the `./tests/bats` path as well. Here is an [example](https://review.openstack.org/198355) bats tests written for the UMM feature. See also the [bats how-to](https://blog.engineyard.com/2014/bats-test-command-line-tools). ### fuel-library noop The Noop testing framework is used for testing of the known deploy paths with existing modular tasks. For details, see the [README](doc/noop-guide/source/README.rst) ## Development -------------- * [Fuel Development Documentation](https://docs.fuel-infra.org/fuel-dev/) * [Fuel How to Contribute](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Fuel/How_to_contribute) ## Core Reviewers ----------------- * [Fuel Cores](https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/209,members) * [Fuel Library Cores](https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/658,members) ## Contributors --------------- * [Stackalytics](http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&project_type=all&module=fuel-library&metric=commits)