#!/bin/bash LC_CTYPE="C" function validate_hostname { local hostname=$@ local res=1 if [[ $hostname =~ ^[.A-Za-z0-9]*$ ]]; then res=0 else res=1 fi return $res } function validate_ip() { local ip=$@ local res=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$ ]] || [[ $ip = none ]]; then res=0 else res=1 fi return $res } function set_if_conf { echo echo -n "Should we use DHCP for the ${intf} interface (Y/n)?";read -n 1 dhcpsw if [[ $dhcpsw =~ ^[nN] ]]; then echo eval "ip=\${${intf}_ip}" echo -n "Enter IP address or 'none' to disable interface [$ip]: "; read val validate_ip $val && ip=$val [ -z "$ip" ] && echo "No IP entered - will use DHCP" && return eval ${intf}_ip="$ip" eval "mask=\${${intf}_mask}" [ -z "$mask" ] && mask="" echo -n "Enter netmask [$mask]: "; read val validate_ip $val && mask=$val eval ${intf}_mask="$mask" eval "gw=\${${intf}_gw}" echo -n "Enter default gateway [$gw]: "; read val validate_ip $val && gw=$val eval ${intf}_gw="$gw" eval "dns1=\${${intf}_dns1}" echo -n "Enter the 1st DNS server [$dns1]: "; read val validate_ip $val && dns1=$val eval ${intf}_dns1="$dns1" eval "dns2=\${${intf}_dns2}" echo -n "Enter the 2nd DNS server [$dns2]: "; read val validate_ip $val && dns2=$val eval ${intf}_dns2="$dns2" else eval ${intf}_ip=""; eval ${intf}_mask=""; eval ${intf}_gw=""; eval ${intf}_dns1=""; eval ${intf}_dns2="" fi echo } function save_if_cfg { scrFile="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$device" hwaddr=$(cat /sys/class/net/$device/address) [ -z $gw ] || echo GATEWAY=$gw >> /etc/sysconfig/network echo DEVICE=$device > $scrFile echo ONBOOT=yes >> $scrFile echo NM_CONTROLLED=no >> $scrFile echo HWADDR=$hwaddr >> $scrFile echo USERCTL=no >> $scrFile if [ $ip ] && [[ $ip != none ]]; then echo BOOTPROTO=static >> $scrFile echo IPADDR=$ip >> $scrFile echo NETMASK=$netmask >> $scrFile [ $dns1 ] && echo DNS1=$dns1 >> $scrFile [ $dns2 ] && echo DNS2=$dns2 >> $scrFile elif [[ $ip = none ]] ; then echo BOOTPROTO=dhcp >> $scrFile echo ONBOOT=no >> $scrFile else echo BOOTPROTO=dhcp >> $scrFile fi } function default_settings { hostname="fuel-pm" domain="localdomain" mgmt_if="eth0" mgmt_ip="" mgmt_mask="" ext_if="eth1" dhcp_start_address="" dhcp_end_address="" mirror_type="default" puppet_master_version="2.7.19-1.el6" # Read settings from file [ -f $FUELCONF ] && source $FUELCONF } function apply_settings { echo;echo "Applying settings ..." # Let's save settings in rc file for future use echo "hostname=$hostname" > $FUELCONF echo "domain=$domain" >> $FUELCONF echo "dhcp_start_address=${dhcp_start_address}" >> $FUELCONF echo "dhcp_end_address=${dhcp_end_address}" >> $FUELCONF echo "mirror_type=${mirror_type}" >> $FUELCONF echo "parent_proxy=${parent_proxy}" >> $FUELCONF echo "mgmt_if=$mgmt_if" >> $FUELCONF echo "mgmt_ip=${mgmt_ip}" >> $FUELCONF echo "mgmt_mask=${mgmt_mask}" >> $FUELCONF echo "mgmt_gw=$mgmt_gw" >> $FUELCONF echo "mgmt_dns1=$mgmt_dns1" >> $FUELCONF echo "mgmt_dns2=$mgmt_dns2" >> $FUELCONF echo "ext_if=$ext_if" >> $FUELCONF echo "ext_ip=${ext_ip}" >> $FUELCONF echo "ext_mask=${ext_mask}" >> $FUELCONF echo "ext_gw=$ext_gw" >> $FUELCONF echo "ext_dns1=$ext_dns1" >> $FUELCONF echo "ext_dns2=$ext_dns2" >> $FUELCONF # Network interfaces settings apply for iftype in ext mgmt do eval device=\$${iftype}_if eval ip=\$${iftype}_ip eval netmask=\$${iftype}_mask eval gw=\$${iftype}_gw eval dns1=\$${iftype}_dns1 eval dns2=\$${iftype}_dns2 hwaddr=`ifconfig $device | grep -i hwaddr | sed -e 's#^.*hwaddr[[:space:]]*##I'` save_if_cfg done # Cobbler settings apply : ${server=$mgmt_ip} : ${domain_name=$domain} : ${name_server=$mgmt_ip} : ${next_server=$mgmt_ip} : ${dhcp_netmask=$mgmt_mask} : ${dhcp_gateway=$mgmt_ip} : ${cobbler_user="cobbler"} : ${cobbler_password="cobbler"} : ${pxetimeout="0"} : ${dhcp_interface=$mgmt_if} # Domain/Hostname apply sed -i -e 's#^\(HOSTNAME=\).*$#\1'"$hostname.$domain"'#' /etc/sysconfig/network rm -f /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/signed/* [ -n "$mgmt_ip" -a -n "$ext_ip" ] && sed -i '/nameserver/d' /etc/resolv.conf && echo "nameserver;" >> /etc/resolv.conf [ -z "$mgmt_ip" ] && echo "prepend domain-name-servers;" >> /etc/dhclient-$mgmt_if.conf [ -z "$ext_ip" ] && echo "prepend domain-name-servers;" >> /etc/dhclient-$ext_if.conf [ -z "$mgmt_ip" ] || grep -Eq "^\s*$mgmt_ip\s+$hostname" /etc/hosts || sed -i "/$mgmt_ip/d" /etc/hosts && echo "$mgmt_ip $hostname.$domain $hostname" >> /etc/hosts sed -i '/kernel.hostname/d' /etc/sysctl.conf && echo "kernel.hostname=$hostname" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i '/kernel.domainname/d' /etc/sysctl.conf && echo "kernel.domainname=$domain" >> /etc/sysctl.conf sed -i '/server/d' /etc/puppet/puppetdb.conf && echo "server = $hostname.$domain" >> /etc/puppet/puppetdb.conf service network restart service puppetdb restart sed -i "s%\(^.*address is:\).*$%\1 `ip address show $ext_if | awk '/inet / {print \$2}' | cut -d/ -f1 -`%" /etc/issue } function show_top { clear echo "Hostname: $hostname" echo "Domain: $domain" echo "PXE dhcp range: ${dhcp_start_address} - ${dhcp_end_address}" echo "Mirror set to use: ${mirror_type}" echo -n "Parent proxy: " if [ -z "${parent_proxy}" ];then echo "none (direct access)" else echo $parent_proxy fi echo -e "Management interface: $mgmt_if%External interface: $ext_if\n\ IP address: ${mgmt_ip:-"DHCP"}%IP address: ${ext_ip:-"DHCP"}\n\ Netmask: $mgmt_mask%Netmask: $ext_mask\n\ Gateway: $mgmt_gw%Gateway:$ext_gw\n\ DNS Server 1: $mgmt_dns1%DNS Server 1: $ext_dns1\n\ DNS Server 2: $mgmt_dns2%DNS Server 2: $ext_dns2\n" | column -t -s% } function show_msg { echo "Menu:" echo "1. Change MasterNode hostname and domain" echo "2. Configure OpenStack cloud management interface" echo "3. Configure external interface to access package repositories and Internet" echo "4. Change dhcp IP range to use for baremetal provisioning via PXE" echo "5. Choose a set of mirrors to use ('default' or 'custom')" echo "6. Configure MasterNode to use a parent proxy" echo "9. Quit" echo -n "Please select an action to do:" } function menu_conf { if [ -f /root/fuel.defaults ]; then source /root/fuel.defaults endconf=1 else while [ $endconf -ne 1 ]; do show_top show_msg read -n 1 -t 5 answer case $answer in 1) show_top echo "WARNING! Changing MasterNode hostname or domain name will make your existing" echo "puppet keys and configuration files invalid!!!" echo "If you have already deployed any nodes using current hostname or domain name" echo "you have either to re-deploy existing nodes including operating system" echo "installation or manually remove puppet cache and keys on every deployed node" echo "with 'rm -rf /var/lib/puppet' and manually change all affected puppet and" echo "mcollective configuration files!" echo "If there are no deployed nodes in your current installation - then it is safe" echo "to change MasterNode hostname and domain name." echo "This script will remove current puppet master key automatically." echo echo -n "Please enter hostname for this puppetmaster/cobbler MasterNode [$hostname]: "; read val [ -z "$val" ] || hostname=$val echo -n "Please enter domain name for this OpenStack cloud [$domain]: "; read val [ -z "$val" ] || domain=$val ;; 2) show_top echo -n "Please specify the network interface to use for management network [${mgmt_if}]: "; read val [ -z "$val" ] || mgmt_if=$val intf="mgmt" set_if_conf ;; 3) show_top echo -n "Please specify the network interface to access package repositories and Internet [${ext_if}]: "; read val [ -z "$val" ] || ext_if=$val intf="ext" set_if_conf ;; 4) show_top echo -n "Please enter PXE dhcp start address [${dhcp_start_address}]: "; read val validate_ip $val && dhcp_start_address=$val echo -n "Please enter PXE dhcp end address [${dhcp_end_address}]: "; read val validate_ip $val && dhcp_end_address=$val ;; 5) show_top echo -n "Please type a set of mirrors to use ('default' or 'custom') [${mirror_type}]: "; read val if [ -n "$val" ]; then [[ "$val" == "default" || "$val" == "custom" ]] && mirror_type=$val fi ;; 6) show_top echo -n "Please specify MasterNode parent proxy address and port to be used (ex: ) [${parent_proxy}]: "; read val [ -z "$val" ] || parent_proxy=$val ;; 9) echo;echo "ATTENTION! The changes are permanent!" echo -n "Are you sure about applying them? (y/N):"; read -n 1 answ [[ $answ =~ ^[yY] ]] && endconf=1 ;; esac done fi }